From 12cbeb2cc8c1bb71f8421e48a23a8e518b07f1ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adam Chlipala <> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 11:09:10 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] LogicProg exercise on group theory --- src/LogicProg.v | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ staging/updates.rss | 8 +++++ 2 files changed, 79 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/LogicProg.v b/src/LogicProg.v index ee09074..6b41f66 100644 --- a/src/LogicProg.v +++ b/src/LogicProg.v @@ -574,3 +574,74 @@ subgoal 4 is: Qed. End autorewrite. + + +(** * Exercises *) + +(** printing * $\cdot$ *) + +(** %\begin{enumerate}%#<ol># + +%\item%#<li># I did a Google search for group theory and found #<a href="">#a page that proves some standard theorems#</a>#%\footnote{\url{}}%. This exercise is about proving all of the theorems on that page automatically. + + For the purposes of this exercise, a group is a set [G], a binary function [f] over [G], an identity element [e] of [G], and a unary inverse function [i] for [G]. The following laws define correct choices of these parameters. We follow standard practice in algebra, where all variables that we mention are quantified universally implicitly at the start of a fact. We write infix [*] for [f], and you can set up the same sort of notation in your code with a command like [Infix "*" := f.]. + + %\begin{itemize}%#<ul># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Associativity#</b>#%}%: [(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Right Identity#</b>#%}%: [a * e = a]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Right Inverse#</b>#%}%: [a * i a = e]#</li># + #</ul> </li>#%\end{itemize}% + + The task in this exercise is to prove each of the following theorems for all groups, where we define a group exactly as above. There is a wrinkle: every theorem or lemma must be proved by either a single call to [crush] or a single call to [eauto]! It is allowed to pass numeric arguments to [eauto], where appropriate. Recall that a numeric argument sets the depth of proof search, where 5 is the default. Lower values can speed up execution when a proof exists within the bound. Higher values may be necessary to find more involved proofs. + + %\begin{itemize}%#<ul># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Characterizing Identity#</b>#%}%: [a * a = a -> a = e]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Left Inverse#</b>#%}%: [i a * a = e]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Left Identity#</b>#%}%: [e * a = a]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Uniqueness of Left Identity#</b>#%}%: [p * a = a -> p = e]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Uniqueness of Right Inverse#</b>#%}%: [a * b = e -> b = i a]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Uniqueness of Left Inverse#</b>#%}%: [a * b = e -> a = i b]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Right Cancellation#</b>#%}%: [a * x = b * x -> a = b]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Left Cancellation#</b>#%}%: [x * a = x * b -> a = b]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Distributivity of Inverse#</b>#%}%: [i (a * b) = i b * i a]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Double Inverse#</b>#%}%: [i (i a) = a]#</li># + %\item%#<li># %\textbf{%#<b>#Identity Inverse#</b>#%}%: [i e = e]#</li># + #</ul> </li>#%\end{itemize}% + + One more use of tactics is allowed in this problem. The following lemma captures one common pattern of reasoning in algebra proofs: *) + +(* begin hide *) +Variable G : Set. +Variable f : G -> G -> G. +Infix "*" := f. +(* end hide *) + +Lemma mult_both : forall a b c d1 d2, + a * c = d1 + -> b * c = d2 + -> a = b + -> d1 = d2. + crush. +Qed. + +(** That is, we know some equality [a = b], which is the third hypothesis above. We derive a further equality by multiplying both sides by [c], to yield [a * c = b * c]. Next, we do algebraic simplification on both sides of this new equality, represented by the first two hypotheses above. The final result is a new theorem of algebra. + + The next chapter introduces more details of programming in Ltac, but here is a quick teaser that will be useful in this problem. Include the following hint command before you start proving the main theorems of this exercise: *) + +Hint Extern 100 (_ = _) => + match goal with + | [ _ : True |- _ ] => fail 1 + | _ => assert True by constructor; eapply mult_both + end. + +(** This hint has the effect of applying [mult_both] %\emph{%#<i>#at most once#</i>#%}% during a proof. After the next chapter, it should be clear why the hint has that effect, but for now treat it as a useful black box. Simply using [Hint Resolve mult_both] would increase proof search time unacceptably, because there are just too many ways to use [mult_both] repeatedly within a proof. + + The order of the theorems above is itself a meta-level hint, since I found that order to work well for allowing the use of earlier theorems as hints in the proofs of later theorems. + + The key to this problem is coming up with further lemmas like [mult_both] that formalize common patterns of reasoning in algebraic proofs. These lemmas need to be more than sound: they must also fit well with the way that [eauto] does proof search. For instance, if we had given [mult_both] a traditional statement, we probably would have avoided %``%#"#pointless#"#%''% equalities like [a = b], which could be avoided simply by replacing all occurrences of [b] with [a]. However, the resulting theorem would not work as well with automated proof search! Every additional hint you come up with should be registered with [Hint Resolve], so that the lemma statement needs to be in a form that [eauto] understands %``%#"#natively.#"#%''% + + I recommend testing a few simple rules corresponding to common steps in algebraic proofs. You can apply them manually with any tactics you like (e.g., [apply] or [eapply]) to figure out what approaches work, and then switch to [eauto] once you have the full set of hints. + + I also proved a few hint lemmas tailored to particular theorems, but which do not give common algebraic simplification rules. You will probably want to use some, too, in cases where [eauto] does not find a proof within a reasonable amount of time. In total, beside the main theorems to be proved, my sample solution includes 6 lemmas, with a mix of the two kinds of lemmas. You may use more in your solution, but I suggest trying to minimize the number. + +#</ol>#%\end{enumerate}% *) diff --git a/staging/updates.rss b/staging/updates.rss index c1c1f2a..0832f1e 100644 --- a/staging/updates.rss +++ b/staging/updates.rss @@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ <webMaster></webMaster> <docs></docs> +<item> + <title>New chapter on logic programing</title> + <pubDate>Thu, 22 Sep 2011 11:08:30 EDT</pubDate> + <link></link> + <author></author> + <description>Some new content is missing prose.</description> +</item> + <item> <title>A pass through Chapter 4</title> <pubDate>Mon, 19 Sep 2011 14:03:40 EDT</pubDate> -- 2.18.1