MasterWorker.hs 22.7 KB
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2 3 4
-- orbit-int master (controlling orbit computation)
module MasterWorker( -- Master
                     HostInfo (..)
                   , MasterStats
8 9
                   , MaybeHosts(..)
                   , orbit
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
                   , get_gens, get_master, get_workers, get_spawn_img_comp
                   , get_global_table_size, get_idle_timeout
                   , set_idle_timeout, clear_spawn_img_comp
                     -- Worker
                   , init
                   , distribute_vertices
                   , send_image
                   , verts_recvd_from_stat
                   , credit_retd_from_stat
                   , min_atomic_credit_from_stat
                   , init_idle_from_stat
                   , tail_idle_from_stat
                   , max_idle_from_stat
                   , WorkerStats
                   , __remoteTable
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
                   ) where

import           Control.Distributed.Process
import           Control.Distributed.Process.Closure
import           Data.Hashable                              (hash)
import           Data.Maybe                                 (fromJust)
import           Prelude                             hiding (init)

import           Credit
import qualified Sequential                          as Sq  (orbit)
import           Table
36 37 38
import           Utils                                      (GenClos (..),

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
-- counters/timers record
data Ct = Ct { verts_recvd :: Int    -- #vertices received by this server so far
             , credit_retd :: Int    -- #times server has returned credit to
                                     -- master
             , min_atomic_credit :: Int  -- minimal atomic credit received so far
             , last_event  :: Int    -- time stamp [ms] of most recent event
             , init_idle   :: Int    -- idle time [ms] between init recv first
                                     -- vertex
             , tail_idle   :: Int    -- idle time [ms] between send last vertex
                                     -- and dump
             , max_idle    :: Int    -- max idle [ms] time between vertices
type MasterStats = [(String, String)]
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
data MaybeHosts = Seq Int
                | Par HostInfo
data HostInfo = JustOne (Int,  -- Number of processes
                         Int,  -- Table size
                         Int,  -- Idle timeout
                         Bool) -- Spawn image comp
              | Many    [(NodeId, -- Node id
                          Int,    -- Number of processes
                          Int,    -- Table size
                          Int,    -- Idle timeout
                          Bool)]  -- Spawn image comp
type ParConf =
    (GenClos, ProcessId, [(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int, Int, Bool)

67 68
type WorkerStats = [(String, String)]

69 70 71 72
-- auxiliary functions

-- functions operating on the StaticMachConf
73 74
mk_static_mach_conf :: GenClos -> ProcessId -> [(ProcessId, Int, Int)] -> Int
                       -> ParConf
75 76
mk_static_mach_conf gs master workers globalTableSize =
    (gs, master, workers, globalTableSize, 0, True)

get_gens :: ParConf -> GenClos
79 80 81 82 83
get_gens (gs, _, _, _, _, _) = gs

get_master :: ParConf -> ProcessId
get_master (_, master, _, _, _, _) = master

get_workers :: ParConf -> [(ProcessId, Int, Int)]
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
get_workers (_, _, workers, _, _, _) = workers

get_global_table_size :: ParConf -> Int
get_global_table_size (_, _, _, globalTableSize, _, _) = globalTableSize

get_idle_timeout :: ParConf -> Int
get_idle_timeout (_, _, _, _, timeout, _) = timeout

get_spawn_img_comp :: ParConf -> Bool
get_spawn_img_comp (_, _, _, _, _, spawmImgComp) = spawmImgComp

set_idle_timeout :: ParConf -> Int -> ParConf
set_idle_timeout (gs, mst, wks, gts, _, spic) x =
    (gs, mst, wks, gts, x, spic)
100 101

clear_spawn_img_comp :: ParConf -> ParConf
clear_spawn_img_comp (gs, mst, wks, gts, tmt, _) =
    (gs, mst, wks, gts, tmt, False)
104 105

-- produce readable statistics
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
master_stats :: Int -> [WorkerStats] -> MasterStats
master_stats elapsedTime workerStats =
      ("wall_time", show elapsedTime)
    : ("vertices_recvd", show vertsRecvd)
    : ("credit_retd", show creditRetd)
    : ("min_atomic_credit", show minAtomicCredit)
    : ("max_init_idle_time", show maxInitIdle)
    : ("max_idle_time", show maxIdle)
    : ("max_tail_idle_time", show maxTailIdle)
    : freq_to_stat freq
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
  where freq = sum_freqs $ map freq_from_stat workerStats
        vertsRecvd = sum $ map verts_recvd_from_stat workerStats
        creditRetd = sum $ map credit_retd_from_stat workerStats
        atomicCredits = map min_atomic_credit_from_stat workerStats
        minAtomicCredit = foldl max (head atomicCredits) (tail atomicCredits) -- TODO WTF max ?
        initIdles = map init_idle_from_stat workerStats
        maxInitIdle = foldl max (head initIdles) (tail initIdles)
        idles = map max_idle_from_stat workerStats
        maxIdle = foldl max (head idles) (tail idles)
        tailIdles = map tail_idle_from_stat workerStats
        maxTailIdle = foldl max (head tailIdles) (tail tailIdles)

128 129 130
-- orbit-int worker (computing vertices and holding part of hash table)
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141

defaultCt :: Ct
defaultCt = Ct { verts_recvd = 0
               , credit_retd = 0
               , min_atomic_credit = 0
               , last_event = now
               , init_idle = -1
               , tail_idle = -1
               , max_idle = -1

-- initialise worker
143 144
init :: (Int, Int, Bool) -> Process ()
init (localTableSize, idleTimeout, spawnImgComp) =
145 146
    receiveWait [
        match $ \("init", staticMachConf0) -> do
147 148 149 150 151
            let staticMachConf1 = set_idle_timeout staticMachConf0 idleTimeout
                staticMachConf =
                    if spawnImgComp then staticMachConf1
                                    else clear_spawn_img_comp staticMachConf1
            vertex_server staticMachConf zero (new localTableSize) defaultCt
152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159

-- main worker loop: server handling vertex messages;
-- StaticMachConf: info about machine configuration
-- Credit: credit currently held by the server,
-- Table: hash table holding vertices
-- StatData: various counters and timers for gathering statistics
vertex_server :: ParConf -> Credit -> VTable -> Ct -> Process ()
vertex_server staticMachConf crdt table statData = do
161 162 163
    let idleTimeout = get_idle_timeout staticMachConf
    r <- receiveTimeout idleTimeout [
        match $ \("vertex", x, slot, k) -> do
            -- say $ "Got a vertex!"
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175
            return $ Just (x, slot, k)
      , match $ \("dump") -> do
            return $ Nothing
    case r of
        Nothing -> do let creditRetd = credit_retd statData
                      newCreditRetd <- return_credit staticMachConf crdt creditRetd
                      let newStatData = statData {credit_retd = newCreditRetd}
                      vertex_server staticMachConf zero table newStatData
        Just msg -> case msg of
          Just (x, slot, k) -> do
            let creditPlusK = credit_atomic k crdt
177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192
                nowTime = now
                vertsRecvd = verts_recvd statData
                minAtomicCredit = min_atomic_credit statData
                lastEvent = last_event statData
                initIdle = init_idle statData
                maxIdle = max_idle statData
            (newCredit, newTable) <-
                handle_vertex staticMachConf x slot creditPlusK table
            let newStatData0 = statData {verts_recvd = vertsRecvd + 1,
                                         min_atomic_credit = max minAtomicCredit k}
                newStatData1 =
                    if initIdle < 0
                        then newStatData0 {init_idle = nowTime - lastEvent}
                        else newStatData0 {max_idle = max maxIdle (nowTime - lastEvent)}
                newStatData = newStatData1 {last_event = now}
            vertex_server staticMachConf newCredit newTable newStatData
          Nothing -> do
194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
            let nowTime = now
                lastEvent = last_event statData
                newStatData = statData {tail_idle = nowTime - lastEvent,
                                        last_event = now}
            dump_table staticMachConf table newStatData

-- handle_vertex checks whether vertex X is stored in Slot of Table;
-- if not, it is in inserted there and the images of the generators
-- are distributed among the workers.
-- Precondition: Credit is non-zero.
handle_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Int -> Credit -> VTable
                 -> Process (Credit, VTable)
206 207 208
handle_vertex staticMachConf x slot crdt table
    | is_member x slot table = return (crdt, table) -- x already in table;
                                                    -- do nothing
209 210 211
    | otherwise = do -- x not in table
        let newTable = insert x slot table -- insert x at slot
        -- distribute images of x under generators to their respective workers
        newCredit <- distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt
213 214 215 216 217 218
        -- return remaining credit and updated table
        return (newCredit, newTable)

-- return_credit sends non-zero Credit back to the master;
-- returns number of times credit has been returned so far
return_credit :: ParConf -> Credit -> Int -> Process Int
219 220
return_credit staticMachConf crdt creditRetd
    | is_zero crdt = return creditRetd
221 222
    | otherwise      = do
         let masterPid = get_master staticMachConf
         send masterPid ("done", crdt)
224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240
         return (creditRetd + 1)

-- dump_table sends a list containing the local partial orbit to the master,
-- together with some statistics on the distribution of vertices in the table.
dump_table :: ParConf -> VTable -> Ct -> Process ()
dump_table staticMachConf table statData = do
    nodeId <- getSelfNode
    let masterPid = get_master staticMachConf
        stat = worker_stats nodeId (get_freq table) statData
    send masterPid ("result", to_list table, stat)

-- distribute_images distributes the images of vertex X under the generators
-- to the workers determined by the hash; some ore all of of the Credit is
-- used to send the messages, the remaining credit is returned;
-- computation and sending of vertices is actually done asynchronously.
-- Precondition: Credit is non-zero.
distribute_images :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Credit -> Process Credit
241 242
distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt =
    do_distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt (get_gens staticMachConf)

do_distribute_images :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Credit -> GenClos
                        -> Process Credit
246 247 248 249
do_distribute_images _ _ crdt (GenClos (_, _, [])) =
    return crdt
do_distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt (GenClos (_, _, [g])) = do
    let (k, remainingCredit) = debit_atomic crdt
250 251 252 253
    if get_spawn_img_comp staticMachConf
        then spawnLocal (send_image staticMachConf x g k) >> return ()
        else send_image staticMachConf x g k
    return remainingCredit
254 255
do_distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt (GenClos (name, n, g : gs)) = do
    let (k, nonZeroRemainingCredit) = debit_atomic_nz crdt
256 257 258
    if get_spawn_img_comp staticMachConf
        then spawnLocal (send_image staticMachConf x g k) >> return ()
        else send_image staticMachConf x g k
259 260
    do_distribute_images staticMachConf x nonZeroRemainingCredit
      (GenClos (name, n, gs))
261 262 263 264 265 266

-- distribute_vertices distributes the list of vertices Xs to the workers
-- determined by the hash; some ore all of of the Credit is used to send
-- the messages, the remaining credit is returned.
-- Precondition: If Xs is non-empty then Credit must be non-zero.
distribute_vertices :: ParConf -> Credit -> Credit -> Process Credit
267 268 269
distribute_vertices _ crdt [] = return crdt
distribute_vertices staticMachConf crdt [x] = do
    let (k, remainingCredit) = debit_atomic crdt
    -- say $ "Remaining credit = " ++ show remainingCredit ++ " k = " ++ show k
271 272
    send_vertex staticMachConf x k
    return remainingCredit
273 274
distribute_vertices staticMachConf crdt (x : xs) = do
    let (k, nonZeroRemainingCredit) = debit_atomic_nz crdt
275 276 277 278 279
    send_vertex staticMachConf x k
    distribute_vertices staticMachConf nonZeroRemainingCredit xs

-- send_image sends image of X under G to the worker determined by
-- the hash of G(X); the message is tagged with atomic credit K.
send_image :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Generator -> ACredit -> Process ()
281 282 283 284 285
send_image staticMachConf x g k = send_vertex staticMachConf (g x) k

-- send_vertex hashes vertex X and sends it to the worker determined by
-- the hash; the message is tagged with atomic credit K.
send_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> ACredit -> Process ()
send_vertex staticMachConf x k = do
Yiannis Tsiouris's avatar
Yiannis Tsiouris committed
    --say $ "Send vertex " ++ show x ++ " to " ++ show pid ++ " (slot, k) = " ++ show (slot, k)
    send pid ("vertex", x, slot, k)
289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308
  where (pid, slot) = hash_vertex staticMachConf x

-- hash_vertex computes the two-dimensional hash table slot of vertex X where
-- the first dim is a worker pid and the second a slot in that worker's table.
hash_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> (ProcessId, Int)
hash_vertex staticMachConf x = global_to_local_slot workers globalSlot
  where -- get static info
        globalTableSize = get_global_table_size staticMachConf
        workers = get_workers staticMachConf
        -- compute raw hash and slot in global table
        globalSlot = (hash x) `rem` globalTableSize

-- global_to_local_slot traverses the list Workers sequentially to translate
-- slot GlobSlot in the global hash table into a two-dimensional local slot
-- {pid, slot}, where 'pid' is the PID of a worker and 'slot' a the slot
-- in that worker's local hash table.
-- Precondition: GlobSlot < sum of TableSize in Workers.
-- Note: This procedure is horribly inefficient (linear in size of Workers);
-- it should be log (size of Workers) at most.
global_to_local_slot :: [(ProcessId, Int, Int)] -> Int -> (ProcessId, Int)
global_to_local_slot [] _ = error "global_to_local_slot cannot work on [] workers."
310 311 312 313 314 315 316
global_to_local_slot ((pid, _, tabSize) : workers) globSlot
    | globSlot < tabSize = (pid, globSlot)
    | otherwise = global_to_local_slot workers (globSlot - tabSize)

-- auxiliary functions

317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351
-- produce readable statistics
worker_stats :: NodeId -> Freq -> Ct -> WorkerStats
worker_stats node frequency statData =
      ("node", show node)
    : ("vertices_recvd", show $ verts_recvd statData)
    : ("credit_retd", show $ credit_retd statData)
    : ("min_atomic_credit", show $ min_atomic_credit statData)
    : ("init_idle_time", show $ init_idle statData)
    : ("max_idle_time", show $ max_idle statData)
    : ("tail_idle_time", show $ tail_idle statData)
    : freq_to_stat frequency

verts_recvd_from_stat :: WorkerStats -> Int
verts_recvd_from_stat stat =
    read (fromJust ("vertices_recvd" `lookup` stat)) :: Int

credit_retd_from_stat :: WorkerStats -> Int
credit_retd_from_stat stat =
    read (fromJust ("credit_retd" `lookup` stat)) :: Int

min_atomic_credit_from_stat :: WorkerStats -> Int
min_atomic_credit_from_stat stat =
    read (fromJust ("min_atomic_credit" `lookup` stat)) :: Int

init_idle_from_stat :: WorkerStats -> Int
init_idle_from_stat stat =
    read (fromJust ("init_idle_time" `lookup` stat)) :: Int

tail_idle_from_stat :: WorkerStats -> Int
tail_idle_from_stat stat =
    read (fromJust ("tail_idle_time" `lookup` stat)) :: Int

max_idle_from_stat :: WorkerStats -> Int
max_idle_from_stat stat =
    read (fromJust ("max_idle_time" `lookup` stat)) :: Int
352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424

remotable ['init]

-- orbit-int master (controlling orbit computation)

--   Static Machine Configuration:
--     {Gs,               %list of generators
--      Master,           %pid of master process
--      Workers,          %list of Worker
--      GlobalTableSize,  %size of global hash table
--      IdleTimeout,      %milliseconds this worker idles before sending 'done'
--      SpawnImgComp}     %true iff this worker spawns image computations
--   Worker:
--     {Pid,              %pid of worker process
--      TableOffset,      %offset (= index 0) of local table into global table
--      TableSize}        %size of local hash table
--   Host:
--     {Node,             %atom naming Erlang node
--      Procs,            %number of processors
--      TableSize,        %size of hash table per processor
--      IdleTimeout}      %milliseconds a processor idles before sending 'done'
--   Statistics:
--     List of pairs where the first component is an atom, the second
--     some data. Part of the data is the fill frequency of the table
--     (a list whose ith element indicates frequency of filling degree i).

--   Master -> Worker:        {init, StaticMachConf}
--   Master/Worker -> Worker: {vertex, X, Slot, K}
--                               %X is vertex
--                               %Slot is slot of X on target worker
--                               %K is atomic credit shipped with vertex
--   Worker -> Master:        {done, Cs}
--                               %Cs is non-zero credit (rep as list of ints)
--   Master -> Worker:        {dump}
--   Worker -> Master:        {result, Xs, Stats}
--                               %Xs is list of found orbit vertices
--                               %Stats is statistics about worker's table

-- compute orbit of elements in list Xs under list of generators Gs;
-- the argument Hosts is either an integer N, a triple {P, N, T}, or
-- a non-empty list [{H, P, N, T} | ...] of quadruples:
-- * N:                       run the sequential algorithm with table size N
-- * {P, N, T, S}:            run the parallel algorithm on P processors
--                            each with table size N, idle timeout T and
--                            spawn image computation flag S;
-- * [{H, P, N, T, S} | ...]: run the distributed algorithm on the list of
--                            hosts, where each quintuple {H, P, N, T, S}
--                            specifies
--                            * host name H (ie. name of Erlang node),
--                            * number of processors P on H,
--                            * table size N (per processor),
--                            * idle timeout T, and
--                            * spawn image computation flag S.
-- The function returns a pair consisting of the computed orbit and
-- a list of statistics, the first element of which reports overall statistics,
-- and all remaining elements report statistics of some worker.

orbit :: GenClos -> [Vertex] -> MaybeHosts -> Process ([Vertex], [MasterStats])
orbit (GenClos (_, _, gs)) xs (Seq tablesize) =
    return $ Sq.orbit gs xs tablesize
orbit gs xs (Par hostInfo) = par_orbit gs xs hostInfo
426 427 428 429

par_orbit :: GenClos -> [Vertex] -> HostInfo
             -> Process ([Vertex], [MasterStats])
par_orbit gs xs hosts = do
    -- say "---- In par_orbit"
431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439
    -- spawn workers on Hosts
    (workers, globTabSize) <- start_workers hosts
    self <- getSelfPid
    let -- assemble StaticMachConf and distribute to Workers
        staticMachConf = mk_static_mach_conf gs self workers globTabSize
    mapM_ (\(pid, _, _) -> send pid ("init", staticMachConf)) workers
    let -- start wall clock timer
        startTime = now
    -- distribute initial vertices to workers
    -- say $ "---- After send pid init, xs = " ++ show xs
    crdt <- distribute_vertices staticMachConf one xs
    -- say $ "---- After distribute_vertices, credit = " ++ show crdt
443 444
    -- collect credit handed back by idle workers
    collect_credit crdt
    -- say "---- After collect credit"
446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464
    -- collect credit handed back by idle workers
    let -- measure elapsed time (in milliseconds)
        elapsedTime = now - startTime
    -- tell all workers to dump their tables
    mapM_ (\(pid, _, _) -> send pid "dump") workers
    -- collect results from all workers and return them
    collect_orbit elapsedTime (length workers)

-- start_workers starts worker processes depending on the input Hosts:
-- * if Hosts is a quadruple {P, _, _, _} then P processes are forked on the
-- executing Erlang node;
-- * if Hosts is a non-empty list {H1, P1, _, _, _}, {H2, P2, _, _, _}, ...
-- then P1 processes are forked on Erlang node H1, P2 processes on node H2,
-- and so on.
-- The function returns a pair {Workers, GlobalTableSize}, where
-- * GlobalTableSize is the total number of slots of the global hash table, and
-- * Workers is a list of Worker, sorted wrt. TableOffset in ascending order.
start_workers :: HostInfo -> Process ([(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int)
start_workers (JustOne host) = do
    -- say "---- In start_workers"
    (workers, globalTableSize) <- do_start_shm host ([], 0)
    -- say "---- After do_start_shm"
468 469
    return (reverse workers, globalTableSize)
start_workers (Many hosts) = do
    -- say "---- In many start_workers"
    (workers, globalTableSize) <- do_start_dist hosts ([], 0)
    -- say $ "---- After do_start_dist, Workers = " ++ show workers
473 474 475 476 477 478
    return (reverse workers, globalTableSize)

do_start_shm :: (Int, Int, Int, Bool) -> ([(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int)
                -> Process ([(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int)
do_start_shm (0, _, _, _) acc = return acc
do_start_shm (m, tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp) (workers, gTabSize) = do
    node <- getSelfNode
    pid <- spawn node ($(mkClosure 'init) (tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp))
481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488
    do_start_shm (m - 1, tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp)
      ((pid, gTabSize, tabSize) : workers, gTabSize + tabSize)

do_start_dist :: [(NodeId, Int, Int, Int, Bool)] -> ([(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int)
                 -> Process ([(ProcessId, Int, Int)], Int)
do_start_dist [] acc = return acc
do_start_dist ((_, 0, _, _, _) : hosts) acc = do_start_dist hosts acc
do_start_dist ((node,m,tabSize,tmOut,spawnImgComp) : hosts) (workers,gTabSize) = do
    pid <- spawn node ($(mkClosure 'init) (tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp))
490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505
    do_start_dist ((node, m - 1, tabSize, tmOut, spawnImgComp) : hosts)
      ((pid, gTabSize, tabSize) : workers, gTabSize + tabSize)

-- collect_credit collects leftover credit from idle workers until
-- the credit adds up to 1.
collect_credit :: Credit -> Process ()
collect_credit crdt
    | is_one crdt = return ()
    | otherwise   = receiveWait [
                        match $ \("done", workersCredit) ->
                          collect_credit $ credit workersCredit crdt

-- collect_orbit collects partial orbits and stats from N workers.
collect_orbit :: Int -> Int -> Process ([Vertex], [MasterStats])
collect_orbit elapsedTime n = do
506 507
    (orb, stats) <- do_collect_orbit n [] []
    return (concat orb, master_stats elapsedTime stats : stats)
508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516

do_collect_orbit :: Int -> [[Vertex]] -> [WorkerStats]
                    -> Process ([[Vertex]], [WorkerStats])
do_collect_orbit 0 partOrbits workerStats = return (partOrbits, workerStats)
do_collect_orbit n partOrbits workerStats = do
    receiveWait [
        match $ \("result", partOrbit, workerStat) ->
          do_collect_orbit (n - 1) (partOrbit : partOrbits) (workerStat : workerStats)