diff --git a/src/GeneralRec.v b/src/GeneralRec.v
index ce4bbd14d8b35a105658e12e97f695f8da97b8f4..d67f1696e94bac1ff851e6312120e5db4def9fc6 100644
--- a/src/GeneralRec.v
+++ b/src/GeneralRec.v
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ End mergeSort.
 Eval compute in mergeSort leb (1 :: 2 :: 36 :: 8 :: 19 :: nil).
 (** [= 1 :: 2 :: 8 :: 19 :: 36 :: nil] *)
-(** Since the subject of this chapter is merely how to define functions with unusual recursion structure, we will not prove any further correctness theorems about [mergeSort]. Instead, we stop at proving that [mergeSort] has the expected computational behavior, for all inputs, not merely the one we just tested. *)
+(** %\smallskip{}%Since the subject of this chapter is merely how to define functions with unusual recursion structure, we will not prove any further correctness theorems about [mergeSort]. Instead, we stop at proving that [mergeSort] has the expected computational behavior, for all inputs, not merely the one we just tested. *)
 (* begin thide *)
 Theorem mergeSort_eq : forall A (le : A -> A -> bool) ls,