catsexample.xml 923 Bytes
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<CATS version="1.4">
<Problem title="Titlos" lang="en" tlimit="2" mlimit="64"
   author="Admin" inputFile="" outputFile="titlos.out">

<Keyword code="alg.geometry"/>
  Problem statement and description.

  Description of input format.

  Description of output format.

$1 \le m \le 100$, $-100 \le x_i \le 100, 0 &lt; y_i \le 100$

<Sample rank="1">
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

<Solution name="sol" src="titlos_al.dpr" />
<Import guid="std.testlib.1.1" type="checker" />
<Checker name="ch" src="check.dpr" style="testlib"/>

<TestRange from="1" to="42"><In src="tests/%0n"/><Out use="sol"/></TestRange>
