qa-lang-misc.php 4.35 KB
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	Question2Answer (c) Gideon Greenspan

	File: qa-include/qa-lang-misc.php
	Version: See define()s at top of qa-include/qa-base.php
	Description: Miscellaneous language phrases

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	More about this license:

	return array(
		'block_ip_button' => 'Block IP address',
		'browse_categories' => 'Browse categories',
		'captcha_confirm_fix' => 'To avoid this verification in future, please ^5confirm your email address^6.',
		'captcha_error' => 'Please complete the anti-spam verification',
		'captcha_label' => 'Anti-spam verification:',
		'captcha_login_fix' => 'To avoid this verification in future, please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4.',
		'feed_a_edited_prefix' => 'Answer edited: ',
		'feed_a_prefix' => 'Answered: ',
		'feed_a_reshown_prefix' => 'Answer reshown: ',
		'feed_a_selected_prefix' => 'Answer selected: ',
		'feed_c_edited_prefix' => 'Comment edited: ',
		'feed_c_moved_prefix' => 'Comment moved: ',
		'feed_c_prefix' => 'Commented: ',
		'feed_c_reshown_prefix' => 'Comment reshown: ',
		'feed_closed_prefix' => 'Closed: ',
		'feed_edited_prefix' => 'Edited: ',
		'feed_hidden_prefix' => 'Hidden: ',
		'feed_not_found' => 'Feed not found',
		'feed_recategorized_prefix' => 'Recategorized: ',
		'feed_reopened_prefix' => 'Reopened: ',
		'feed_reshown_prefix' => 'Reshown: ',
		'feed_retagged_prefix' => 'Retagged: ',
		'feedback_email' => 'Your email: (optional)',
		'feedback_empty' => 'Please use this field to send some comments or suggestions',
		'feedback_message' => 'Your comments or suggestions for ^:',
		'feedback_name' => 'Your name: (optional)',
		'feedback_sent' => 'Your message below was sent - thank you.',
		'feedback_title' => 'Send feedback',
		'hide_all_ip_button' => 'Hide all posts from this IP',
		'host_name' => 'Host name:',
		'matches_blocked_ips' => 'Matches blocked IP addresses:',
		'message_empty' => 'Please enter your message to send to this user',
		'message_explanation' => 'This will be sent as a notification from ^. Your email address will not be revealed unless you include it in the message.',
		'message_for_x' => 'Your message for ^:',
		'message_limit' => 'Too many private messages sent - please try again in an hour',
		'message_must_login' => 'Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 to send private messages.',
		'message_received_x_ago' => 'Received ^ ago:',
		'message_recent_history' => 'Recent correspondence with ^',
		'message_sent_x_ago' => 'Sent ^ ago:',
		'message_sent' => 'Your private message below was sent',
		'my_favorites_title' => 'My favorites',
		'nav_all_my_updates' => 'All my updates',
		'nav_my_content' => 'My content',
		'nav_my_details' => 'My details',
		'nav_my_favorites' => 'My favorites',
		'no_activity_from_x' => 'No activity from ^',
		'no_favorite_categories' => 'No favorite categories',
		'no_favorite_qs' => 'No favorite questions',
		'no_favorite_tags' => 'No favorite tags',
		'no_favorite_users' => 'No favorite users',
		'no_recent_updates' => 'No recent updates',
		'no_updates_content' => 'No recent updates for my content',
		'no_updates_favorites' => 'No updates for my favorites',
		'private_message_title' => 'Send a private message',
		'recent_activity_from_x' => 'Recent activity from ^',
		'recent_updates_content' => 'Recent updates for my content',
		'recent_updates_favorites' => 'Recent updates for my favorites',
		'recent_updates_title' => 'Recent updates for me',
		'site_in_maintenance' => 'This site is currently down for maintenance - please come back soon.',
		'suggest_favorites_add' => 'To add a question or other item to your favorites, click the ^ at the top of its page.',
		'suggest_update_favorites' => 'For more updates, add items to ^1your favorites^2.',
		'unblock_ip_button' => 'Unblock IP address',

	Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output