(* Copyright (c) 2008, Adam Chlipala * * This work is licensed under a * Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 * Unported License. * The license text is available at: * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ *) (* begin hide *) Require Import Arith String List. Require Import Tactics. Set Implicit Arguments. (* end hide *) (** %\part{Formalizing Programming Languages and Compilers} \chapter{First-Order Abstract Syntax}% *) (** TODO: Prose for this chapter *) (** * Concrete Binding *) Module Concrete. Definition var := string. Definition var_eq := string_dec. Inductive exp : Set := | Const : bool -> exp | Var : var -> exp | App : exp -> exp -> exp | Abs : var -> exp -> exp. Inductive type : Set := | Bool : type | Arrow : type -> type -> type. Infix "-->" := Arrow (right associativity, at level 60). Definition ctx := list (var * type). Reserved Notation "G |-v x : t" (no associativity, at level 90, x at next level). Inductive lookup : ctx -> var -> type -> Prop := | First : forall x t G, (x, t) :: G |-v x : t | Next : forall x t x' t' G, x <> x' -> G |-v x : t -> (x', t') :: G |-v x : t where "G |-v x : t" := (lookup G x t). Hint Constructors lookup. Reserved Notation "G |-e e : t" (no associativity, at level 90, e at next level). Inductive hasType : ctx -> exp -> type -> Prop := | TConst : forall G b, G |-e Const b : Bool | TVar : forall G v t, G |-v v : t -> G |-e Var v : t | TApp : forall G e1 e2 dom ran, G |-e e1 : dom --> ran -> G |-e e2 : dom -> G |-e App e1 e2 : ran | TAbs : forall G x e' dom ran, (x, dom) :: G |-e e' : ran -> G |-e Abs x e' : dom --> ran where "G |-e e : t" := (hasType G e t). Hint Constructors hasType. Lemma weaken_lookup : forall x t G' G1, G1 |-v x : t -> G1 ++ G' |-v x : t. induction G1 as [ | [x' t'] tl ]; crush; match goal with | [ H : _ |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H; crush end. Qed. Hint Resolve weaken_lookup. Theorem weaken_hasType' : forall G' G e t, G |-e e : t -> G ++ G' |-e e : t. induction 1; crush; eauto. Qed. Theorem weaken_hasType : forall e t, nil |-e e : t -> forall G', G' |-e e : t. intros; change G' with (nil ++ G'); eapply weaken_hasType'; eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve weaken_hasType. Section subst. Variable x : var. Variable e1 : exp. Fixpoint subst (e2 : exp) : exp := match e2 with | Const b => Const b | Var x' => if var_eq x' x then e1 else Var x' | App e1 e2 => App (subst e1) (subst e2) | Abs x' e' => Abs x' (if var_eq x' x then e' else subst e') end. Variable xt : type. Hypothesis Ht' : nil |-e e1 : xt. Notation "x # G" := (forall t' : type, In (x, t') G -> False) (no associativity, at level 90). Lemma subst_lookup' : forall x' t, x <> x' -> forall G1, G1 ++ (x, xt) :: nil |-v x' : t -> G1 |-v x' : t. induction G1 as [ | [x'' t'] tl ]; crush; match goal with | [ H : _ |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; crush. Qed. Hint Resolve subst_lookup'. Lemma subst_lookup : forall x' t G1, x' # G1 -> G1 ++ (x, xt) :: nil |-v x' : t -> t = xt. induction G1 as [ | [x'' t'] tl ]; crush; eauto; match goal with | [ H : _ |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; crush; (elimtype False; eauto; match goal with | [ H : nil |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H end) || match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => apply H; crush; eauto end. Qed. Implicit Arguments subst_lookup [x' t G1]. Lemma shadow_lookup : forall v t t' G1, G1 |-v x : t' -> G1 ++ (x, xt) :: nil |-v v : t -> G1 |-v v : t. induction G1 as [ | [x'' t''] tl ]; crush; match goal with | [ H : nil |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H | [ H1 : _ |-v _ : _, H2 : _ |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H1; crush; inversion H2; crush end. Qed. Lemma shadow_hasType' : forall G e t, G |-e e : t -> forall G1, G = G1 ++ (x, xt) :: nil -> forall t'', G1 |-v x : t'' -> G1 |-e e : t. Hint Resolve shadow_lookup. induction 1; crush; eauto; match goal with | [ H : (?x0, _) :: _ ++ (x, _) :: _ |-e _ : _ |- _ ] => destruct (var_eq x0 x); subst; eauto end. Qed. Lemma shadow_hasType : forall G1 e t t'', G1 ++ (x, xt) :: nil |-e e : t -> G1 |-v x : t'' -> G1 |-e e : t. intros; eapply shadow_hasType'; eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve shadow_hasType. Lemma disjoint_cons : forall x x' t (G : ctx), x # G -> x' <> x -> x # (x', t) :: G. firstorder; match goal with | [ H : (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ ] => injection H end; crush. Qed. Hint Resolve disjoint_cons. Theorem subst_hasType : forall G e2 t, G |-e e2 : t -> forall G1, G = G1 ++ (x, xt) :: nil -> x # G1 -> G1 |-e subst e2 : t. induction 1; crush; try match goal with | [ |- context[if ?E then _ else _] ] => destruct E end; crush; eauto 6; match goal with | [ H1 : x # _, H2 : _ |-v x : _ |- _ ] => rewrite (subst_lookup H1 H2) end; crush. Qed. Theorem subst_hasType_closed : forall e2 t, (x, xt) :: nil |-e e2 : t -> nil |-e subst e2 : t. intros; eapply subst_hasType; eauto. Qed. End subst. Hint Resolve subst_hasType_closed. Notation "[ x ~> e1 ] e2" := (subst x e1 e2) (no associativity, at level 80). Inductive val : exp -> Prop := | VConst : forall b, val (Const b) | VAbs : forall x e, val (Abs x e). Hint Constructors val. Reserved Notation "e1 ==> e2" (no associativity, at level 90). Inductive step : exp -> exp -> Prop := | Beta : forall x e1 e2, val e2 -> App (Abs x e1) e2 ==> [x ~> e2] e1 | Cong1 : forall e1 e2 e1', e1 ==> e1' -> App e1 e2 ==> App e1' e2 | Cong2 : forall e1 e2 e2', val e1 -> e2 ==> e2' -> App e1 e2 ==> App e1 e2' where "e1 ==> e2" := (step e1 e2). Hint Constructors step. Lemma progress' : forall G e t, G |-e e : t -> G = nil -> val e \/ exists e', e ==> e'. induction 1; crush; eauto; try match goal with | [ H : _ |-e _ : _ --> _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; repeat match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => solve [ inversion H; crush; eauto ] end. Qed. Theorem progress : forall e t, nil |-e e : t -> val e \/ exists e', e ==> e'. intros; eapply progress'; eauto. Qed. Lemma preservation' : forall G e t, G |-e e : t -> G = nil -> forall e', e ==> e' -> nil |-e e' : t. induction 1; inversion 2; crush; eauto; match goal with | [ H : _ |-e Abs _ _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; eauto. Qed. Theorem preservation : forall e t, nil |-e e : t -> forall e', e ==> e' -> nil |-e e' : t. intros; eapply preservation'; eauto. Qed. End Concrete. (** * De Bruijn Indices *) Module DeBruijn. Definition var := nat. Definition var_eq := eq_nat_dec. Inductive exp : Set := | Const : bool -> exp | Var : var -> exp | App : exp -> exp -> exp | Abs : exp -> exp. Inductive type : Set := | Bool : type | Arrow : type -> type -> type. Infix "-->" := Arrow (right associativity, at level 60). Definition ctx := list type. Reserved Notation "G |-v x : t" (no associativity, at level 90, x at next level). Inductive lookup : ctx -> var -> type -> Prop := | First : forall t G, t :: G |-v O : t | Next : forall x t t' G, G |-v x : t -> t' :: G |-v S x : t where "G |-v x : t" := (lookup G x t). Hint Constructors lookup. Reserved Notation "G |-e e : t" (no associativity, at level 90, e at next level). Inductive hasType : ctx -> exp -> type -> Prop := | TConst : forall G b, G |-e Const b : Bool | TVar : forall G v t, G |-v v : t -> G |-e Var v : t | TApp : forall G e1 e2 dom ran, G |-e e1 : dom --> ran -> G |-e e2 : dom -> G |-e App e1 e2 : ran | TAbs : forall G e' dom ran, dom :: G |-e e' : ran -> G |-e Abs e' : dom --> ran where "G |-e e : t" := (hasType G e t). Hint Constructors hasType. Lemma weaken_lookup : forall G' v t G, G |-v v : t -> G ++ G' |-v v : t. induction 1; crush. Qed. Hint Resolve weaken_lookup. Theorem weaken_hasType' : forall G' G e t, G |-e e : t -> G ++ G' |-e e : t. induction 1; crush; eauto. Qed. Theorem weaken_hasType : forall e t, nil |-e e : t -> forall G', G' |-e e : t. intros; change G' with (nil ++ G'); eapply weaken_hasType'; eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve weaken_hasType. Section subst. Variable e1 : exp. Fixpoint subst (x : var) (e2 : exp) : exp := match e2 with | Const b => Const b | Var x' => if var_eq x' x then e1 else Var x' | App e1 e2 => App (subst x e1) (subst x e2) | Abs e' => Abs (subst (S x) e') end. Variable xt : type. Lemma subst_eq : forall t G1, G1 ++ xt :: nil |-v length G1 : t -> t = xt. induction G1; inversion 1; crush. Qed. Implicit Arguments subst_eq [t G1]. Lemma subst_eq' : forall t G1 x, G1 ++ xt :: nil |-v x : t -> x <> length G1 -> G1 |-v x : t. induction G1; inversion 1; crush; match goal with | [ H : nil |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H end. Qed. Hint Resolve subst_eq'. Lemma subst_neq : forall v t G1, G1 ++ xt :: nil |-v v : t -> v <> length G1 -> G1 |-e Var v : t. induction G1; inversion 1; crush. Qed. Hint Resolve subst_neq. Hypothesis Ht' : nil |-e e1 : xt. Lemma hasType_push : forall dom G1 e' ran, dom :: G1 |-e subst (length (dom :: G1)) e' : ran -> dom :: G1 |-e subst (S (length G1)) e' : ran. trivial. Qed. Hint Resolve hasType_push. Theorem subst_hasType : forall G e2 t, G |-e e2 : t -> forall G1, G = G1 ++ xt :: nil -> G1 |-e subst (length G1) e2 : t. induction 1; crush; try match goal with | [ |- context[if ?E then _ else _] ] => destruct E end; crush; eauto 6; try match goal with | [ H : _ |-v _ : _ |- _ ] => rewrite (subst_eq H) end; crush. Qed. Theorem subst_hasType_closed : forall e2 t, xt :: nil |-e e2 : t -> nil |-e subst O e2 : t. intros; change O with (length (@nil type)); eapply subst_hasType; eauto. Qed. End subst. Hint Resolve subst_hasType_closed. Notation "[ x ~> e1 ] e2" := (subst e1 x e2) (no associativity, at level 80). Inductive val : exp -> Prop := | VConst : forall b, val (Const b) | VAbs : forall e, val (Abs e). Hint Constructors val. Reserved Notation "e1 ==> e2" (no associativity, at level 90). Inductive step : exp -> exp -> Prop := | Beta : forall e1 e2, val e2 -> App (Abs e1) e2 ==> [O ~> e2] e1 | Cong1 : forall e1 e2 e1', e1 ==> e1' -> App e1 e2 ==> App e1' e2 | Cong2 : forall e1 e2 e2', val e1 -> e2 ==> e2' -> App e1 e2 ==> App e1 e2' where "e1 ==> e2" := (step e1 e2). Hint Constructors step. Lemma progress' : forall G e t, G |-e e : t -> G = nil -> val e \/ exists e', e ==> e'. induction 1; crush; eauto; try match goal with | [ H : _ |-e _ : _ --> _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; repeat match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => solve [ inversion H; crush; eauto ] end. Qed. Theorem progress : forall e t, nil |-e e : t -> val e \/ exists e', e ==> e'. intros; eapply progress'; eauto. Qed. Lemma preservation' : forall G e t, G |-e e : t -> G = nil -> forall e', e ==> e' -> nil |-e e' : t. induction 1; inversion 2; crush; eauto; match goal with | [ H : _ |-e Abs _ : _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; eauto. Qed. Theorem preservation : forall e t, nil |-e e : t -> forall e', e ==> e' -> nil |-e e' : t. intros; eapply preservation'; eauto. Qed. End DeBruijn.