CpdtTactics.v 10.6 KB
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(* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Adam Chlipala
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 * This work is licensed under a
 * Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
 * Unported License.
 * The license text is available at:
 *   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/

Require Import Eqdep List.

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12 13
Require Omega.

14 15
Set Implicit Arguments.


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(** A version of [injection] that does some standard simplifications afterward: clear the hypothesis in question, bring the new facts above the double line, and attempt substitution for known variables. *)
Ltac inject H := injection H; clear H; intros; try subst.

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(** Try calling tactic function [f] on all hypotheses, keeping the first application that doesn't fail. *)
21 22 23 24 25
Ltac appHyps f :=
  match goal with
    | [ H : _ |- _ ] => f H

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(** Succeed iff [x] is in the list [ls], represented with left-associated nested tuples. *)
27 28 29
Ltac inList x ls :=
  match ls with
    | x => idtac
    | (_, x) => idtac
31 32 33
    | (?LS, _) => inList x LS

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(** Try calling tactic function [f] on every element of tupled list [ls], keeping the first call not to fail. *)
35 36 37 38 39 40
Ltac app f ls :=
  match ls with
    | (?LS, ?X) => f X || app f LS || fail 1
    | _ => f ls

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(** Run [f] on every element of [ls], not just the first that doesn't fail. *)
42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Ltac all f ls :=
  match ls with
    | (?LS, ?X) => f X; all f LS
    | (_, _) => fail 1
    | _ => f ls

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49 50
(** Workhorse tactic to simplify hypotheses for a variety of proofs.
   * Argument [invOne] is a tuple-list of predicates for which we always do inversion automatically. *)
Ltac simplHyp invOne :=
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  (** Helper function to do inversion on certain hypotheses, where [H] is the hypothesis and [F] its head symbol *)
  let invert H F :=
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54 55 56 57 58 59 60
    (** We only proceed for those predicates in [invOne]. *)
    inList F invOne;
    (** This case covers an inversion that succeeds immediately, meaning no constructors of [F] applied. *)
      (inversion H; fail)
    (** Otherwise, we only proceed if inversion eliminates all but one constructor case. *)
      || (inversion H; [idtac]; clear H; try subst) in

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  match goal with
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    (** Eliminate all existential hypotheses. *)
63 64
    | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => destruct H

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    (** Find opportunities to take advantage of injectivity of data constructors, for several different arities. *)
    | [ H : ?F ?X = ?F ?Y |- ?G ] =>
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      (** This first branch of the [||] fails the whole attempt iff the arguments of the constructor applications are already easy to prove equal. *)
      (assert (X = Y); [ assumption | fail 1 ])
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69 70
      (** If we pass that filter, then we use injection on [H] and do some simplification as in [inject].
         * The odd-looking check of the goal form is to avoid cases where [injection] gives a more complex result because of dependent typing, which we aren't equipped to handle here. *)
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
      || (injection H;
        match goal with
          | [ |- X = Y -> G ] =>
            try clear H; intros; try subst
    | [ H : ?F ?X ?U = ?F ?Y ?V |- ?G ] =>
      (assert (X = Y); [ assumption
        | assert (U = V); [ assumption | fail 1 ] ])
      || (injection H;
        match goal with
          | [ |- U = V -> X = Y -> G ] =>
            try clear H; intros; try subst

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    (** Consider some different arities of a predicate [F] in a hypothesis that we might want to invert. *)
86 87 88 89 90
    | [ H : ?F _ |- _ ] => invert H F
    | [ H : ?F _ _ |- _ ] => invert H F
    | [ H : ?F _ _ _ |- _ ] => invert H F
    | [ H : ?F _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => invert H F
    | [ H : ?F _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => invert H F
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    (** Use an (axiom-dependent!) inversion principle for dependent pairs, from the standard library. *)
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    | [ H : existT _ ?T _ = existT _ ?T _ |- _ ] => generalize (inj_pair2 _ _ _ _ _ H); clear H
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94 95

    (** If we're not ready to use that principle yet, try the standard inversion, which often enables the previous rule. *)
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    | [ H : existT _ _ _ = existT _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H

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    (** Similar logic to the cases for constructor injectivity above, but specialized to [Some], since the above cases won't deal with polymorphic constructors. *)
    | [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => injection H; clear H
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100 101

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(** Find some hypothesis to rewrite with, ensuring that [auto] proves all of the extra subgoals added by [rewrite]. *)
103 104
Ltac rewriteHyp :=
  match goal with
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    | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H by solve [ auto ]
106 107

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(** Combine [autorewrite] with automatic hypothesis rewrites. *)
109 110
Ltac rewriterP := repeat (rewriteHyp; autorewrite with core in *).
Ltac rewriter := autorewrite with core in *; rewriterP.

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(** This one is just so darned useful, let's add it as a hint here. *)
Hint Rewrite app_ass.

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(** Devious marker predicate to use for encoding state within proof goals *)
116 117
Definition done (T : Type) (x : T) := True.

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118 119
(** Try a new instantiation of a universally quantified fact, proved by [e].
   * [trace] is an accumulator recording which instantiations we choose. *)
Ltac inster e trace :=
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  (** Does [e] have any quantifiers left? *)
122 123
  match type of e with
    | forall x : _, _ =>
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      (** Yes, so let's pick the first context variable of the right type. *)
125 126 127 128 129 130
      match goal with
        | [ H : _ |- _ ] =>
          inster (e H) (trace, H)
        | _ => fail 2
    | _ =>
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      (** No more quantifiers, so now we check if the trace we computed was already used. *)
132 133
      match trace with
        | (_, _) =>
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          (** We only reach this case if the trace is nonempty, ensuring that [inster] fails if no progress can be made. *)
          match goal with
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136 137 138
            | [ H : done (trace, _) |- _ ] =>
              (** Uh oh, found a record of this trace in the context!  Abort to backtrack to try another trace. *)
              fail 1
            | _ =>
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              (** What is the type of the proof [e] now? *)
141 142 143
              let T := type of e in
                match type of T with
                  | Prop =>
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                    (** [e] should be thought of as a proof, so let's add it to the context, and also add a new marker hypothesis recording our choice of trace. *)
                    generalize e; intro;
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                      assert (done (trace, tt)) by constructor
                  | _ =>
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                    (** [e] is something beside a proof.  Better make sure no element of our current trace was generated by a previous call to [inster], or we might get stuck in an infinite loop!  (We store previous [inster] terms in second positions of tuples used as arguments to [done] in hypotheses.  Proofs instantiated by [inster] merely use [tt] in such positions.) *)
149 150 151 152 153
                    all ltac:(fun X =>
                      match goal with
                        | [ H : done (_, X) |- _ ] => fail 1
                        | _ => idtac
                      end) trace;
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                    (** Pick a new name for our new instantiation. *)
                    let i := fresh "i" in (pose (i := e);
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                      assert (done (trace, i)) by constructor)
157 158 159 160 161

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(** After a round of application with the above, we will have a lot of junk [done] markers to clean up; hence this tactic. *)
163 164 165 166 167
Ltac un_done :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : done _ |- _ ] => clear H

168 169
Require Import JMeq.

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170 171 172
(** A more parameterized version of the famous [crush].  Extra arguments are:
   * - A tuple-list of lemmas we try [inster]-ing 
   * - A tuple-list of predicates we try inversion for *)
Ltac crush' lemmas invOne :=
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174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
  (** A useful combination of standard automation *)
  let sintuition := simpl in *; intuition; try subst;
    repeat (simplHyp invOne; intuition; try subst); try congruence in

  (** A fancier version of [rewriter] from above, which uses [crush'] to discharge side conditions *)
  let rewriter := autorewrite with core in *;
    repeat (match goal with
              | [ H : ?P |- _ ] =>
                match P with
                  | context[JMeq] => fail 1 (** JMeq is too fancy to deal with here. *)
                  | _ => rewrite H by crush' lemmas invOne
            end; autorewrite with core in *) in

  (** Now the main sequence of heuristics: *)
    (sintuition; rewriter;
      match lemmas with
        | false => idtac (** No lemmas?  Nothing to do here *)
        | _ =>
          (** Try a loop of instantiating lemmas... *)
          repeat ((app ltac:(fun L => inster L L) lemmas
          (** ...or instantiating hypotheses... *)
            || appHyps ltac:(fun L => inster L L));
          (** ...and then simplifying hypotheses. *)
          repeat (simplHyp invOne; intuition)); un_done
      sintuition; rewriter; sintuition;
      (** End with a last attempt to prove an arithmetic fact with [omega], or prove any sort of fact in a context that is contradictory by reasoning that [omega] can do. *)
      try omega; try (elimtype False; omega)).

(** [crush] instantiates [crush'] with the simplest possible parameters. *)
Ltac crush := crush' false fail.

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207 208
(** * Wrap Program's [dependent destruction] in a slightly more pleasant form *)

Require Import Program.Equality.

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211 212
(** Run [dependent destruction] on [E] and look for opportunities to simplify the result.
   The weird introduction of [x] helps get around limitations of [dependent destruction], in terms of which sorts of arguments it will accept (e.g., variables bound to hypotheses within Ltac [match]es). *)
Ltac dep_destruct E :=
214 215 216
  let x := fresh "x" in
    remember E as x; simpl in x; dependent destruction x;
      try match goal with
            | [ H : _ = E |- _ ] => try rewrite <- H in *; clear H
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(** Nuke all hypotheses that we can get away with, without invalidating the goal statement. *)
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221 222 223 224
Ltac clear_all :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : _ |- _ ] => clear H
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226 227
(** Instantiate a quantifier in a hypothesis [H] with value [v], or, if [v] doesn't have the right type, with a new unification variable.
   * Also prove the lefthand sides of any implications that this exposes, simplifying [H] to leave out those implications. *)
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Ltac guess v H :=
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229 230 231 232 233 234
  repeat match type of H with
           | forall x : ?T, _ =>
             match type of T with
               | Prop =>
                 (let H' := fresh "H'" in
                   assert (H' : T); [
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                     solve [ eauto 6 ]
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                     | specialize (H H'); clear H' ])
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237 238
                 || fail 1
               | _ =>
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                 specialize (H v)
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                 || let x := fresh "x" in
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                   evar (x : T);
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242 243
                   let x' := eval unfold x in x in
                     clear x; specialize (H x')
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244 245 246

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(** Version of [guess] that leaves the original [H] intact *)
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Ltac guessKeep v H :=
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  let H' := fresh "H'" in
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    generalize H; intro H'; guess v H'.