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Papaspyrou (nickie@softlab.ntua.gr) -% Created: October 16, 1995 -% Revised: June 24, 2002 -% RCS version: $Id: softlab-thesis.bst,v 2002-10-17 01:50:53 nickie Exp $ - -ENTRY - { address - author - booktitle - chapter - edition - editor - howpublished - institution - journal - key - month - note - number - organization - pages - publisher - school - series - title - type - volume - year - bibcheck - bibfiles - bibwhere - } - {} - { label extra.label sort.label } - -INTEGERS { output.state before.all after.block mid.block before.note } - -FUNCTION {init.state.consts} -{ #0 'before.all := - #1 'after.block := - #2 'mid.block := - #3 'before.note := -} - - -% Functions not, or, and -% ---------------------- -% Logical operators, not covered - -FUNCTION {not} -{ - { #0 } - { #1 } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {and} -{ - 'skip$ - { pop$ #0 } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {or} -{ - { pop$ #1 } - 'skip$ - if$ -} - - -% Function output.nonnull -% ----------------------- -% Parameter 1: item to be preserved -% Parameter 2: item to be printed -% Result: parameter 2 -% -% If we're after a block -% output parameter 1 followed by a comma and a \newblock -% else if we're before all -% output parameter 1 -% else -% output parameter 1 followed by a comma and a space - -STRINGS { s t } - -FUNCTION {output.nonnull} -{ - 's := - output.state after.block = - { "," * write$ - newline$ - "\newblock " write$ - } - { output.state before.all = - 'write$ - { output.state before.note = - { "." * write$ - newline$ - "\newblock " write$ } - { ", " * write$ } - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ - mid.block 'output.state := - s -} - - -% Function output -% --------------- -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% -% Outputs parameter 1 - -FUNCTION {output} -{ - duplicate$ empty$ - 'pop$ - 'output.nonnull - if$ -} - - -% Function output.check -% --------------------- -% Parameter 1: type of field (just to be printed) -% Parameter 2: item to be printed -% -% Checks if parameter 2 is empty. If not, it outputs it, -% otherwise it prints a warning. - -FUNCTION {output.check} -{ - 't := - duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ } - 'output.nonnull - if$ -} - - -% Function remove.blanks -% ---------------------- -% Parameter 1: string to be parsed -% Result: parameter 1, where leading and trailing blanks have been -% removed - -INTEGERS { len ptr } -STRINGS { ss } - -FUNCTION {remove.blanks} -{ - duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - { 'ss := - #0 'len := - { ss #1 len substring$ empty$ } - { len #1 + 'len := } - while$ - ss len global.max$ substring$ 'ss := - #0 'len := - { ss #-1 len substring$ empty$ } - { len #1 + 'len := } - while$ - ss #0 len - global.max$ substring$ - } - if$ -} - - -% Function parse.comma.delimited -% ------------------------------ -% Parameter 1: string to be parsed -% Result: an empty string, followed by the list of parsed elements in -% the string in reverse order (first to be popped is first -% element) - -FUNCTION {parse.comma.delimited} -{ - duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - { 's := - "" - #0 'len := - s text.length$ 'ptr := - { ptr #0 > } - { s ptr #1 substring$ "," = - { len #0 = - { "Invalid element in comma delimited list" warning$ } - { s ptr #1 + len substring$ remove.blanks - #0 'len := - } - if$ - } - { len #1 + 'len := } - if$ - ptr #1 - 'ptr := - } - while$ - len #0 = - { duplicate$ empty$ - { "Invalid element in comma delimited list" warning$ } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - { s #1 len substring$ remove.blanks } - if$ - } - if$ -} - - -% Function output.bibcheck -% ------------------------ -% Writes the contents of the `bibcheck' field. - -FUNCTION {output.bibcheck} -{ - bibcheck parse.comma.delimited - { duplicate$ empty$ not } - { "?" * write$ - duplicate$ empty$ - 'skip$ - { " " write$ } - if$ - } - while$ - pop$ -} - - -% Function output.bibwhere -% ------------------------ -% Writes the contents of the `bibwhere' field. - -FUNCTION {output.bibwhere} -{ - bibwhere empty$ - 'skip$ - { bibwhere remove.blanks write$ } - if$ -} - - -% Function output.bibfiles -% ------------------------ -% Writes the contents of the `bibfiles' field. -% Assumes just one bibwrite !!! - -FUNCTION {output.bibfiles} -{ - bibfiles parse.comma.delimited - { duplicate$ empty$ not } - { duplicate$ bibwhere remove.blanks = - { pop$ } - { write$ - duplicate$ empty$ - 'skip$ - { ", " write$ } - if$ - } - if$ - } - while$ - pop$ -} - - -% Function output.bibitem -% ----------------------- -% Result: null string -% -% Starts an entry by writing the label and citation. - -FUNCTION {output.bibitem} -{ - newline$ - "\nbibitem[" write$ - label write$ - "]{" write$ - cite$ write$ - "}{" write$ - output.bibcheck - "}{" write$ - output.bibwhere - "}{" write$ - output.bibfiles - "}" write$ - newline$ - "" - before.all 'output.state := -} - - -% Function fin.entry -% ------------------ -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% -% Finishes an entry by writing whatever remains followed by a period. - -FUNCTION {fin.entry} -{ - add.period$ - write$ - newline$ -} - - -% Function new.block -% ------------------ -% If we are not before all, now we are after a block. - -FUNCTION {new.block} -{ - output.state before.all = - 'skip$ - { after.block 'output.state := } - if$ -} - - -% Function new.block.checka -% ------------------------- -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% -% If parameter 1 is not empty, new block - -FUNCTION {new.block.checka} -{ - empty$ - 'skip$ - 'new.block - if$ -} - - -% Function new.block.checkb -% ------------------------- -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% Parameter 2: item to be printed -% -% if at least one of parameters is non empty, new block - -FUNCTION {new.block.checkb} -{ - empty$ - swap$ empty$ - and - 'skip$ - 'new.block - if$ -} - - -% Function new.block.note -% ----------------------- -% If we are not before all, now we are before a note. - -FUNCTION {new.block.note} -{ - output.state before.all = - 'skip$ - { before.note 'output.state := } - if$ -} - - -% Function field.or.null -% ---------------------- -% Parameter 1: item -% Result: parameter 1, if not empty or missing, null string otherwise - -FUNCTION {field.or.null} -{ - duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - 'skip$ - if$ -} - - -% Function emphasize -% ------------------ -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% Result: parameter 1, surrounded by `{\em ' and `}' - -FUNCTION {emphasize} -{ - duplicate$ empty$ - { pop$ "" } - { "{\em " swap$ * "}" * } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.names -% --------------------- -% Parameter 1: names to be printed -% Result: formatted names from parameter 1 - -INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames } - -FUNCTION {format.names} -{ - 's := - #1 'nameptr := - s num.names$ 'numnames := - numnames 'namesleft := - { namesleft #0 > } - { s nameptr "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't := - nameptr #1 > - { namesleft #1 > - { ", " * t * } - { -% -% Uncomment the following two lines if you want a comma to be -% printed before the `and' if there are more than two names. -% -% numnames #2 > -% { "," * } -% 'skip$ -% if$ - - t "others" = - { " et~al." * } - { " and " * t * } - if$ - } - if$ - } - 't - if$ - nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := - namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := - } - while$ -} - - -% Function format.authors -% ----------------------- -% Result: formatted names of authors - -FUNCTION {format.authors} -{ - author empty$ - { "" } - { author format.names } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.editors -% ----------------------- -% Result: formatted names of editors - -FUNCTION {format.editors} -{ - editor empty$ - { "" } - { editor format.names - editor num.names$ #1 > - { ", editors" * } - { ", editor" * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.title.case -% -------------------------- -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% Result: parameter 1 in "title"-case -% -% The first letters of all normal words are transformed to upper case, -% except for some words (e.g. prepositions, etc.). - -FUNCTION {format.title.case} -{ - % nothing so far !!! -} - - -% Function format.quote -% --------------------- -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% Result: parameter 1 surrounded by quotes and with all -% double quotes transformed to single (in braces) - -FUNCTION {format.quote} -{ - 's := - "" 't := - { s text.length$ #1 > } - { s #1 #2 substring$ "``" = - { t "{`}" * 't := - s #3 global.max$ substring$ 's := - } - { s #1 #2 substring$ "''" = - { t "{'}" * 't := - s #3 global.max$ substring$ 's := - } - { t s #1 #1 substring$ * 't := - s #2 global.max$ substring$ 's := - } - if$ - } - if$ - } - while$ - "``" t * s * "''" * -} - - -% Function format.title -% --------------------- -% Result: the formatted title -% -% Format the title, converting it to "title"-case. - -FUNCTION {format.title} -{ - title empty$ - { "" } - { title format.title.case format.quote } - if$ -} - - -% Function n.dashify -% ------------------ -% Parameter 1: pages field -% Result: properly formatted pages field -% -% Fix number of dashes (always > 1, if any) - -FUNCTION {n.dashify} -{ - 't := - "" - { t empty$ not } - { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = - { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not - { "--" * - t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := - } - { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = } - { "-" * - t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := - } - while$ - } - if$ - } - { t #1 #1 substring$ * - t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := - } - if$ - } - while$ -} - - -% Function format.date -% -------------------- -% Result: formatted month and year - -FUNCTION {format.date} -{ - year empty$ - { month empty$ - { "" } - { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ - month - } - if$ - } - { month empty$ - 'year - { month " " * year * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - -% Function format.btitle -% ---------------------- -% Result: formatted book title (emphasized, without touching it) - -FUNCTION {format.btitle} -{ - title emphasize -} - - -% Function tie.or.space.connect -% ----------------------------- -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% Parameter 2: item to be printed -% Result: parameter 1 followed by space (hard or soft) and parameter 2 - -FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect} -{ - duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < - { "~" } - { " " } - if$ - swap$ * * -} - - -% Function tie.or.sspace.connect -% ------------------------------ -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% Parameter 2: item to be printed -% Result: parameter 1 followed by space (hard or soft) and parameter 2 -% -% The space will be short, in any case - -FUNCTION {tie.or.sspace.connect} -{ - duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < - { "~" } - { "\ " } - if$ - swap$ * * -} - - -% Function either.or.check -% ------------------------ -% Parameter 1: item to be printed -% Parameter 2: warning message -% -% Print a warning if parameter 1 is not empty - -FUNCTION {either.or.check} -{ - empty$ - 'pop$ - { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.bvolume -% ----------------------- -% Result: formatted book volume and series - -FUNCTION {format.bvolume} -{ - volume empty$ - { "" } - { "vol." volume tie.or.sspace.connect - series empty$ - 'skip$ - { " of " * series emphasize * } - if$ - "volume and number" number either.or.check - } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.number.series -% ----------------------------- -% Result: formatted number and series (or nothing if volume is not empty). - -FUNCTION {format.number.series} -{ - volume empty$ - { number empty$ - { series field.or.null } - { "no." number tie.or.sspace.connect - series empty$ - { "there's a number but no series in " cite$ * warning$ } - { " in " * series * } - if$ - } - if$ - } - { "" } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.edition -% ----------------------- -% Result: formatted edition - -FUNCTION {format.edition} -{ - edition empty$ - { "" } - { edition "l" change.case$ " edition" * } - if$ -} - - -% Function multi.page.check -% ------------------------- -% Parameter 1: range of pages -% Result: 1 if there are more than one pages, 0 otherwise -% -% Checks by searching for `-', `,' or `+' characters. - -INTEGERS { multiresult } - -FUNCTION {multi.page.check} -{ - 't := - #0 'multiresult := - { multiresult not - t empty$ not - and - } - { t #1 #1 substring$ - duplicate$ "-" = - swap$ duplicate$ "," = - swap$ "+" = - or or - { #1 'multiresult := } - { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } - if$ - } - while$ - multiresult -} - - -% Function format.pages -% --------------------- -% Result: formatted pages (long format) `page(s) pages' - -FUNCTION {format.pages} -{ - pages empty$ - { "" } - { pages multi.page.check - { "pp." pages n.dashify tie.or.sspace.connect } - { "p." pages tie.or.sspace.connect } - if$ - } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.vol.num.pages -% ----------------------------- -% Result: formatted volume, number and pages - -FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages} -{ - volume empty$ - { "" } - { "vol." volume tie.or.sspace.connect } - if$ - number empty$ - 'skip$ - { volume empty$ - { "there's a number but no volume in " cite$ * warning$ } - { ", " * } - if$ - "no." number tie.or.sspace.connect * - } - if$ - pages empty$ - 'skip$ - { duplicate$ empty$ - 'skip$ - { ", " * } - if$ - format.pages * - } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.chapter.pages -% ----------------------------- -% Result: formatted chapter and pages, long format - -FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages} -{ - chapter empty$ - 'format.pages - { type empty$ - { "chapter" } - { type "l" change.case$ } - if$ - chapter tie.or.space.connect - pages empty$ - 'skip$ - { ", " * format.pages * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.in.ed.booktitle -% ------------------------------- -% Result: formatted editors for booktitle - -FUNCTION {format.in.ed.booktitle} -{ - booktitle empty$ - { "" } - { editor empty$ - { "in " booktitle emphasize * } - { "in " format.editors * ", " * booktitle emphasize * } - if$ - } - if$ -} - - -% Function empty.misc.check -% ------------------------- -% Check if all fields in a misc entry are empty. - -FUNCTION {empty.misc.check} -{ - author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$ - month empty$ year empty$ note empty$ - and and and and and - key empty$ not and - { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ } - 'skip$ - if$ -} - - -% Function format.thesis.type -% --------------------------- -% Parameter 1: default type -% Result: formatted type of thesis - -FUNCTION {format.thesis.type} -{ - type empty$ - 'skip$ - { pop$ - type "t" change.case$ - } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.tr.number -% ------------------------- -% Result: formatted number of technical report - -FUNCTION {format.tr.number} -{ - type empty$ - { "Technical Report" } - 'type - if$ - number empty$ - { "t" change.case$ } - { number tie.or.space.connect } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.article.crossref -% -------------------------------- -% Result: formatted article cross reference -% -% If the key field is empty -% return `in {\em journal \/} citation' -% else -% return `in key citation' - -FUNCTION {format.article.crossref} -{ - key empty$ - { journal empty$ - { "need key or journal for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * - warning$ - "" - } - { "in {\em " journal * "\/}" * } - if$ - } - { "in " key * } - if$ - " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * -} - - -% Function format.crossref.editor -% ------------------------------- -% Result: editor name(s) formatted for a cross reference (abbreviated) - -FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor} -{ - editor #1 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ - editor num.names$ duplicate$ - #2 > - { pop$ " et~al." * } - { #2 < - 'skip$ - { editor #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = - { " et~al." * } - { " and " * editor #2 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ * } - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ -} - - -% Function format.book.crossref -% ----------------------------- -% Result: formatted book cross reference as in `VEC' -% -% where: -% V: `Volume volume of' -% E: if there is an editor (different from the author) -% formatted-editor -% else if the key field is empty -% `{\em series\/} -% else -% key -% C: citation - -FUNCTION {format.book.crossref} -{ - volume empty$ - { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$ - "in " - } - { "vol." volume tie.or.sspace.connect - " of " * - } - if$ - editor empty$ - editor field.or.null author field.or.null = - or - { key empty$ - { series empty$ - { "need editor, key, or series for " cite$ * " to crossref " * - crossref * warning$ - "" * - } - { "{\em " * series * "\/}" * } - if$ - } - { key * } - if$ - } - { format.crossref.editor * } - if$ - " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * -} - - -% Function format.incoll.inproc.crossref -% -------------------------------------- -% Result: formatted incoll/inproc cross reference as in `EC' -% -% where: -% E: if there is an editor (different from the author) -% formatted-editor -% else if the key field is empty -% `{\em booktitle\/} -% else -% key -% C: citation - -FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref} -{ - editor empty$ - editor field.or.null author field.or.null = - or - { key empty$ - { booktitle empty$ - { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " cite$ * " to crossref " * - crossref * warning$ - "" - } - { "in {\em " booktitle * "\/}" * } - if$ - } - { "in " key * } - if$ - } - { "in " format.crossref.editor * } - if$ - " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * -} - - -% Function article -% ---------------- -% Prints an article as: -% start... -% authors \newblock -% title \newblock -% journal, volume, number, pages, date \newblock -% note -% finish... - -FUNCTION {article} -{ - output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - new.block - format.title "title" output.check - new.block - crossref missing$ - { journal emphasize "journal" output.check - format.vol.num.pages output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { format.article.crossref output.nonnull - format.pages output - } - if$ - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function book -% ------------- -% Prints a book as: -% start... -% authors x-or editors \newblock -% title, volume \newblock -% number, series -% publisher, address, edition, date \newblock -% note -% finish... - -FUNCTION {book} -{ - output.bibitem - author empty$ - { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } - { format.authors output.nonnull - crossref missing$ - { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - if$ - new.block - format.btitle "title" output.check - crossref missing$ - { format.bvolume output - new.block - format.number.series output - publisher "publisher" output.check - address output - } - { new.block - format.book.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - format.edition output - format.date "year" output.check - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function booklet -% ---------------- -% Prints a booklet as: -% start... -% authors \newblock -% title \newblock if next exists -% howpublished, address -% date \newblock -% note -% finish... - -FUNCTION {booklet} -{ - output.bibitem - format.authors output - new.block - format.title "title" output.check - howpublished address new.block.checkb - howpublished output - address output - format.date output - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function inbook -% --------------- -% Prints an inbook as: -% start... -% authors x-or editors \newblock -% title, volume \newblock -% chapter, pages \newblock -% number, series -% publisher, address, edition, date \newblock -% note -% finish... - -FUNCTION {inbook} -{ - output.bibitem - author empty$ - { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } - { format.authors output.nonnull - crossref missing$ - { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - if$ - new.block - format.btitle "title" output.check - crossref missing$ - { format.bvolume output - format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check - new.block - format.number.series output - publisher "publisher" output.check - address output - } - { format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check - new.block - format.book.crossref output.nonnull - } - if$ - format.edition output - format.date "year" output.check - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function incollection -% --------------------- -% Prints an incollection as: -% start... -% authors \newblock -% title \newblock -% booktitle, volume, number, series, chapter, pages -% publisher, address, edition, date \newblock -% note -% finish... - -FUNCTION {incollection} -{ - output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - new.block - format.title "title" output.check - new.block - crossref missing$ - { format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check - format.bvolume output - format.number.series output - format.chapter.pages output - publisher "publisher" output.check - address output - format.edition output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull - format.chapter.pages output - } - if$ - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function inproceedings / conference -% ----------------------------------- -% Prints an inproceedings/conference as: -% start... -% authors \newblock -% title \newblock -% booktitle, volume, number, pages -% organization, publisher, address { not exactly! } -% date \newblock -% note -% finish... - -FUNCTION {inproceedings} -{ - output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - new.block - format.title "title" output.check - new.block - crossref missing$ - { format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check - format.bvolume output - format.number.series output - format.pages output - address empty$ - { organization output - publisher output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { address output.nonnull - format.date "year" output.check - organization output - publisher output - } - if$ - } - { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull - format.pages output - } - if$ - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - -FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings } - - -% Function manual -% --------------- -% Prints a manual as: -% start... -% whatever... -% finish... - -FUNCTION {manual} -{ - output.bibitem - author empty$ - { organization empty$ - 'skip$ - { organization output.nonnull - address output - } - if$ - } - { format.authors output.nonnull } - if$ - new.block - format.btitle "title" output.check - author empty$ - { organization empty$ - { address new.block.checka - address output - } - 'skip$ - if$ - } - { organization address new.block.checkb - organization output - address output - } - if$ - format.edition output - format.date output - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function mastersthesis -% ---------------------- -% Prints a Master's thesis as: -% start... -% whatever... -% finish... - -FUNCTION {mastersthesis} -{ - output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - new.block - format.title "title" output.check - new.block - "Master's thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull - school "school" output.check - address output - format.date "year" output.check - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function misc -% ------------- -% Prints a misc entry as: -% start... -% whatever... -% finish... - -FUNCTION {misc} -{ - output.bibitem - format.authors output - title howpublished new.block.checkb - format.title output - howpublished new.block.checka - howpublished output - format.date output - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry - empty.misc.check -} - - -% Function phdthesis -% ------------------ -% Prints a Ph.D. thesis as: -% start... -% whatever... -% finish... - -FUNCTION {phdthesis} -{ - output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - new.block - format.btitle "title" output.check - new.block - "Ph.D.\ thesis" format.thesis.type output.nonnull - school "school" output.check - address output - format.date "year" output.check - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function proceedings -% -------------------- -% Prints a proceedings entry as: -% start... -% whatever... -% finish... - -FUNCTION {proceedings} -{ - output.bibitem - editor empty$ - { organization output } - { format.editors output.nonnull } - if$ - new.block - format.btitle "title" output.check - format.bvolume output - format.number.series output - address empty$ - { editor empty$ - 'skip$ - { organization output } - if$ - publisher output - format.date "year" output.check - } - { address output.nonnull - format.date "year" output.check - editor empty$ - 'skip$ - { organization output } - if$ - publisher output - } - if$ - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function techreport -% ------------------- -% Prints a technical report as: -% start... -% whatever... -% finish... - -FUNCTION {techreport} -{ - output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - new.block - format.title "title" output.check - new.block - format.tr.number output.nonnull - institution "institution" output.check - address output - format.date "year" output.check - new.block.note - note output - fin.entry -} - - -% Function unpublished -% -------------------- -% Prints an unpublished entry as: -% start... -% whatever... -% finish... - -FUNCTION {unpublished} -{ - output.bibitem - format.authors "author" output.check - new.block - format.title "title" output.check - new.block.note - note "note" output.check - format.date output - fin.entry -} - - -% Auxiliary - -FUNCTION {default.type} { misc } - - -% Months - -MACRO {jan} {"January"} - -MACRO {feb} {"February"} - -MACRO {mar} {"March"} - -MACRO {apr} {"April"} - -MACRO {may} {"May"} - -MACRO {jun} {"June"} - -MACRO {jul} {"July"} - -MACRO {aug} {"August"} - -MACRO {sep} {"September"} - -MACRO {oct} {"October"} - -MACRO {nov} {"November"} - -MACRO {dec} {"December"} - - -% Periodicals - -MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Computing Surveys"} - -MACRO {acta} {"Acta Informatica"} - -MACRO {cacm} {"Communications of the ACM"} - -MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"} - -MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Systems Journal"} - -MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"} - -MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Transactions on Computers"} - -MACRO {ieeetcad} - {"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits"} - -MACRO {ipl} {"Information Processing Letters"} - -MACRO {jacm} {"Journal of the ACM"} - -MACRO {jcss} {"Journal of Computer and System Sciences"} - -MACRO {scp} {"Science of Computer Programming"} - -MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM Journal on Computing"} - -MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"} - -MACRO {tods} {"ACM Transactions on Database Systems"} - -MACRO {tog} {"ACM Transactions on Graphics"} - -MACRO {toms} {"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"} - -MACRO {toois} {"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"} - -MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} - -MACRO {tcs} {"Theoretical Computer Science"} - - -% Do the reading! - -READ - - -% Sorting - -FUNCTION {sortify} -{ purify$ - "l" change.case$ -} - -FUNCTION {chop.word} -{ 's := - 'len := - s #1 len substring$ = - { s len #1 + global.max$ substring$ } - 's - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.lab.chop} -{ - #4 text.prefix$ -} - -FUNCTION {format.lab.names} -{ - #1 "{v{}}{ll{}}" format.name$ - purify$ - format.lab.chop -} - -FUNCTION {author.key.label} -{ author empty$ - { key empty$ - { cite$ format.lab.chop } - { key format.lab.chop } - if$ - } - { author format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.editor.key.label} -{ author empty$ - { editor empty$ - { key empty$ - { cite$ format.lab.chop } - { key format.lab.chop } - if$ - } - { editor format.lab.names } - if$ - } - { author format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.key.organization.label} -{ author empty$ - { key empty$ - { organization empty$ - { cite$ format.lab.chop } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word format.lab.chop } - if$ - } - { key format.lab.chop } - if$ - } - { author format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {editor.key.organization.label} -{ editor empty$ - { key empty$ - { organization empty$ - { cite$ format.lab.chop } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word format.lab.chop } - if$ - } - { key format.lab.chop } - if$ - } - { editor format.lab.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {calc.label} -{ type$ "book" = - type$ "inbook" = - or - 'author.editor.key.label - { type$ "proceedings" = - 'editor.key.organization.label - { type$ "manual" = - 'author.key.organization.label - 'author.key.label - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ - duplicate$ - year field.or.null purify$ #-1 #2 substring$ - * - 'label := - year field.or.null purify$ #-1 #4 substring$ - * - sortify 'sort.label := -} - -FUNCTION {sort.format.names} -{ 's := - #1 'nameptr := - "" - s num.names$ 'numnames := - numnames 'namesleft := - { namesleft #0 > } - { nameptr #1 > - { " " * } - 'skip$ - if$ - s nameptr "{vv{ } }{ll{ }}{ ff{ }}{ jj{ }}" format.name$ 't := - nameptr numnames = t "others" = and - { "et al" * } - { t sortify * } - if$ - nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := - namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := - } - while$ -} - -FUNCTION {sort.format.title} -{ 't := - "A " #2 - "An " #3 - "The " #4 t chop.word - chop.word - chop.word - sortify - #1 global.max$ substring$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.sort} -{ author empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need author or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { author sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.editor.sort} -{ author empty$ - { editor empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need author, editor, or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { editor sort.format.names } - if$ - } - { author sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {author.organization.sort} -{ author empty$ - { organization empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need author, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify } - if$ - } - { author sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {editor.organization.sort} -{ editor empty$ - { organization empty$ - { key empty$ - { "to sort, need editor, organization, or key in " cite$ * warning$ - "" - } - { key sortify } - if$ - } - { "The " #4 organization chop.word sortify } - if$ - } - { editor sort.format.names } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {presort} -{ calc.label - sort.label - " " - * - type$ "book" = - type$ "inbook" = - or - 'author.editor.sort - { type$ "proceedings" = - 'editor.organization.sort - { type$ "manual" = - 'author.organization.sort - 'author.sort - if$ - } - if$ - } - if$ - * - " " - * - year field.or.null sortify - * - " " - * - title field.or.null - sort.format.title - * - #1 entry.max$ substring$ - 'sort.key$ := -} - - -% Sort - -ITERATE {presort} - -SORT - - -% Find longest label - -STRINGS { longest.label last.sort.label next.extra } - -INTEGERS { longest.label.width last.extra.num } - -FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label} -{ "" 'longest.label := - #0 int.to.chr$ 'last.sort.label := - "" 'next.extra := - #0 'longest.label.width := - #0 'last.extra.num := -} - -FUNCTION {forward.pass} -{ last.sort.label sort.label = - { last.extra.num #1 + 'last.extra.num := - last.extra.num int.to.chr$ 'extra.label := - } - { "a" chr.to.int$ 'last.extra.num := - "" 'extra.label := - sort.label 'last.sort.label := - } - if$ -} - -FUNCTION {reverse.pass} -{ next.extra "b" = - { "a" 'extra.label := } - 'skip$ - if$ - label extra.label * 'label := - label width$ longest.label.width > - { label 'longest.label := - label width$ 'longest.label.width := - } - 'skip$ - if$ - extra.label 'next.extra := -} - -EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label} - -ITERATE {forward.pass} - -REVERSE {reverse.pass} - -FUNCTION {begin.bib} -{ - "\providecommand\nbibitem[5][]{\bibitem[#1]{#2}}" write$ newline$ - preamble$ empty$ - 'skip$ - { preamble$ write$ newline$ } - if$ - "\begin{thebibliography}{" longest.label * "}" * write$ newline$ -} - -EXECUTE {begin.bib} - -EXECUTE {init.state.consts} - -ITERATE {call.type$} - -FUNCTION {end.bib} -{ newline$ - "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$ -} - -EXECUTE {end.bib} diff --git a/softlab-thesis.cls b/softlab-thesis.cls index 277b019744445998c0fdf8fa235b0aa381da23ae..bb42c1b0c69ae79948a0a5270d1eead128d85d7a 100644 --- a/softlab-thesis.cls +++ b/softlab-thesis.cls @@ -1,26 +1,29 @@ %****************************************************************************** % CVS/RCS version: -% $Id: softlab-thesis.cls,v 1.2 2002-10-28 17:01:04 nickie Exp $ +% $Id: softlab-thesis.cls,v 1.3 2003-07-21 12:43:42 nickie Exp $ %****************************************************************************** % LaTeX file : softlab-thesis.cls % Written by : Nikolaos S. Papaspyrou % Date : October 17, 2002 -% Revised : October 22, 2002 +% Revised : July 2, 2003 % % Description : A uniform template for diploma projects and doctoral % dissertations at the Software Engineering Laboratory, -% Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, +% School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, % National Technical University of Athens. % % Notes : This package is based on `thesis.cls', written by % Wenzel Matiaske (mati1831@perform.ww.tu-berlin.de) % Copyright (C) 1991, 1996. Version 1.0g (1996/25/01). +% Revised in July 2003, to adhere to NTUA's ECE library +% policy for diploma projects and doctoral dissertations. + % Package information %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\filename{softlab-thesis} -\def\fileversion{1.0a} -\def\filedate{2002/10/28} +\def\fileversion{1.1a} +\def\filedate{2003/07/02} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{softlab-thesis}[\filedate\space\fileversion\space% LaTeX document class (nsp).] @@ -28,9 +31,6 @@ % Options and related stuff %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand\@ptsize{} -\newif\if@restonecol -\newif\if@titlepage -\@titlepagetrue \newif\if@openright \newif\if@openbib \@openbibfalse @@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ \newif\if@greek \@greekfalse \DeclareOption{greek}{\@greektrue} \DeclareOption{english}{\@greekfalse} +\newcount\c@type +\DeclareOption{diploma}{\c@type=1} +\DeclareOption{master}{\c@type=2} +\DeclareOption{dissertation}{\c@type=3} \newcount\hours \newcount\minutes \def\SetTime{\hours=\time \global\divide\hours by 60 @@ -76,8 +80,6 @@ \newif\iffinal \finaltrue \DeclareOption{draft}{\setlength\overfullrule{5pt}\finalfalse \SetTime} \DeclareOption{final}{\setlength\overfullrule{0pt}\finaltrue} -\newif\if@thema \@themafalse -\DeclareOption{thema}{\@thematrue} \newif\if@crosshair \@crosshairfalse \DeclareOption{crosshair}{\@crosshairtrue} \DeclareOption{nocrosshair}{\@crosshairfalse} @@ -96,12 +98,9 @@ \newif\if@upper \@upperfalse \DeclareOption{upper} {\@uppertrue} \DeclareOption{noupper}{\@upperfalse} -\newif\if@headline \@headlinetrue -\DeclareOption{headline} {\@headlinetrue} -\DeclareOption{noheadline}{\@headlinefalse} -\newif\if@headcount \@headcounttrue -\DeclareOption{headcount} {\@headcounttrue} -\DeclareOption{noheadcount}{\@headcountfalse} +\newif\if@contpage \@contpagetrue +\DeclareOption{contpage} {\@contpagetrue} +\DeclareOption{nocontpage}{\@contpagefalse} \def\partfont#1{\def\p@font{#1}} \def\p@font{} \def\chapterfont#1{\def\c@font{#1}} \def\c@font{} \def\chapterauthorfont#1{\def\ca@font{#1}} \def\ca@font{} @@ -113,8 +112,11 @@ \def\titlefont#1{\def\t@font{#1}} \def\t@font{} \def\subtitlefont#1{\def\st@font{#1}} \def\st@font{} \def\authorfont#1{\def\a@font{#1}} \def\a@font{} -\def\translatorfont#1{\def\a@font{#1}} \def\tr@font{} \def\institutionfont#1{\def\in@font{#1}} \def\in@font{} +\def\schoolfont#1{\def\sc@font{#1}} \def\sc@font{} +\def\departmentfont#1{\def\dp@font{#1}} \def\dp@font{} +\def\thesistypefont#1{\def\ty@font{#1}} \def\ty@font{} + \def\theoremheaderfont#1{\def\thh@font{#1}} \def\thh@font{} \def\theorembodyfont#1{\def\thb@font{#1}} \def\thb@font{} \def\itemfont#1{\def\item@font{#1}} \def\item@font{} @@ -140,7 +142,9 @@ \subtitlefont{\large} \authorfont{} \institutionfont{\slshape} - 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National Technical University of Athens\\ - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering\\ - Division of Computer Science\\ - Software Engineering Laboratory% -} +\thesistype{Diploma Project} +\institution{National Technical University of Athens} +\school{School of Electrical and Computer Engineering} +\department{Department of Computer Science} \fi \trurl{http://www.softlab.ntua.gr/techrep/} \trftp{ftp://ftp.softlab.ntua.gr/pub/techrep/} \uppertitleback{% - \begin{minipage}{2cm} - \includegraphics[width=2cm]{pyrforos}% - \end{minipage} - \hspace{0.5cm} - \begin{minipage}{12cm} - \@institution - \end{minipage} + \vspace*{4cm}% + {\large% + \signature[6pt]{% + \textbf{\uppercase{\@author}} + }{% + Äéðëùìáôïý÷ïò Çëåêôñïëüãïò Ìç÷áíéêüò êáé Ìç÷áíéêüò Õðïëïãéóôþí Å.Ì.Ð. + }} } -\middletitleback{% - Copyright \copyright\ \ \@author, \date@year.\\ +\lowertitleback{% + {\large Copyright \copyright\ \ \@author, \date@year.\\ +\if@greek + Ìå åðéöýëáîç ðáíôüò äéêáéþìáôïò. All rights reserved.\\[12pt] +\else + All rights reserved.\\[12pt] +\fi + } \if@greek - Ìå åðéöýëáîç ðáíôüò äéêáéþìáôïò.\\[12pt] Áðáãïñåýåôáé ç áíôéãñáöÞ, áðïèÞêåõóç êáé äéáíïìÞ ôçò ðáñïýóáò åñãáóßáò, åî ïëïêëÞñïõ Þ ôìÞìáôïò áõôÞò, ãéá åìðïñéêü óêïðü. ÅðéôñÝðåôáé ç áíáôýðùóç, áðïèÞêåõóç êáé äéáíïìÞ ãéá óêïðü ìç @@ -1381,50 +1359,27 @@ íá áíáöÝñåôáé ç ðçãÞ ðñïÝëåõóçò êáé íá äéáôçñåßôáé ôï ðáñüí ìÞíõìá. ÅñùôÞìáôá ðïõ áöïñïýí ôç ÷ñÞóç ôçò åñãáóßáò ãéá êåñäïóêïðéêü óêïðü ðñÝðåé íá áðåõèýíïíôáé ðñïò ôïí óõããñáöÝá. +\medskip\par + Ïé áðüøåéò êáé ôá óõìðåñÜóìáôá ðïõ ðåñéÝ÷ïíôáé óå áõôü ôï + Ýããñáöï åêöñÜæïõí \@author@accusative{} êáé äåí ðñÝðåé íá + åñìçíåõèåß üôé áíôéðñïóùðåýïõí ôéò åðßóçìåò èÝóåéò ôïõ + Åèíéêïý Ìåôóüâéïõ Ðïëõôå÷íåßïõ. \else - All rights reserved.\\[12pt] This work is copyright and may not be reproduced, stored nor distributed in whole or in part for commercial purposes. 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Also, only entries -%%% that are owned by a semantics bibliography (`ds', `hl' or -%%% `sem') are correctly classified into these three catefories. -%%% -%%% -%%% - Control: -%%% -%%% Entries marked by a `bibcheck' field do not represent reliable -%%% references. So far, the only field values are `ref', which stands -%%% for ``check this reference'', and `cont' which stands for ``check -%%% if the contents are OK''. - - -%%% -%%% Periodicals -%%% - -@String{ACMCS = "{ACM} Computing Surveys"} - -@String{ACTA = "Acta Informatica"} - -@String{AI = "Artificial Intelligence"} - -@String{AMAST91 = "Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic " # - "Methodology and Software Technology ({AMAST}'91)"} - -@String{BYTE = "{BYTE}"} - -@String{CACM = "Communications of the {ACM}"} - -@String{CJ = "Computer Journal"} - -@String{COMPUTER = "{IEEE} Computer"} - -@String{CSI = "Computer Standards and Interfaces"} - -@String{EXPERT = "{IEEE} Expert"} - -@String{IC = "Information and Computation"} - -@String{ICSE81 = "Proceedings of the 5th International " # "Conference on Software Engineering"} - -@String{IEEECADICS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of " - # "Integrated Circuits and Systems"} - -@String{IEEECGA = "{IEEE} Computer Graphics and Applications"} - -@String{IEEECOMP = "{IEEE} Computer"} - -@String{IEEESE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Software Engineering"} - -@String{IEEESLICS = "{IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer Science"} - -@String{IEEEWVL92 = "Proceedings of the 1992 {IEEE} Workshop on Visual " - # "Languages"} - -@String{IEEEWVL93 = "Proceedings of the 1993 {IEEE} Symposium on Visual " # "Languages"} - -@String{JACM = "Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery"} - -@String{JSC = "Journal of Symbolic Computation"} - -@String{JFP = "Journal of Functional Programming"} - -@String{JCSS = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences"} - -@String{JOOP = "Journal of Object-Oriented Programming"} - -@String{JVLC = "Journal of Visual Languages and Computing"} - -@String{LFP = "Conference Record of the {ACM} Symposium on " # - "{L}isp and Functional Programming"} - -@String{LSC = "{L}isp and Symbolic Computation"} - -@String{PLILP = "Proceedings of the International Symposium on " # - "Programming Language Implementation and Logic " # - "Programming"} - -@String{POPL = "Proceedings of the {ACM} Symposium on Principles of " - # "Programming Languages"} - -@String{SCP = "Science of Computer Programming"} - -@String{SEJ = "Software Engineering Journal"} - -@String{SEKE95 = "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on " # - "Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering " # - "(SEKE'95)"} - -@String{SIAM = "{SIAM} Journal on Computing"} - -@String{SIGMOD = "{ACM} {SIGMOD} Record"} - -@String{SIGPLAN = "{ACM} {SIGPLAN} Notices"} - -@String{SIGPLAN82CC = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN}'82 Symposium on " # "Compiler Construction"} - -@String{SIGPLAN84CC = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN}'84 Symposium on " # "Compiler Construction"} - -@String{SIGPLAN89CC = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN}'89 Symposium on " # "Compiler Construction"} - -@String{SIGPLAN91PLDI = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN}'91 Conference on " # "Programming Language Design and Implementation"} - -@String{SIGPLAN91SBPM = "Staging Transformations for Abstract Machines, " # "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN}'91 Symposium " - # "on Semantics-Based Program Manipulation"} - -@String{SIGSOFT = "{SIGSOFT} Software Engineering Notes"} - -@String{SIGOIS = "{SIGOIS} Bulletin"} - -@String{SPE = "Software Practice and Experience"} - -@String{TCS = "Theoretical Computer Science"} - -@String{TOG = "{ACM} Transactions on Graphics"} - -@String{TOPLAS = "{ACM} Transactions on Programming " # "Languages and Systems"} - -%%% -%%% Publishers -%%% - -@String{ACMP = "{ACM} Press"} - -@String{CAMP = "Cambridge University Press"} - -@String{CHAPMAN = "Chapman and Hall"} - -@String{IEEECSP = "{IEEE} Computer Society Press"} - -@String{LNCS = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} - -@String{MITP = "{MIT} Press"} - -@String{MK = "Morgan Kaufmann"} - -@String{NH = "North-Holland"} - -@String{OXFP = "Oxford University Press"} - -@String{PRHALL = "Prentice Hall"} - -@String{SV = "Springer Verlag"} - -@String{WILEY = "John Wiley and Sons"} - -%%% -%%% Addresses -%%% - -@String{AMSTERDAM = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"} - -@String{BERLIN = "Berlin, Germany"} - -@String{BERGEN = "Bergen, Norway"} - -@String{CAMBMA = "Cambridge, MA"} - -@String{CAPRI = "Capri, Italy"} - -@String{NYC = "New York, NY"} - -@String{SEATTLE = "Seattle, WA"} - -%%% -%%% Bibliography -%%% - -@Article{abelson-1991-rrals, - author = "H. Abelson and others", - title = "Revised 4 Report on the Algorithmic Language {S}cheme", - journal = "{L}isp Pointers", - year = "1991", - editors = "W. Clinger and J. Rees", - volume = "4", - number = "3", - month = jul, - pages = "1--55", - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/scheme-repository/doc/" # - "standards/r4rs.ps.gz", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{abramsky-1995-gfallc, - author = "S. Abramsky and G. McCusker", - title = "Games and Full Abstraction for the Lazy Lambda-Calculus", - pages = "234--243", - booktitle = IEEESLICS, - year = "1995", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Misc{abramsky-1996-si, - author = "S. Abramsky", - title = "Semantics of Interaction", - year = "1996", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{agha-1992-ttac, - author = "G. Agha and I. Mason and S. Smith and C. Talcott", - title = "Towards a Theory of Actor Computation", - volume = "630", - series = LNCS, - pages = "565--579", - booktitle = "Third International Conference on Concurrency " # - "Theory ({CONCUR}'92)", - year = "1992", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - month = aug, - note = "Extended Abstract", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{agrawal-1989-edsb, - author = "H. Agrawal and R. A. De Millo and E. H. Spafford", - title = "Efficient Debugging with Slicing and Backtracking", - institution = "Software Engineering Research Center", - year = "1989", - number = "SERC-TR-80-P", - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth, sweng", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Article{agrawal-1994-ospjs, - author = "H. Agrawal", - title = "On Slicing Programs with Jump Statements", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1994", - volume = "29", - number = "6", - pages = "302--312", - month = jun, - note = "{ACM} {SIGPLAN}'94 Conference on Programming Language " # "Design and Implementation", - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@InProceedings{aiken-1990-ptpe, - author = "A. Aiken and J. H. Williams and E. L. Wimmers", - title = "Program Transformation in the Presence of Errors", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1990", - pages = "210--217", - bibfiles = "trans", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@Article{aiken-1995-ssttppe, - author = "A. Aiken and J. H. Williams and E. L. Wimmers", - title = "{S}afe: A Semantic Technique for Transforming " # - "Programs in the Presence of Errors", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1995", - volume = "17", - number = "1", - pages = "63--84", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "trans, sem", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@Misc{alden-1994-gum, - author = "S. D. Alden and D. Moseley", - title = "Ghinsu Version 3.0 User Manual", - year = "1994", - month = apr, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ghinsu", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@PhdThesis{allan-1995-ahc, - author = "J. Allan", - title = "Automatic Hypertext Construction", - school = "Cornell University, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1995", - address = "Ithaca, NY", - month = feb, - note = "Also as Technical Report TR95-1484", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{allison-1983-pds, - author = "L. Allison", - title = "Programming Denotational Semantics", - journal = CJ, - year = "1983", - volume = "26", - number = "2", - pages = "164--174", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{allison-1985-pds, - author = "L. Allison", - title = "Programming Denotational Semantics {II}", - journal = CJ, - year = "1985", - volume = "28", - number = "5", - pages = "480--486", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Book{allison-1986-pids, - author = "L. Allison", - title = "A Practical Introduction to Denotational Semantics", - publisher = CAMP, - year = "1986", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{allison-1989-dsedjc, - author = "L. Allison", - title = "Direct Semantics and Exceptions Define Jumps and Coroutines", - journal = "Information Processing Letters", - year = "1989", - volume = "31", - pages = "327--330", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{alpern-1988-devp, - author = "B. Alpern and M. N. Wegman and F. K. Zadeck", - title = "Detecting Equality of Variables in Programs", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1988", - pages = "1--11", - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@Article{ambriola-1985-sspr, - author = "V. Ambriola and F. Giannotti and D. Pedreschi and F. Turini", - title = "Symbolic Semantics and Program Reduction", - journal = IEEESE, - year = "1985", - volume = "11", - number = "8", - pages = "784--794", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "sem, pe", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{andersen-1992-pecacg, - author = "L. O. Andersen", - title = "Partial Evaluation of {C} and Automatic Compiler " # - "Generation", - booktitle = "Compiler Construction, Paderborn, Germany, October 1992", - series = LNCS, - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - editor = "U. Kastens and P. Pfahler", - year = "1992", - note = "Extended Abstract", - volume = "641", - pages = "251--257", - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@TechReport{andersen-1993-peart, - author = "P. H. Andersen", - title = "Partial Evaluation Applied to Ray Tracing", - institution = "{DIKU} {TOPPS}", - year = "1993", - number = "D-178", - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@Article{anderson-1976-smpspl, - author = "E. R. Anderson and F. C. Belz and E. K. Blum", - title = "{SEMANOL} (73): A Metalanguage for Programming the " # - "Semantics of Programming Languages", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1976", - volume = "6", - pages = "109--131", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{andersson-1993-isslepm, - author = "P. Andersson and L. H. Philipson", - title = "Interaction Semantics of a Symbolic Layout Editor for Parameterized Modules", - journal = IEEECADICS, - year = "1993", - volume = "12", - number = "8", - pages = "1096--1106", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "gui", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@Manual{ansi-1989-ansisplc, - title = "American National Standard for Information Systems: " - # "Programming Language {C}, {ANSI} {X3}.159-1989", - key = "ANSI", - organization = "American National Standards Institute", - address = NYC, - year = "1989", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Manual{ansi-1989-ransisplc, - title = "Rationale for {A}merican National Standard for " # - "Information Systems: Programming Language {C}", - organization = "American National Standards Institute", - key = "ANSI", - address = NYC, - year = "1989", - note = "Supplement to {ANSI} {X}3.159-1989", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Manual{ansi-1990-plc, - title = "{ANSI/ISO} 9899-1990, {A}merican National Standard " # - "for Programming Languages: {C}", - organization = "American National Standards Institute", - key = "ANSI", - address = NYC, - year = "1990", - note = "Revision and redesignation of {ANSI} {X}3.159-1989", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Manual{ansi-1994-plctc1, - title = "Technical Corrigendum Number 1 to {ANSI/ISO} 9899-1990 " # "{A}merican National Standard for Programing Languages: " # "{C}", - organization = "American National Standards Institute", - key = "ANSI", - address = NYC, - year = "1994", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "find", - bibcomment = "I only have a (possibly incomplete) list of the " # - "Normative Changes", -} - -@InProceedings{appel-1984-sdcg, - author = "A. W. Appel", - title = "Semantics-Directed Code Generation", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1984", - pages = "315--324", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{appel-1989-cpcps, - author = "A. W. Appel and T. Jim", - title = "Continuation-Passing, Closure-Passing Style", - pages = "293--302", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1989", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Book{appel-1992-cc, - author = "A. Appel", - title = "Compiling with Continuations", - publisher = CAMP, - year = "1992", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{arifoglu-1993-msce, - author = "A. Arifoglu", - title = "A Methodology for Software Cost Estimation", - journal = SIGSOFT, - year = "1993", - volume = "18", - number = "2", - pages = "96--105", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@Article{ashcroft-1976-rppjfch, - author = "E. A. Ashcroft and M. Clint and C. A. R. Hoare", - title = "Remarks on ``{P}rogram Proving: Jumps and Functions'' by " # "{M}. {C}lint and {C}.{A}.{R}. {H}oare", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1976", - volume = "6", - pages = "317--318", - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Book{asperti-1991-ctsictwcs, - author = "A. Asperti and G. Longo", - title = "Categories, Types, and Structures: An Introduction to " # "Category Theory for the Working Computer Scientist", - publisher = MITP, - year = "1991", - series = "Foundations of Computing Series", - address = CAMBMA, - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InCollection{astesiano-1991-os, - author = "E. Astesiano", - title = "Operational Semantics", - booktitle = "Formal Description of Programming Concepts", - series = "State-of-the-art Reports", - publisher = "{IFIP}", - year = "1991", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{attali-1993-fddsel, - author = "I. Attali and D. Caromel and M. Oudshoorn", - title = "A Formal Definition of the Dynamic Semantics of the " - # "{E}iffel Language", - journal = "Australian Computer Science Communications", - year = "1993", - volume = "14", - number = "1", - month = feb, - pages = "109--119", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{back-1988-crpd, - author = "R. J. R. Back", - title = "A Calculus of Refinements for Program Derivations", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1988", - volume = "25", - pages = "593--624", - bibfiles = "trans, sem", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@Misc{backhouse-1993-md, - author = "R. C. Backhouse", - title = "Monad Decomposition", - howpublished = "Unpublished manuscript", - year = "1993", - month = apr, - documenturl = "ftp: //ftp. win.tue.nl/pub/math.prog.construction/monad.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@InProceedings{backus-1973-plscal, - author = "J. W. Backus", - title = "Programming Language Semantics and Closed " # - "Applicative Languages", - year = "1973", - pages = "71--86", - booktitle = POPL, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{baker-1992-cscalasa, - author = "H. G. Baker", - title = "{CONS} Should not {CONS} its Arguments, or, a Lazy Alloc " # "Is a Smart Alloc", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1992", - volume = "27", - number = "3", - pages = "24--34", - month = mar, - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@Article{baker-1993-erfomtcms, - author = "H. G. Baker", - title = "Equal Rights for Functional Objects or, the More " # - "Things Change, the More they Are the Same", - journal = "{OOPS} Messenger", - year = "1993", - volume = "4", - number = "4", - pages = "2--27", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{baker-1993-iswool, - author = "H. G. Baker", - title = "Iterators: Signs of Weakness in Object-Oriented Languages", - journal = "{OOPS} Messenger", - year = "1993", - volume = "4", - number = "3", - pages = "18--25", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{baker-1995-fdndlss, - author = "B. S. Baker", - title = "On Finding Duplication and Near-Duplication in Large " - # "Software Systems", - editor = "L. WIlls and P. Newcomb and E. Chikofski", - pages = "86--95", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Reverse " # "Engineering", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "14--16 " # jul, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@InProceedings{banning-1979-ewfsepcav, - author = "J. P. Banning", - title = "An Efficient Way to Find the Side Effects of Procedure " # "Calls and the Aliases of Variables", - pages = "29--41", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1979", - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@InProceedings{barbuceanu-1995-aabs, - author = "M. Barbuceanu and M. S. Fox", - title = "The Architecture of an Agent Building Shell", - editor = "K. Bennet and D. Bockus and M. Gentleman and H. Johnson " # "and E. Kidd and J. Slonim and A. Stilman", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Centre for Advanced " - # "Studies Conference ({CASCON}'95)", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "7--9 " # nov, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{barr-1995-aiabm, - author = "M. Barr and J. Baker", - title = "{A}rcher: An Intelligent Agent for Business " # - "Monitoring", - pages = "1--4", - booktitle = "{IEE} Colloquium on Artificial Intelligence in " # - "Business Planning and Monitoring", - year = "1995", - address = "London, UK", - month = "28 " # jun, - abstract = "This paper describes the development of a prototype intelligent agent for monitoring business data. The main purpose of the paper is to raise some of the issues surrounding the implementation of a practical system in a commercial environment.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Book{barr-1996-ctcs, - author = "M. Barr and C. Wells", - title = "Category Theory for Computing Science", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1996", - series = "Prentice-Hall International Series in Computer Science", - address = NYC, - edition = "2nd", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{barth-1986-ooagi, - author = "P. S. Barth", - title = "An Object-Oriented Approach to Graphical Interfaces", - journal = TOG, - year = "1986", - volume = "5", - number = "2", - pages = "142--172", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "gui", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@Article{bates-1994-reba, - author = "J. Bates", - title = "The Role of Emotion in Believable Agents", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "122--125", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Misc{beck-1993-pisre, - author = "J. Beck and D. Eichmann", - title = "Program and Interface Slicing for Reverse Engineering", - year = "1993", - pages = "509--518", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Article{beckman-1976-peupt, - author = "L. Beckman and A. Haraldson and O. Oskarsson and " # - "E. Sandewall", - title = "A Partial Evaluator and its Use as a Programming Tool", - journal = AI, - year = "1976", - volume = "7", - pages = "319--357", - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@TechReport{bellegarde-1994-mit, - author = "F. Bellegarde and J. Hook", - title = "Monads, Indexes and Transformations", - institution = "Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, " - # "Pacific Software Research Center", - year = "1994", - number = "CS-94-008", - documenturl = "ftp://cse.ogi.edu/pub/tech-reports/1994/94-008.ps.gz", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@Misc{bellegarde-1994-tscpetr, - author = "F. Bellegarde", - title = "A Transformation System Combining Partial Evaluation " - # "with Term Rewriting", - year = "1994", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{benton-1996-llmlc, - author = "N. Benton and P. Wadler", - title = "Linear Logic, Monads and the Lambda Calculus", - booktitle = "11'th {IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer Science", - year = "1996", - address = "New Brunswick, NJ", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@Misc{berger-1992-foh, - author = "E. Berger", - title = "{FP} + {OOP} = {H}askell", - year = "1992", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{bergstra-1982-snsfpsdhllwp, - author = "J. A. Bergstra and J. V. Tucker", - title = "Some Natural Structures which Fail to Possess a " # - "Sound and Decidable {H}oare-Like Logic for " # "their While-Programs", - journal = TCS, - year = "1982", - volume = "17", - pages = "303--315", - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{bergstra-1984-aspbhl, - author = "J. A. Bergstra and J. V. Tucker", - title = "The Axiomatic Semantics of Programs Based on " # - "{H}oare's Logic", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1984", - volume = "21", - pages = "293--320", - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{berlin-1990-cscupe, - author = "A. Berlin and D. Weise", - title = "Compiling Scientific Code Using Partial Evaluation", - journal = IEEECOMP, - year = "1990", - volume = "23", - number = "12", - pages = "25--37", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@InProceedings{bernot-1991-fast, - author = "G. Bernot and M. C. Gaudel and B. Marre", - title = "A Formal Approach to Software Testing", - booktitle = AMAST91, - pages = "243--253", - month = may, - year = "1991", - address = "University of Iowa, IA", - publisher = SV, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@Article{biermann-1976-cpec, - author = "A. W. Biermann and R. Krishnaswamy", - title = "Constructing Programs from Example Computations", - journal = IEEESE, - year = "1976", - volume = "2", - number = "3", - pages = "141--153", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@Misc{biggerstaff-1993-cappu, - author = "T. J. Biggerstaff and B. G. Mitbander and D. Webster", - title = "The Concept Assignment Problem in Program Understanding", - year = "1993", - pages = "482--498", - bibfiles = "ghinsu, sweng", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@InProceedings{bijnens-1994-lccas, - author = "S. Bijnens and W. Joosen and P. Verbaeten", - title = "Language Constructs for Coordination in an Agent Space", - editor = "J. W. Perram and J. P. Muller", - pages = "90--105", - booktitle = "Distributed Software Agents and Applications, " # - "Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Modelling " # "Autonomous Agents in Multi-Agent World ({MAAMAW}'94)", - year = "1994", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InCollection{bjoerner-1982-a, - author = "D. Bj{\o}rner and C. B. Jones", - title = "{A}lgol 60", - booktitle = "Formal Specification and Software Development", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1982", - chapter = "6", - pages = "141--173", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{bjoerner-1982-mcpl, - author = "D. Bj{\o}rner and C. B. Jones", - title = "Modelling Concepts of Programming Languages", - booktitle = "Formal Specification and Software Development", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1982", - chapter = "4", - pages = "85--123", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{bjoerner-1982-mem, - author = "D. Bj{\o}rner and C. B. Jones", - title = "More on Exception Mechanisms", - booktitle = "Formal Specification and Software Development", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1982", - chapter = "5", - pages = "125--139", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{bjoerner-1982-ml, - author = "D. Bj{\o}rner and C. B. Jones", - title = "The Meta-Language", - booktitle = "Formal Specification and Software Development", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1982", - chapter = "2", - pages = "25--46", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{bjoerner-1982-p, - author = "D. Bj{\o}rner and C. B. Jones", - title = "Pascal", - booktitle = "Formal Specification and Software Development", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1982", - chapter = "7", - pages = "175--251", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{bjoerner-1991-stmavdmtmmv, - author = "D. Bj{\o}rner", - title = "Specification and Transformation, Methodology Aspects of " # "the {V}ienna {D}evelopment {M}ethod: Towards a Meaning of " # "`{M}' in {VDM}", - booktitle = "Formal Description of Programming Concepts", - series = "State-of-the-art Reports", - publisher = "{IFIP}", - year = "1991", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@InProceedings{black-1996-irplsee, - author = "P. E. Black and P. J. Windley", - title = "Inference Rules for Programming Languages with Side " - # "Effects in Expressions", - editors = "J. von Wright and J. Grundy and J. Harrison", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on " # - "Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics ({TPHOLs}'96)", - publisher = SV, - year = "1996", - pages = "51--60", - month = "26--30 " # aug, - address = "Turku, Finland", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Misc{black-19xx-bifm, - author = "P. E. Black and K. M. Hall and M. D. Jones and " # "T. N. Larson and P. J. Windley", - title = "A Brief Introduction to Formal Methods", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@PhdThesis{blakley-1992-seau, - author = "B. Blakley", - title = "A {S}malltalk Evolving Algebra and its Uses", - school = "University of Michigan", - year = "1992", - address = "Ann Arbor, MI", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{blazy-1993-peacfp, - author = "S. Blazy and P. Facon", - title = "Partial Evaluation as an Aid to the Comprehension of " - # "{F}ortran Programs", - pages = "46--54", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in " # - "Program Comprehension", - year = "1993", - address = CAPRI, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, pe", - bibwhere = "ghinsu, pe", -} - -@PhdThesis{bloss-1989-paonsfl, - author = "A. G. Bloss", - title = "Path Analysis and the Optimization of Non-Strict " # - "Functional Languages", - school = "Yale University, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1989", - month = may, - note = "Also as Technical Report YALEU/DCS/RR-704", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Article{bloss-1994-paonfl, - author = "A. Bloss", - title = "Path Analysis and the Optimization of Nonstrict " # - "Functional Languages", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1994", - volume = "16", - number = "3", - pages = "328--369", - month = may, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{bocionek-1995-asnl, - author = "S. R. Bocionek", - title = "Agent Systems that Negociate and Learn", - journal = "International Journal of Human-Computer Studies", - year = "1995", - volume = "42", - number = "3", - pages = "265--288", - month = mar, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{boden-1994-ac, - author = "M. A. Boden", - title = "Agents and Creativity", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "117--121", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{bodwin-1982-eecgbds, - author = "J. Bodwin and L. Bradley and K. Kanda and " # "D. Litle and U. Pleban", - title = "Experience with an Experimental Compiler " # - "Generator Based on Denotational Semantics", - booktitle = SIGPLAN82CC, - year = "1982", - pages = "216--229", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{boehm-1982-lese, - author = "H. J. Boehm", - title = "A Logic for Expressions with Side Effects", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1982", - pages = "268--280", - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{boehm-1985-seachsad, - author = "H. J. Boehm", - title = "Side Effects and Aliasing Can Have Simple " # - "Axiomatic Descriptions", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1985", - volume = "7", - number = "4", - pages = "637--655", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{boerger-1994-mdfp, - author = "E. B{\"o}rger and D. Rosenzweig", - title = "A Mathematical Definition of Full {P}rolog", - journal = SCP, - year = "1994", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{boerger-1994-osccpsmi, - author = "E. B{\"o}rger and I. Durdanovic and D. Rosenzweig", - title = "{O}ccam: Specification and Compiler Correctness, Part " # "{I}: Simple Mathematical Interpreters", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {IFIP} Working Conference on " # - "Programming Concepts, Methods and Calculi ({PROCOMET}'94)", - editor = "B. Pehrson and I. Simon", - year = "1994", - publisher = NH, - pages = "489--508", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{boerger-1996-ccotc, - author = "E. B{\"o}rger and I. Durdanovic", - title = "Correctness of Compiling {O}ccam to Transputer Code", - journal = CJ, - year = "1996", - volume = "39", - number = "1", - pages = "52--92", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{bondorf-1993-cape, - author = "A. Bondorf and others", - title = "Compiling Actions by Partial Evaluation", - pages = "308--320", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Functional Languages " # "and Computer Architecture", - year = "1993", - publisher = ACMP, - month = jun, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{bondorf-1993-gacpe, - author = "A. Bondorf and J. Palsberg", - title = "Generating Action Compilers by Partial Evaluation", - pages = "308--317", - booktitle = "Proceedings of FPCA'93", - year = "1993", - documenturl = "ftp: //ftp.daimi.aau.dk/pub/palsberg/papers/fpca93.ps.Z", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{borning-1986-cbtbui, - author = "A. Borning and R. Duisberg", - title = "Constraint-Based Tools for Building User Interfaces", - journal = TOG, - year = "1986", - volume = "5", - number = "4", - pages = "345--374", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "gui", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@InProceedings{borning-1986-dcg, - author = "A. Borning", - title = "Defining Constraints Graphically", - pages = "137--143", - booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACM} {CHI}'86 Conference", - year = "1986", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "gui", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@Article{bossi-1990-mslp, - author = "A. Bossi and N. Cocco and S. Dulli", - title = "A Method for Specializing Logic Programs", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1990", - volume = "12", - number = "2", - pages = "253--302", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@Article{bourdoncle-1993-adhoil, - author = "F. Bourdoncle", - title = "Abstract Debugging of Higher-Order Imperative Languages", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1993", - volume = "28", - number = "6", - pages = "46--55", - month = jun, - note = "{ACM} {SIGPLAN}'93 Conference on Programming Language " # "Design and Implementation", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@Article{bourne-1994-iih, - author = "J. Bourne and I. Gumnigman", - title = "Implementing the Information Highway", - journal = "TELESIS", - year = "1994", - number = "98", - pages = "4--25", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Article{braid-1994-beesdd, - author = "A. Braid", - title = "From {B}abel to {EDIL}: The Evolution of a Standard " - # "for Document Delivery", - journal = "Computer Networks and {ISDN} Systems", - year = "1994", - volume = "27", - pages = "367--374", - bibfiles = "edd", - bibwhere = "edd", -} - -@InProceedings{breazu-tannen-1990-cc, - author = "V. Breazu-Tannen and C. A. Gunter and A. Scedrov", - title = "Computing with Coercions", - pages = "44--60", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1990", - address = "Nice, France", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{breuel-1988-lcc, - author = "T. Breuel", - title = "Lexical Closures for {C++}", - pages = "293--304", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {USENIX} {C++} Conference", - year = "1988", - address = "Denver, CO", - month = oct, - abstract = "The author describes an extension of the C++ programming language that allows the nesting of function definitions and provides lexical closures with dynamic lifetime. The primary motivation for this extension is that it allows the programmer to define iterators for collection classes simply as member functions. Such iterations take function pointers or closures as arguments; providing lexical closures lets one express state (e.g. accumulators) naturally and easily. He extends the C++ language without introducing new data types for closures and without affecting the efficiency of programs that do not use the feature. In order to achieve this, he proposes that when a closure is created, a short segment of code is generated that loads the static chain pointer and jumps to the body of the function. A closure is a pointer to this shorter segment of code. This trick allows him to treat a closure the same way as a pointer to an ordinary C++ function that does not reference any non-local, non-global variables. He discusses issues of consistency with existing scoping rules, syntax, allocation strategies, portability and efficiency.", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@Article{breuer-1995-pccghopc, - author = "P. T. Breuer and J. P. Bowen", - title = "A {PREttier} Compiler-Compiler: Generating " # - "Higher-Order Parsers in {C}", - journal = SPE, - year = "1995", - volume = "25", - number = "11", - pages = "1263--1297", - month = nov, - abstract = "Top-down (LL) context-sensitive parsers with integrated synthesis and use of attributes are easy to express in functional programming languages, but the elegant functional programming model can also serve as an exact prototype for a more efficient implementation of the technology in ANSI C. The result is a compiler-compiler that takes unlimited lookahead and backtracking, the extended BNF notation, and parameterized grammars with (higher-order) meta-parameters to the world of C programming. This article reports on the utility in question three years after public release. Precc generates standard ANSI C and is ``plug compatible'' with lex-generated lexical analyzers prepared for the UNIX yacc compiler-compiler. In contrast to yacc, however, the generated code is modular, which allows parts of scripts to be compiled separately and linked together incrementally. The constructed code is relatively efficient, as is demonstrated by the example Occam parser treated in depth here, but the main advantages we claim are ease of use, separation of specification and implementation concerns, and maintainability.", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@InProceedings{brown-1992-aasdcg, - author = "D. F. Brown and H. Moura and D. A. Watt", - title = "{ACTRESS}: An Action Semantics Directed Compiler " # - "Generator", - volume = "641", - series = LNCS, - pages = "95--109", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th International Conference " # - "on Compiler Construction", - year = "1992", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{browne-1986-fsauiuclg, - author = "D. P. Browne and B. D. Sharratt and M. A. Norman", - title = "The Formal Specification of Adaptive User Interfaces " - # "Using Command Language Grammar", - pages = "256--260", - booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACM} {CHI}'86 Conference", - year = "1986", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "gui", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@InProceedings{brownsey-1995-fsbgufp, - author = "K. Brownsey and M. Zajicek and R. Martine", - title = "From Specification to Building a {GUI} Using " # - "Functional Programming", - pages = "244--251", - booktitle = SEKE95, - year = "1995", - bibfiles = "gui", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@Article{broy-1982-pat, - author = "M. Broy and M. Wirsing", - title = "Partial Abstract Types", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1982", - volume = "18", - pages = "46--64", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{broy-1987-adpl, - author = "M. Broy and M. Wirsing and P. Pepper", - title = "On the Algebraic Definition of Programming Languages", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1987", - volume = "9", - number = "1", - pages = "54--99", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{broy-1994-afcdc, - author = "M. Broy and G. Nelson", - title = "Adding Fair Choice to {D}ijkstra's Calculus", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1994", - volume = "16", - number = "3", - pages = "924--938", - month = may, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{broy-1994-ivfl, - author = "M. Broy and U. Hinkel and T. Nipkow and C. Prehofer " - # "and B. Schieder", - title = "Interpreter Verification for a Functional Language", - volume = "880", - series = LNCS, - pages = "77--88", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 14th Conference on the Foundations " # "of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science", - year = "1994", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{bruce-1987-smat, - author = "K. B. Bruce and J. G. Riecke", - title = "The Semantics of {M}iranda's Algebraic Types", - volume = "298", - series = LNCS, - pages = "455--473", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on the " # - "Mathematical Foundations of Programming " # "Language Semantics", - year = "1987", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{bulyonkov-1984-pmcap, - author = "M. A. Bulyonkov", - title = "Polyvariant Mixed Computation for Analyzer Programs", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1984", - volume = "21", - pages = "473--484", - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@Article{bulyonkov-1991-pamc, - author = "M. A. Bulyonkov", - title = "From Partial Evaluation to Mixed Computation", - journal = TCS, - year = "1991", - volume = "90", - pages = "47--60", - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@InProceedings{bumbulis-1995-fpmvcui, - author = "P. Bumbulis and P. S. C. Alencar and D. D. Cowan and " - # "C. J. P. Lucena", - title = "A Framework for Prototyping and Mechanically Verifying a " # "Class of User Interfaces", - editor = "H. A. M{\"u}ller and R. J. Norman", - pages = "280--288", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on " - # "Computer-Aided Software Engineering ({CASE}'95)", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "10--14 " # jul, - bibfiles = "gui, sem", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@Article{burke-1986-idap, - author = "M. Burke and R. Cytron", - title = "Interprocedural Dependence Analysis and Parallelization", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1986", - volume = "21", - number = "7", - pages = "162--175", - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@InProceedings{burnett-1993-ttivpl, - author = "M. M. Burnett", - title = "Types and Type Inference in a Visual Programming Language", - pages = "238--243", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis, sweng", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{burson-1994-cwc, - author = "S. L. Burson", - title = "Continuations without Copying", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1994", - volume = "29", - number = "5", - pages = "27--30", - month = may, - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@Article{burstall-1977-tsdrp, - author = "R. M. Burstall and J. Darlington", - title = "A Transformation System for Developing Recursive Programs", - journal = JACM, - year = "1977", - volume = "24", - number = "1", - pages = "44--67", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "trans", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@Article{callahan-1986-icp, - author = "D. Callahan and K. D. Cooper and K. Kennedy and L. Torczon", - title = "Interprocedural Constant Propagation", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1986", - volume = "21", - number = "7", - pages = "152--161", - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@InCollection{cardelli-1991-tp, - author = "L. Cardelli", - title = "Typeful Programming", - booktitle = "Formal Description of Programming Concepts", - series = "State-of-the-art Reports", - publisher = "{IFIP}", - year = "1991", - pages = "431--507", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@Misc{cardelli-1996-ts, - author = "L. Cardelli", - title = "Type Systems", - year = "1996", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{cartwright-1989-spd, - author = "R. Cartwright and M. Felleisen", - title = "The Semantics of Program Dependence", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1989", - volume = "6", - pages = "13--27", - bibfiles = "ds, plth", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{cartwright-1994-edls, - author = "R. Cartwright and M. Felleisen", - title = "Extensible Denotational Language Specifications", - pages = "244--272", - booktitle = "Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, " # - "International Symposium {TACS}'94 Proceedings", - year = "1994", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{cenciarelli-1993-samds, - author = "P. Cenciarelli and E. Moggi", - title = "A Syntactic Approach to Modularity in Denotational " # - "Semantics", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Meeting on " # - "Category Theory and Computer Science ({CTCS-5})", - year = "1993", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@Misc{cenciarelli-1996-mddsl, - author = "P. Cenciarelli", - title = "A Modular Development of Denotational Semantics in {LEGO}", - year = "1996", - month = jan, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{chao-1988-dspa, - author = "S. J. Chao and B. R. Bryant", - title = "Denotational Semantics for Program Analysis", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1988", - volume = "23", - number = "1", - pages = "83--91", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{cheatham-1981-prt, - author = "T. E. {Cheatham, Jr.} and G. H. Holloway and J. A. Townley", - title = "Program Refinement by Transformation", - pages = "430--437", - booktitle = ICSE81, - year = "1981", - bibfiles = "trans", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@Article{cheon-1994-qolc, - author = "Y. Cheon and G. T. Leavens", - title = "A Quick Overview of {L}arch/{C++}", - journal = JOOP, - year = "1994", - volume = "7", - number = "6", - pages = "39--49", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{cherniavsky-1979-cchaxpl, - author = "J. C. Cherniavsky and S. N. Kamin", - title = "A Complete and Consistent {H}oare Axiomatics " # "for a Simple Programming Language", - journal = JACM, - year = "1979", - volume = "26", - number = "1", - pages = "119--128", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{cherry-1993-srmnvfdco, - author = "G. W. Cherry", - title = "Stimulus-Response Machines: A New Visual " # - "Formalism for Describing Classes and Objects", - journal = SIGSOFT, - year = "1993", - volume = "18", - number = "2", - pages = "86--95", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "vis, sweng", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@InCollection{chin-1991-iia, - author = "D. Chin", - title = "Intelligent Interfaces as Agents", - publisher = ACMP, - year = "1991", - booktitle = "Intelligent User Interfaces", - chapter = "9", - pages = "177--206", - editor = "J. Sullivan and S. Tyler", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{chirica-1976-afks, - author = "L. M. Chirica and D. F. Martin", - title = "An Algebraic Formulation of {K}nuthian Semantics", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th {IEEE} Symposium on Foundations " # "of Computing", - year = "1976", - pages = "127--136", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{cimitile-1995-qrfuse, - author = "A. Cimitile and A. De Lucia and M. Munro", - title = "Qualifying Reusable Functions Using Symbolic Execution", - editor = "L. WIlls and P. Newcomb and E. Chikofski", - pages = "178--187", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Reverse " # "Engineering", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "14--16 " # jul, - bibfiles = "trans, pe, sweng", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@TechReport{citrin-1993-cccvipl, - author = "W. Citrin and M. Doherty and B. Zorn", - title = "Control Constructs in a Completely Visual Imperative " - # "Programming Language", - institution = "University of Colorado, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1993", - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.cs.colorado.edu/pub/cs/techreports/zorn/" # - "CU-CS-672-93.ps.Z", - number = "CU-CS-673-93", - address = "Boulder, CO", - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@TechReport{citrin-1993-fdcscvl, - author = "W. Citrin and M. Doherty and B. Zorn", - title = "A Formal Definition of Control Semantics in a " # - "Completely Visual Language", - institution = "University of Colorado, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1993", - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.cs.colorado.edu/pub/cs/techreports/zorn/" # - "CU-CS-673-93.ps.Z", - number = "CU-CS-673-93", - address = "Boulder, CO", - bibfiles = "vis, sem", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@InProceedings{citrin-1993-rgfevl, - author = "W. V. Citrin", - title = "Requirements for Graphical Front Ends for Visual Languages", - pages = "142--150", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis, gui", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{clarke-1976-sgtdsep, - author = "L. A. Clarke", - title = "A System to Generate Test Data and Symbolically " # - "Execute Programs", - journal = IEEESE, - year = "1976", - volume = "2", - number = "3", - pages = "215--222", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@Article{clarke-1979-plcioghas, - author = "E. M. {Clarke, Jr}", - title = "Programming Language Constructs for which it Is " # - "Impossible to Obtain Good {H}oare Axiom Systems", - journal = JACM, - year = "1979", - volume = "26", - number = "1", - pages = "129--147", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@InProceedings{clinger-1984-sceds, - author = "W. Clinger", - title = "The {S}cheme 311 Compiler: An Exercise in Denotational " # "Semantics", - pages = "356--364", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1984", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{clinger-1985-shlsa, - author = "W. Clinger and D. P. Friedman and M. Wand", - title = "A Scheme for a Higher-Level Semantic Algebra", - booktitle = "Algebraic Methods in Semantics", - publisher = CAMP, - year = "1985", - editor = "M. Nivat and J. C. Reynolds", - pages = "237--250", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{coen-porisini-1991-ssse, - author = "A. Coen-Porisini and F. de Paoli and C. Ghezzi and " # - "D. Mandrioli", - title = "Software Specialization via Symbolic Execution", - journal = IEEESE, - year = "1991", - volume = "17", - number = "9", - pages = "884--899", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@InProceedings{consel-1991-ppe, - author = "C. Consel and S. C. Khoo", - title = "Parameterized Partial Evaluation", - pages = "92--106", - booktitle = SIGPLAN91PLDI, - year = "1991", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "pe, sem", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@InProceedings{consel-1991-sdgpc, - author = "C. Consel and S. C. Khoo", - title = "Semantics-Directed Generation of a {P}rolog Compiler", - volume = "528", - series = LNCS, - pages = "135--146", - booktitle = PLILP, - year = "1991", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{consel-1991-sdsp, - author = "C. Consel and O. Danvy", - title = "Static and Dynamic Semantics Processing", - pages = "14--24", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1991", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{consel-1993-ppe, - author = "C. Consel and S. C. Khoo", - title = "Parameterized Partial Evaluation", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1993", - volume = "15", - number = "3", - pages = "463--493", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "pe, sem", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@Article{consel-1993-sdgpc, - author = "C. Consel and S. C. Khoo", - title = "Semantics-Directed Generation of a {P}rolog Compiler", - journal = SCP, - year = "1993", - volume = "21", - number = "3", - pages = "263--291", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{constable-1984-ttp, - author = "R. L. Constable and D. R. Zlatin", - title = "The Type Theory of {PL/CV3}", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1984", - volume = "6", - number = "1", - pages = "94--117", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{cook-1989-dsic, - author = "W. Cook and J. Palsberg", - title = "A Denotational Semantics of Inheritance and its Correctness", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1989", - volume = "24", - number = "10", - pages = "433--443", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@TechReport{cook-1994-fdsc, - author = "J. Cook and E. Cohen and T. Redmond", - title = "A Formal Denotational Semantics for {C}", - institution = "Trusted Information Systems", - month = sep, - year = "1994", - number = "409D", - documenturl = "http: //www.tis.com/docs/research/assurance/ps/csem.ps", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@TechReport{cook-1994-fscn, - author = "J. Cook and S. Subramanian", - title = "A Formal Semantics for {C} in {N}qthm", - institution = "Trusted Information Systems", - month = oct, - year = "1994", - number = "517D", - documenturl = "http: //www.tis.com/docs/research/assurance/ps/nqsem.ps", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Book{coplien-1992-acpsi, - author = "J. O. Coplien", - title = "Advanced {C++} Programming Styles and Idioms", - publisher = "Addison-Wesley", - year = "1992", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{coppo-1983-sp, - author = "M. Coppo", - title = "On the Semantics of Polymorphism", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1983", - volume = "20", - pages = "159--170", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{correll-1978-ppcr, - author = "C. H. Correll", - title = "Proving Programs Correct through Refinement", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1978", - volume = "9", - pages = "121--132", - bibfiles = "trans", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@InProceedings{costagliola-1993-apgpl, - author = "G. Costagliola and S. Orefice and G. Polese and " # - "G. Tortara and M. Tucci", - title = "Automatic Parser Generation for Pictorial Languages", - pages = "306--313", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Misc{courcelle-19xx-asrps, - author = "B. Courcelle and M. Nivat", - title = "The Algebraic Semantics of Recursive Program Schemes", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{cousineau-1980-adcs, - author = "G. Cousineau", - title = "An Algebraic Definition for Control Structures", - journal = TCS, - year = "1980", - volume = "12", - pages = "175--192", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InCollection{cousot-1980-sfpa, - author = "P. Cousot", - title = "Semantic Foundations of Program Analysis", - booktitle = "Program Flow Analysis: Theory and Applications", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1980", - editor = "S. S. Muchnick and N. D. Jones", - chapter = "10", - pages = "303--342", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{cousot-1995-cisdfecccrbgtf, - author = "P. Cousot and R. Cousot", - title = "Compositional and Inductive Semantic Definitions in " - # "Fixpoint, Equational, Constraint, Closure-Condition, " # "Rule-Based and Game-Theoretic Form", - editor = "P. Wolper", - volume = "939", - series = LNCS, - pages = "293--308", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on " # - "Computer-Aided Verification ({CAV} '95)", - year = "1995", - address = "Li{\`{e}}ge, Belgium", - month = "3--5 " # jul, - documenturl = "http://www.dmi.ens.fr/~cousot/publications.www/" # - "CousotCousot-CAV-95-LNCS-n939-p293--308-1995.ps.gz", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{cousot-1996-ai, - author = "P. Cousot", - title = "Abstract Interpretation", - journal = ACMCS, - year = "1996", - volume = "28", - number = "2", - pages = "324--328", - month = jun, - documenturl = "http://www.dmi.ens.fr/~cousot/publications.www/" # - "Cousot-ACM-Computing-Surveys-v28-n2-p324-328-1996. ps.gz", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{cousot-1996-paaip, - author = "P. Cousot", - title = "Program Analysis: The Abstract Interpretation " # - "Perspective", - journal = ACMCS, - year = "1996", - volume = "28A", - number = "4", - month = dec, - documenturl = "http://www.dmi.ens.fr/~cousot/publications.www/" # - "Cousot-ACM-Computing-Surveys-v28A-n4-Dec-96.ps.gz", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{cousot-1997-tai, - author = "P. Cousot", - title = "Types as Abstract Interpretations", - pages = "316--331", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1997", - address = "Paris, France", - month = "15--17 " # jan, - documenturl = "http://www.dmi.ens.fr/~cousot/publications.www/" # - "Cousot-POPL97-p316-331-1997.ps.gz", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{coward-1988-sesr, - author = "P. D. Coward", - title = "Symbolic Execution Systems: A Review", - journal = SEJ, - year = "1988", - volume = "3", - number = "6", - pages = "229--239", - month = nov, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@Book{cox-1991-oopea, - author = "B. J. Cox and A. J. Novobilski", - title = "Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach", - publisher = "Addison-Wesley", - year = "1991", - address = "Reading, MA", - edition = "2nd", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Article{croft-1988-upsow, - author = "W. B. Croft and L. S. Lefkowitz", - title = "Using a Planner to Support Office Work", - journal = SIGOIS, - year = "1988", - volume = "9", - number = "2--3", - pages = "55--62", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "edd", - bibwhere = "edd", -} - -@InProceedings{crole-1990-nffc, - author = "R. L. Crole and A. M. Pitts", - title = "New Foundations for Fixpoint Computations", - pages = "489--497", - booktitle = IEEESLICS, - year = "1990", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@MastersThesis{croll-1994-tiprgc, - author = "S. Croll", - title = "Towards an Internal Program Representation: The " # - "{Ghinsu} Core", - school = "University of Florida, Department of Computer and Information Sciences", - year = "1994", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth, sweng", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Article{crowston-1988-isa, - author = "K. Crowston and T. Malone", - title = "Intelligent Software Agents", - journal = BYTE, - year = "1988", - volume = "13", - number = "13", - pages = "267--271", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{cypher-1991-eprte, - author = "A. Cypher", - title = "{E}ager: Programming Repetitive Tasks by Example", - pages = "33--39", - booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACM} {CHI}'91 Conference in Human " # - "Factors in Computer Systems", - year = "1991", - address = "New Orleans, LA", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@PhdThesis{dami-1994-sctifooa, - author = "L. Dami", - title = "Software Composition: Towards an Integration of Functional and Object Oriented Approaches", - school = "Universit{\'e} de Gen{\`e}ve", - year = "1994", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Misc{dami-19xx-fnwnc, - author = "L. Dami", - title = "Functions and Names without Name Capture", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@TechReport{danvy-1989-fatc, - author = "O. Danvy and A. Filinski", - title = "A Functional Abstraction of Type Contexts", - institution = "University of Copenhagen, DIKU", - year = "1989", - type = "DIKU Report", - number = "89/12", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{danvy-1990-ac, - author = "O. Danvy and A. Filinski", - title = "Abstracting Control", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1990", - pages = "151--160", - address = "Nice, France", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{danvy-1992-bds, - author = "O. Danvy", - title = "Back to Direct Style", - editor = "B. Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner", - volume = "582", - series = LNCS, - pages = "130--150", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on " # - "Programming ({ESOP}'92)", - year = "1992", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{danvy-1992-bdsfcc, - author = "O. Danvy and J. L. Lawall", - title = "Back to Direct Style {II}: First-Class Continuations", - pages = "299--310", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1992", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{david-1992-sapc, - author = "P. David", - title = "Semantic Analysis for Parallelizing {C}", - editor = "L. Bouge and M. Cosnard and Y. Robert and D. Trystram", - pages = "647--652", - booktitle = "Parallel Processing, Proceedings of the Second " # - "Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel " # "Processing ({CONPAR} 92-{VAPP V.})", - year = "1992", - month = sep, - abstract = "Automatic parallelization of C language programs is a difficult task due, for example, to side effects within expressions and access to memory via pointers. The author describes a method based on semantic analysis of the language, in order to detect parallelism in complex programs using pointer arithmetic. He defines semantic domains which respect the type system of the language, and uses them to synthesize the effect of the program through functional objects called transformations.", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Book{de-bakker-1980-mtpc, - author = "J. de Bakker", - title = "Mathematical Theory of Program Correctness", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1980", - series = "International Series in Computer Science", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Book{de-bakker-1996-cfs, - author = "J. de Bakker and E. de Vink", - title = "Control Flow Semantics", - publisher = MITP, - address = CAMBMA, - year = "1996", - series = "Foundations of Computing Series", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{de-bruijn-1972-lcnwndtafm, - author = "N. G. de Bruijn", - title = "Lambda-Calculus Notation with Nameless Dummies: " # "A Tool for Automatic Formula Manipulation", - journal = "Indagationes Mathematicae", - year = "1972", - volume = "34", - pages = "381--392", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{de-carlini-1993-iireeesc, - author = "U. De Carlini and A. De Lucia and G. A. Di Lucca and " - # "G. Tortora", - title = "An Integrated and Interactive Reverse Engineering " # - "Environment for Existing Software Comprehension", - pages = "128--137", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in " # - "Program Comprehension", - year = "1993", - address = CAPRI, - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@TechReport{de-figueiredo-1995-pssobl, - author = "C. C. de Figueiredo", - title = "A Proof System for a Sequential Object-Based Language", - institution = "University of Manchester, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1995", - number = "UMCS-95-1-1", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "sweng, sem", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@InProceedings{despeyroux-1986-ptns, - author = "J. Despeyroux", - title = "Proof of Translation in Natural Semantics", - pages = "193--205", - booktitle = "Symposium on Logic in Computer Science", - year = "1986", - address = CAMBMA, - month = jun, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{di-gesu-1992-iipcl, - author = "V. Di Ges{\`u} and D. Tegolo", - title = "The Iconic Interface of the {PI}ctorial {C} {L}anguage", - pages = "119--124", - booktitle = IEEEWVL92, - year = "1992", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = SEATTLE, - month = sep, - bibfiles = "vis, gui", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{dijkstra-1971-hosp, - author = "E. W. Dijkstra", - title = "Hierarchical Ordering of Sequential Processes", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1971", - volume = "1", - pages = "115--138", - bibfiles = "var", - bibwhere = "var", -} - -@Article{dijkstra-1975-gcnfdp, - author = "E. W. Dijkstra", - title = "Guarded Commands, Nondeterminacy and Formal " # - "Derivation of Programs", - journal = CACM, - year = "1975", - volume = "18", - number = "8", - pages = "453--457", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Book{dijkstra-1976-dp, - author = "E. W. Dijkstra", - title = "A Discipline of Programming", - publisher = PRHALL, - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - year = "1976", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{dijkstra-1993-covce, - author = "J. Dijkstra", - title = "On Complex Objects and Versioning in Complex Environments", - pages = "13--23", - editor = "R. A. Elmasri and V. Kouramajian and B. Thalheim", - volume = "823", - series = LNCS, - booktitle = "Entity-Relationship Approach, Proceedings of " # "the 12th International Conference on the " # - "Entity-Relationship Approach Proceedings ({ER}'93)", - year = "1993", - publisher = SV, - address = "Arlington, TX", - month = "15--17 " # dec, - bibfiles = "edd", - bibwhere = "edd", -} - -@InProceedings{doh-1993-tdpl, - author = "K. G. Doh", - title = "Action Semantics: A Tool for Developing " # - "Programming Languages", - booktitle = "International Conference on Information Science " # - "and Technology ({InfoScience}'93)", - year = "1993", - address = "Seoul, Korea", - month = "21--22 " # oct, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Book{donahue-1976-cdpls, - author = "J. E. Donahue", - title = "Complementary Definitions of Programming Language " # - "Semantics", - publisher = SV, - year = "1976", - volume = "42", - series = LNCS, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{donahue-1977-lcu, - author = "J. E. Donahue", - title = "Locations Considered Unnecessary", - journal = ACTA, - volume = "8", - pages = "221--242", - year = "1977", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{donahue-1979-sdt, - author = "J. E. Donahue", - title = "On the Semantics of ``Data Type''", - journal = SIAM, - year = "1979", - volume = "8", - number = "4", - pages = "546--560", - month = nov, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{donahue-1985-dtv, - author = "J. E. Donahue and A. Demers", - title = "Data Types Are Values", - journal = TOPLAS, - volume = "7", - number = "3", - pages = "426--445", - month = jul, - year = "1985", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{donat-1995-ectrc, - author = "M. R. Donat", - title = "Enhancing Cleanroom Techniques with Refinement Calculus", - editor = "K. Bennet and D. Bockus and M. Gentleman and H. Johnson " # "and E. Kidd and J. Slonim and A. Stilman", - pages = "161--169", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Centre for Advanced " - # "Studies Conference ({CASCON}'95)", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "7--9 " # nov, - bibfiles = "sweng, trans", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@InProceedings{dong-1994-ooaspl, - author = "J. S. Dong and R. Duke and G. Rose", - title = "An Object-Oriented Approach to the Semantics of " # - "Programming Languages", - pages = "767--775", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th Annual Computer Science Conference", - year = "1994", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@TechReport{donzeau-gouge-1978-cmcdspluds, - author = "V. Donzeau-Gouge and G. Kahn and B. Lang", - title = "A Complete Machine-Checked Definition of a Simple " # - "Programming Language Using Denotational Semantics", - institution = "{IRIA}", - year = "1978", - type = "Rapport de Recherche", - number = "No. 330", - address = "Le Chesnay, France", - month = oct, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InCollection{donzeau-gouge-1980-ddppc, - author = "V. Donzeau-Gouge", - title = "Denotational Definition of Properties of Program " # - "Computations", - booktitle = "Program Flow Analysis: Theory and Applications", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1980", - editor = "S. S. Muchnick and N. D. Jones", - chapter = "11", - pages = "343--379", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{draghicescu-1990-caeoa, - author = "M. Draghicescu and S. Purushothaman", - title = "A Compositional Analysis of Evaluation-Order " # "and its Application", - pages = "242--250", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1990", - address = "Nice, France", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@Article{droste-1993-sd, - author = "M. Droste", - title = "On Stable Domains", - journal = TCS, - year = "1993", - volume = "111", - number = "1--2", - month = apr, - pages = "89--101", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{duba-1991-tfccm, - author = "B. F. Duba and R. Harper and D. MacQueen", - title = "Typing First-Class Continuations in {ML}", - pages = "163--173", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1991", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{duce-1995-fmdp, - author = "D. A. Duce and D. J. Duke and P. J. W. ten Hagen and I. Herman and G. J. Reynolds", - title = "Formal Methods in the Development of {PREMO}", - journal = CSI, - year = "1995", - volume = "17", - number = "5--6", - pages = "491--509", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{duke-1995-oslads, - author = "R. Duke and G. Rose and G. Smith", - title = "{Object}-{Z}: A Specification Language " # "Advocated for the Description of Standards", - journal = CSI, - year = "1995", - volume = "17", - number = "5--6", - pages = "511--533", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{dybvig-1985-se, - author = "R. K. Dybvig and B. T. Smith", - title = "A Semantic Editor", - journal = SIGPLAN, - volume = "20", - number = "7", - pages = "74--82", - month = jul, - year = "1985", - bibfiles = "sem, trans", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{eckel-1994-pvfc, - author = "B. Eckel", - title = "Polymorphism and Virtual Functions in {C++}", - journal = "Embedded Systems Programming", - year = "1994", - volume = "7", - number = "10", - pages = "42--68", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{edmonds-1994-scdae, - author = "E. A. Edmonds and L. Candy and R. Jones and B. Soufi", - title = "Support for Collaborative Design: Agents and Emergence", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "41--47", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Book{ellis-1990-acrm, - author = "M. A. Ellis and B. Stroustrup", - title = "The Annotated {C++} Reference Manual", - publisher = "Addison-Wesley", - year = "1990", - address = "Reading, MA", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Misc{espinosa-1994-bitsm, - author = "D. Espinosa", - title = "Building Interpreters by Transforming Stratified " # - "Monads", - year = "1994", - month = jun, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Misc{espinosa-1994-sl, - author = "D. Espinosa", - title = "Semantic {L}ego", - year = "1994", - month = jan, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{espinosa-1995-iciamlvgd, - author = "E. D. Espinosa", - title = "Intelligent Classroom Information Agent Multimedia Lab " # "and Visual Guides for {D}atastructures {II}", - pages = "302--305", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on " # - "Multimedia Computing and Systems", - year = "1995", - address = "Washington, DC", - month = "15--18 " # may, - abstract = "Our research focuses on the redesign of an undergraduate computer science course, Datastructures II. We are experimenting with the concept of intelligent classroom information agents (ICIA's) as a means to facilitate information and learning. It forces us to assign new roles to teachers, students and the Center for Technology in Education (CTE) staff as defined by the ICIA standard. What this implies is a drastic change in the negotiation process followed by the undergraduate agents and their peers. We emphasize a strict division between human agents and software agents, since only the former can perform real life (e.g. emotional cultural political) negotiations. The latter will remain as tools to motivate the exchange of ideas and data. Therefore, the first step in the educational process included the development of an automated lecture aid which makes extensive use of hypertext and a library style catalog of datastructure concept simulations, which we call Workplace. We are currently guiding and evaluating a cultural transformation process in which the students must re learn how to take in class notes and study with the aid of the software tools here described. We make extensive use of the Visual Basic and Visual C++ development systems, as well as of the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) framework.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@PhdThesis{espinosa-1995-sl, - author = "D. A. Espinosa", - title = "Semantic {L}ego", - school = "Columbia University, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1995", - documenturl = "http: //www.cs.columbia.edu/~library/theses/espinosa.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{etzioni-1994-asbii, - author = "O. Etzioni and D. Weld", - title = "A Softbot-Based Interface to the {I}nternet", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "72--76", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{etzioni-1995-iaifff, - author = "O. Etzioni and D. S. Weld", - title = "Intelligent Agents on the {I}nternet: Fact, Fiction, " - # "and Forecast", - journal = EXPERT, - year = "1995", - volume = "10", - number = "4", - pages = "44--49", - month = aug, - abstract = "In the future, intelligent software agents will help us navigate the information superhighway by serving as backseat drivers or taxi drivers. Better yet, they have the potential to act as sophisticated concierges who make it unnecessary for us to approach the highway at all. We describe a selective sample of software agents currently under development, to give an idea of the agents that will emerge in the next few years. We organize our discussion by the agents' sophistication and the degree to which they make the information superhighway disappear. Following the information superhighway metaphor, an intelligent agent may be a backseat driver who makes suggestions at every rum, a taxi driver who takes you to your destination, or even a concierge whose knowledge and skills make it unnecessary for you to approach the superhighway at all. The Internet Softbot is discussed as a case study.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{felleisen-1988-acmshffj, - author = "M. Felleisen and M. Wand and D. P. Friedman and B. F. Duba", - title = "Abstract Continuations: A Mathematical Semantics for " - # "Handling Full Functional Jumps", - pages = "52--62", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1988", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{felleisen-1988-tpfcp, - author = "M. Felleisen", - title = "The Theory and Practice of First-Class Prompts", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1988", - address = "San Diego, CA", - pages = "180--190", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{filinski-1989-dcidpls, - author = "A. Filinski", - title = "Declarative Continuations: An Investigation of Duality " # "in Programming Language Semantics", - editor = "D. H. Pitt and D. E. Rydeheard and P. Dybjer and " # - "A. M. Pitts and A. Poigne", - pages = "224--249", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Category Theory and " - # "Computer Science", - year = "1989", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{filinski-1994-rm, - author = "A. Filinski", - title = "Representing Monads", - pages = "446--457", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1994", - address = "Portland, OR", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@PhdThesis{filinski-1996-ce, - author = "A. Filinski", - title = "Controlling Effects", - school = "Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science", - year = "1996", - month = may, - note = "Also as Technical Report CMU-CS-96-119", - documenturl = "http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/~aof/papers/CE.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Article{finlay-1993-cdspnf, - author = "A. Finlay and L. Allison", - title = "A Correction to the Denotational Semantics for " # - "the {P}rolog of {N}icholson and {F}oo", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1993", - volume = "15", - number = "1", - pages = "206--208", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{fisher-1994-reabs, - author = "M. Fisher", - title = "Representing and Executing Agent-Based Systems", - crossref = "ecai94", - pages = "307--323", - abstract = "We describe an approach to the representation and implementation of agent-based systems where the behaviour of an individual agent is represented by a set of logical rules in a particular form. This not only provides a logical specification of the agent, but also allows us to directly execute the rules in order to implement the agent's behaviour. Agents communicate with each other through a simple, and logically well-founded, broadcast communication mechanism. In addition, agents can be grouped together. This not only restricts the extent of broadcast messages, but also provides a structuring mechanism within the agent space. The purpose of this paper is threefold: to motivate the use of our particular computational model; to show that a logic-based approach is both possible and potentially very powerful; and to assert that by narrowing the gap between the agent theory and the agent programming language, we are able to bring the prospect of formal specification and verification of multi-agent systems nearer.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{flanagan-1993-ecc, - author = "C. Flanagan and A. Sabry and B. F. Duba and M. Felleisen", - title = "The Essence of Compiling with Continuations", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1993", - volume = "28", - number = "6", - pages = "237--247", - month = jun, - note = "{ACM} {SIGPLAN}'93 Conference on Programming Language " # "Design and Implementation", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{flohr-1995-how, - author = "U. Flohr", - title = "{H}yper-{G} Organizes the {W}eb", - journal = BYTE, - year = "1995", - pages = "59--64", - month = nov, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "educ", - bibwhere = "educ", -} - -@TechReport{fokkinga-1994-dgm, - author = "M. M. Fokkinga", - title = "Dyads: A Generalization of Monads", - institution = "University of Twente, Department of Informatics", - year = "1994", - number = "94-30", - month = jun, - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.cs.utwente.nl/pub/doc/Parlevink/fokkinga/" # - "mmf94a.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@InProceedings{fukunaga-1993-ooddfvls, - author = "A. S. Fukunaga and T. D. Kimura and W. Pree", - title = "Object-Oriented Development of a Data Flow Visual " # - "Language System", - pages = "134--141", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@InProceedings{furnas-1991-ngrmugi, - author = "G. W. Furnas", - title = "New Graphical Reasoning Models for Understanding Graphical Interfaces", - pages = "71--78", - booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACM} {CHI}'91 Conference in Human " # - "Factors in Computer Systems", - year = "1991", - address = "New Orleans, LA", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "gui", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@InProceedings{futamura-1983-pcp, - author = "Y. Futamura", - title = "Partial Computation of Programs", - booktitle = "RIMS Symposia on Software Science and " # - "Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, 1982", - series = LNCS, - volume = "147", - editor = "E. Goto and others", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - year = "1983", - pages = "1--35", - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@Article{gabriel-1991-cioofp, - author = "R. P Gabriel and J. L. White and D. G. Bobrow", - title = "{CLOS}: Integrating Object-Oriented and Functional " # - "Programming", - journal = CACM, - year = "1991", - volume = "34", - number = "9", - pages = "28--38", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{gaines-1993-oamd, - author = "B. R. Gaines and M. L. G. Shaw", - title = "Open Architecture Multimedia Documents", - pages = "137--146", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {ACM} Multimedia 93", - year = "1993", - address = "Anaheim, CA", - month = "2--6 " # aug, - bibfiles = "edd", - bibwhere = "edd", -} - -@InProceedings{gannod-1995-spsfbre, - author = "G. C. Gannod and B. H. C. Cheng", - title = "Strongest Postcondition Semantics as the Formal Basis for " # "Reverse Engineering", - editor = "L. WIlls and P. Newcomb and E. Chikofski", - pages = "188--197", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Reverse " # "Engineering", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "14--16 " # jul, - bibfiles = "sem, sweng", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InCollection{ganzinger-1980-tdspag, - author = "H. Ganzinger", - title = "Transforming Denotational Semantics into Practical " # - "Attribute Grammars", - booktitle = "Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation", - editor = "N. D. Jones", - series = LNCS, - volume = "94", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - year = "1980", - pages = "3--69", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{gaudel-1979-ufsppc, - author = "M. C. Gaudel", - title = "The Use of Formal Semantics to Produce and Prove Compilers", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Semantics of Programming Language", - year = "1979", - address = "Bad Honnef, Germany", - month = mar, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InCollection{gaudel-1980-scadtr, - author = "M. C. Gaudel", - title = "Specification of Compilers as Abstract Data Type " # - "Representations", - booktitle = "Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation", - editor = "N. D. Jones", - series = LNCS, - volume = "94", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - year = "1980", - pages = "140--164", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InCollection{gaudel-1981-cggdpls, - author = "M. C. Gaudel", - title = "Compiler Generation from Formal Definition of " # - "Programming Languages: A Survey", - booktitle = "Formalization of Programming Concepts", - year = "1981", - series = LNCS, - volume = "107", - publisher = SV, - pages = "96--114", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Book{gehani-1989-cc, - author = "N. H. Gehani and W. D. Roome", - title = "Concurrent {C}", - publisher = "Silicon Press", - year = "1989", - address = "Summit, NJ", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@InProceedings{genesereth-1992-abasi, - author = "M. R. Genesereth", - title = "An Agent-Based Approach to Software Interoperability", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the DARPA Software Technology Conference", - year = "1992", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Article{genesereth-1994-sa, - author = "M. R. Genesereth and S. P. Ketchpel", - title = "Software Agents", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "48--53, 147", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{ghezzi-1985-pssi, - author = "C. Ghezzi and D. Mandrioli and A. Tecchio", - title = "Program Simplification via Symbolic Interpretation", - booktitle = "Foundations of Software Technology and " # - "Theoretical Computer Science, Fifth Conference", - address = "New Delhi, India", - series = LNCS, - volume = "206", - editor = "S. N. Maheshwari", - publisher = SV, - year = "1985", - pages = "116--128", - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@InProceedings{glavan-1994-eampls, - author = "P. Glavan and D. Rosenzweig", - title = "Evolving Algebra Model of Programming Language Semantics", - editor = "B. Pehrson and I. Simon", - volume = "1", - pages = "416--422", - booktitle = "13th {IFIP} World Computer Congress 94", - year = "1994", - address = "Hamburg, Germany", - month = "28 " # aug # "--2 " # sep, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{goguen-1981-adsupam, - author = "J. A. Goguen and Parsaye-Ghomi", - title = "Algebraic Denotational Semantics Using Parameterized " - # "Abstract Modules", - institution = "Stanford Research Institute", - year = "1981", - number = "CSL-119", - address = "Menlo Parc, CA", - month = feb, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@TechReport{goguen-1989-cm, - author = "J. Goguen", - title = "A Categorical Manifesto", - institution = "Oxford University, Programming Research Group", - year = "1989", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{goguen-1991-cm, - author = "J. A. Goguen", - title = "A Categorical Manifesto", - journal = "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", - year = "1991", - volume = "1", - pages = "49--68", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{golin-1993-cgvl, - author = "E. J. Golin and T. Magliery", - title = "A Compiler Generator for Visual Languages", - pages = "314--321", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{gomard-1992-sapelccp, - author = "C. K. Gomard", - title = "A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for the " # - "Lambda Calculus: Correctness and Pragmatics", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1992", - volume = "14", - number = "2", - pages = "147--172", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "pe, sem", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@Book{gordon-1979-ddpl, - author = "M. J. C. Gordon", - title = "The Denotational Descriptions of Programming Languages", - publisher = SV, - year = "1979", - address = BERLIN, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Book{gosling-1996-jls, - author = "J. Gosling and B. Joy and G. L. {Steele, Jr.}", - title = "The {J}ava Language Specification", - publisher = "Addison-Wesley", - year = "1996", - address = "Reading, MA", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{greif-1994-dagep, - author = "I. Greif", - title = "Desktop Agents in Group-Enabled Products", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "100--105", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Book{gries-1981-sp, - author = "D. Gries", - title = "The Science of Programming", - publisher = SV, - year = "1981", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{grove-1995-iicao, - author = "D. Grove", - title = "The Impact of Interprocedural Class Analysis on " # - "Optimization", - editor = "K. Bennet and D. Bockus and M. Gentleman and H. Johnson " # "and E. Kidd and J. Slonim and A. Stilman", - pages = "195--203", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Centre for Advanced " - # "Studies Conference ({CASCON}'95)", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "7--9 " # nov, - bibfiles = "sweng, plth", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@Article{guha-1994-eawt, - author = "R. V. Guha and D. B. Lenat", - title = "Enabling Agents to Work Together", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "127--142", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{guiant-1995-eddo, - author = "P. Guiant", - title = "Evaluating Document Delivery Options", - editor = "M. E. Williams", - pages = "165--170", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th National Online Meeting", - year = "1995", - address = NYC, - month = "2--4 " # may, - bibfiles = "edd", - bibwhere = "edd", -} - -@InCollection{gunter-1990-sd, - author = "C. A. Gunter and D. S. Scott", - title = "Semantic Domains", - booktitle = "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science", - volume = "B", - publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.", - year = "1990", - editor = "J. van Leeuwen", - chapter = "12", - pages = "633--674", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{gunter-1992-mp, - author = "C. A. Gunter", - title = "The Mixed Powerdomain", - journal = TCS, - year = "1992", - volume = "103", - number = "2", - month = sep, - pages = "311--334", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Book{gunter-1992-splst, - author = "C. A. Gunter", - title = "Semantics of Programming Languages: Structures and " # - "Techniques", - publisher = MITP, - address = CAMBMA, - year = "1992", - series = "Foundations of Computing Series", - errata = "file: //ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/papers/gunter/SPL_errata.ps", - errata = "file: //ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/papers/gunter/SPL_errata.dvi", - errata = "file://research.att.com/dist/carl/SPL_errata.dvi", - errata = "file://research.att.com/dist/carl/SPL_errata.ps", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{gurevich-1988-aosm, - author = "Y. Gurevich and J. Morris", - title = "Algebraic Operational Semantics and {M}odula-2", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Computer Science " - # "Logic ({CSL}'87)", - editor = "E. B{\"o}rger and H. Kleine B{\"u}ning and M. M. Richter", - volume = "329", - series = LNCS, - year = "1988", - publisher = SV, - pages = "81--101", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{gurevich-1990-aoso, - author = "Y. Gurevich and L. S. Moss", - title = "Algebraic Operational Semantics and {O}ccam", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computer Science " - # "Logic ({CSL}'89)", - editor = "E. B{\"o}rger and H. Kleine B{\"u}ning and M. M. Richter", - volume = "440", - series = LNCS, - year = "1990", - publisher = SV, - pages = "176--192", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InCollection{gurevich-1992-eaads, - author = "Y. Gurevich", - title = "Evolving Algebras: An Attempt to Discover Semantics", - booktitle = "Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science", - publisher = "World Scientific", - year = "1993", - editor = "G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa", - pages = "266--292", - abstract = "This tutorial is based on lecture notes from the Fall 1990 course on Principles of Programming Languages at the University of Michigan. (My young friend Quisani did not attend the lectures.) The present version incorporates some changes provoked by the necessity to update the bibliography. The main part of the paper is still the same, however, and the examples are unchanged even though many things happened in the meantime. In particular, we (the collective we) have learned hot to build evolving algebras by the method of successive refinements, and the current evolving algebra description of the C programming language in~[Gurevich and Huggins, 1992] doesn't look much like the strcpy example anymore. Now, we understand better how to compose evolving algebras and how to prove things with evolving algebras. A typical misconception is that the operational approach is necessarily too detailed. Some people think that an approach suited for complexity analysis does not give a good high-level specification language. I believe in a high-level specification language based on evolving algebras; the successive refinement method is then one tool to prove implementation correctness. But this and various other issues (how to incorporate real time into evolving algebras for example) will have to addressed elsewhere.", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{gurevich-1993-scpl, - author = "Y. Gurevich and J. K. Huggins", - title = "The Semantics of the {C} Programming Language", - booktitle = "Selected Papers from CSL'92 (Computer Science Logic)", - editor = "E. B{\"o}rger and others", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - year = "1993", - volume = "702", - series = LNCS, - pages = "274--308", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{gurevich-1994-ea, - author = "Y. Gurevich", - title = "Evolving Algebras", - editor = "B. Pehrson and I. Simon", - volume = "1", - pages = "423--427", - booktitle = "13th {IFIP} World Computer Congress 94", - year = "1994", - address = "Hamburg, Germany", - month = "28 " # aug # "--2 " # sep, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{gurevich-1994-eape, - author = "Y. Gurevich and J. K. Huggins", - title = "Evolving Algebras and Partial Evaluation", - year = "1994", - address = "Amsterdam, Holland", - documenturl = "ftp: //ftp.eecs.umich.edu/groups/Ealgebras/pevalifip.ps", - editor = "B. Pehrson and I. Simon", - pages = "587--592", - publisher = NH, - booktitle = "IFIP 13th World Computer Congress", - bibfiles = "pe, sem", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@InCollection{gurevich-1995-ealg, - author = "Y. Gurevich", - title = "Evolving Algebras 1993: {L}ipari Guide", - booktitle = "Specification and Validation Methods", - publisher = OXFP, - year = "1995", - editor = "E. B{\"o}rger", - pages = "9--36", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{guttag-1978-adtsv, - author = "J. V. Guttag and E. Horowitz and D. R. Musser", - title = "Abstract Data Types and Software Validation", - journal = CACM, - year = "1978", - volume = "21", - number = "12", - pages = "1048--1064", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{guttag-1978-asadt, - author = "J. V. Guttag and J. J. Horning", - title = "The Algebraic Specification of Abstract Data Types", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1978", - volume = "10", - pages = "27--52", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{hannan-1991-osdcma, - author = "J. Hannan", - title = "Operational Semantics-Directed Compilers and " # - "Machine Architectures", - booktitle = SIGPLAN91SBPM, - year = "1991", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{hannan-1993-ss, - author = "J. Hannan", - title = "Searching for Semantics", - year = "1993", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Symposium on Partial " # "Evaluation and Semantics Based Program Manipulation", - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.cse.psu.edu/pub/hannan/pepm.dvi", - address = "San Francisco, CA", - editor = "D. Schmidt", - month = jun, - pages = "1--12", - publisher = ACMP, - bibfiles = "sem, pe", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Book{harbison-1995-crm, - author = "S. P. Harbison and G. L. {Steele, Jr.}", - title = "{C}: A Reference Manual", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1995", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - edition = "4th", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{harel-1987-fss, - author = "D. Harel and A. Pnueli and J. P. Schmidt and R. Sherman", - title = "On the Formal Semantics of Statecharts", - year = "1987", - pages = "54--64", - booktitle = IEEESLICS, - bibfiles = "var", - bibwhere = "var", -} - -@Article{harel-1987-svfcs, - author = "D. Harel", - title = "Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems", - journal = SCP, - year = "1987", - volume = "8", - pages = "231--274", - bibfiles = "var", - bibwhere = "var", -} - -@Article{harel-1988-vf, - author = "D. Harel", - title = "On Visual Formalisms", - journal = CACM, - year = "1988", - volume = "31", - number = "5", - pages = "514--530", - month = may, - bibfiles = "var", - bibwhere = "var", -} - -@TechReport{harper-1986-sm, - author = "R. Harper and D. MacQueen and R. Milner", - title = "{S}tandard {ML}", - institution = "University of Edinburgh, Laboratory for Foundations of " # "Computer Science", - month = mar, - number = "ECS-LFCS-86-12", - year = "1986", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@TechReport{harper-1989-ism, - author = "R. Harper", - title = "Introduction to {S}tandard {ML}", - institution = "University of Edinburgh, Laboratory for Foundations of " # "Computer Science", - year = "1989", - number = "ECS-LFCS-86-14", - month = jan, - note = "Revised edition", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Article{harper-1992-ctsos, - author = "R. Harper", - title = "Constructing Type Systems over an Operational Semantics", - journal = JSC, - year = "1992", - volume = "14", - number = "1", - pages = "71--84", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@Article{harper-1993-tssm, - author = "R. Harper and J. C. Mitchell", - title = "On the Type Structure of {S}tandard {ML}", - journal = TOPLAS, - volume = "15", - number = "2", - year = "1993", - pages = "211--252", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{hausler-1989-dps, - author = "P. A. Hausler", - title = "Denotational Program Slicing", - pages = "486--494", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Hawaii " # - "International Conference on System Sciences, " # "Vol. {II}: Software Track", - year = "1989", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{haynes-1984-cc, - author = "C. T. Haynes and D. P. Friedman and M. Wand", - title = "Continuations and Coroutines", - publisher = ACMP, - address = NYC, - booktitle = LFP, - pages = "293--298", - month = aug, - year = "1984", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{haynes-1987-ecpo, - author = "C. T. Haynes and D. P. Friedman", - title = "Embedding Continuations in Procedural Objects", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1987", - volume = "9", - number = "4", - pages = "582--598", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Article{heckmann-1993-pdsop, - author = "R. Heckmann", - title = "Power Domains and Second-Order Predicates", - journal = TCS, - year = "1993", - volume = "111", - number = "1--2", - month = apr, - pages = "59--88", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{heckmann-1994-spd, - author = "R. Heckmann", - title = "Stable Power Domains", - journal = TCS, - year = "1994", - volume = "136", - number = "1", - month = dec, - pages = "21--56", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{heering-1986-sdf, - author = "J. Heering and P. Klint", - title = "A Syntax Definition Formalism", - editor = "Directorate General {XIII}", - pages = "619--630", - booktitle = "{ESPRIT}'86: Results and Achievements", - year = "1986", - address = "Brussels, Belgium", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@Misc{henglein-1996-gtoti, - author = "F. Henglein", - title = "Global Tagging Optimization by Type Inference", - howpublished = "Lecture notes for the {ACM} State of the Art " # - "Summer School on Functional and Object-Oriented " # - "Programming, Sob{\'o}tka, Poland", - year = "1996", - month = "8--14 " # sep, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "sobotka", - bibwhere = "sobotka", -} - -@InCollection{henhapl-1978-fdadmr, - author = "W. Henhapl and C. B. Jones", - title = "A Formal Definition of {A}lgol 60 as Described in the " # "1975 Modified Report", - booktitle = "The {V}ienna {D}evelopment {M}ethod: The Metalanguage", - publisher = SV, - year = "1978", - editor = "D. Bj{\o}rner and C. B. Jones", - series = LNCS, - volume = "61", - pages = "305--336", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@Book{hennessy-1990-spleiusos, - author = "M. Hennessy", - title = "The Semantics of Programming Languages: An Elementary " # "Introduction Using Structural Operational Semantics", - publisher = WILEY, - year = "1990", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{henson-1982-csig, - author = "M. C. Henson and R. Turner", - title = "Completion Semantics and Interpreter Generation", - pages = "242--254", - booktitle = POPL, - month = jan, - year = "1982", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{henson-1993-ptpt, - author = "M. C. Henson", - title = "On the Proof Theory of Program Transformations", - institution = "University of Essex, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1993", - number = "CSM-196a", - month = nov, - documenturl = "ftp://hp1.essex.ac.uk/pub/csc/technical-reports/" # - "CSM-196a.ps.Z", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{henson-1993-tp, - author = "M. C. Henson", - title = "Transformations as Proofs", - institution = "University of Essex, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1993", - number = "CSM-195", - month = nov, - documenturl = "ftp://hp1.essex.ac.uk/pub/csc/technical-reports/" # - "CSM-195.ps.Z", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{hieb-1990-cc, - author = "R. Hieb and R. K. Dybvig", - title = "Continuations and Concurrency", - pages = "128--136", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1990", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@TechReport{hill-1994-ictctmrfp, - author = "J. M. D. Hill and K. Clarke", - title = "An Introduction to Category Theory, Category Theory " - # "Monads and their Relationship to Functional Programming", - institution = "Queen Mary and Westfield College, Department of Computer " # "Science", - year = "1994", - number = "QMW-DCS-681", - month = aug, - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/cpc/jon_hill/qmw681.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@Article{hils-1992-vlcsdfvpl, - author = "D. D. Hils", - title = "Visual Languages and Computing Survey: Data Flow " # - "Visual Programming Languages", - journal = JVLC, - year = "1992", - volume = "3", - pages = "69--101", - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{hoare-1969-abcp, - author = "C. A. R. Hoare", - title = "An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming", - journal = CACM, - year = "1969", - volume = "12", - number = "10", - pages = "576--583", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{hoare-1971-ppf, - author = "C. A. R. Hoare", - title = "Proof of a Program: {FIND}", - journal = CACM, - year = "1971", - volume = "14", - number = "1", - pages = "39--45", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{hoare-1972-pcdr, - author = "C. A. R. Hoare", - title = "Proof of Correctness of Data Representations", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1972", - volume = "1", - pages = "271--281", - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{hoare-1973-adplp, - author = "C. A. R. Hoare and N. Wirth", - title = "An Axiomatic Definition of the Programming Language " - # "{PASCAL}", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1973", - volume = "2", - pages = "335--355", - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{hoare-1974-ccftspl, - author = "C. A. R. Hoare and P. E. Lauer", - title = "Consistent and Complementary Formal Theories of " # - "the Semantics of Programming Languages", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1974", - volume = "3", - pages = "135--153", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{hoare-1987-lp, - author = "C. A. R. Hoare and I. J. Hayes and H. Jifeng and " # - "C. C. Morgan and A. W. Roscoe and J. W. Sanders " # - "and I. H. Sorensen and J. M. Spivey and B. A. Sufrin", - title = "Laws of Programming", - journal = CACM, - year = "1987", - volume = "30", - number = "8", - pages = "672--686", - month = aug, - note = "See corrections in " # CACM # ", " # sep # " 1987", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InCollection{hoare-1989-nactcs, - author = "C. A. R. Hoare", - title = "Notes on an Approach to Category Theory for Computer " - # "Scientists", - booktitle = "Constructive Methods in Computer Science", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - year = "1989", - editor = "M. Broy", - volume = "F55", - series = "{NATO} {ASI} Series", - pages = "245--305", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{hoffmann-1978-dccnpl, - author = "C. M. Hoffmann", - title = "Design and Correctness of a Compiler for a " # - "Non-Procedural Language", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1978", - volume = "9", - pages = "217--241", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{hoffmann-1982-pe, - author = "C. M. Hoffmann and M. J. O'Donnell", - title = "Programming with Equations", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1982", - volume = "4", - number = "1", - pages = "83--112", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@InProceedings{honsell-1992-tcfle, - author = "F. Honsell and I. Mason and S. Smith and C. Talcott", - title = "A Theory of Classes for a Functional Language " # - "with Effects", - booktitle = "Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic ({CSL'92})", - year = "1992", - address = "San Miniato, Italy", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{honsell-1995-sosls, - author = "F. Honsell and A. Pravato and S. Ronchi della Rocca", - title = "Structured Operational Semantics of the Language {SCHEME}", - institution = "University of Torino, Department of Informatics", - year = "1995", - documenturl = "ftp://lambda.di.unito.it/pub/ronchi/SOS.ps", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{honsell-1995-vtle, - author = "F. Honsell and I. Mason and S. Smith and C. Talcott", - title = "A Variable Typed Logic of Effects", - journal = IC, - year = "1995", - volume = "119", - number = "1", - pages = "55--90", - documenturl = "ftp://sail.stanford.edu/pub/MT/93ic.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{hoofman-1996-cmitlc, - author = "R. Hoofman", - title = "Comparing Models of the Intensional Typed Lambda Calculus", - journal = TCS, - year = "1996", - volume = "166", - number = "1--2", - month = oct, - pages = "83--99", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{horspool-1990-radp, - author = "R. N. Horspool", - title = "Recursive Ascent-Descent Parsers", - volume = "477", - series = LNCS, - pages = "1--10", - booktitle = "Compiler Compilers Workshop", - year = "1990", - address = "Schwerin, Germany", - month = "22--24 " # oct, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{horwitz-1988-apdgrp, - author = "S. Horwitz and J. Prins and T. Reps", - title = "On the Adequacy of Program Dependence Graphs for " # - "Representing Programs", - pages = "146--157", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1988", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{horwitz-1989-dapv, - author = "S. Horwitz and P. Pfeiffer and T. Reps", - title = "Dependence Analysis for Pointer Variables", - pages = "28--40", - booktitle = SIGPLAN89CC, - year = "1989", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth, sem", - bibwhere = "ghinsu, plth", -} - -@Article{horwitz-1990-isudg, - author = "S. Horwitz and T. Reps and D. Binkley", - title = "Interprocedural Slicing Using Dependence Graphs", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1990", - volume = "12", - number = "1", - pages = "26--60", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Article{howden-1978-apt, - author = "W. E. Howden", - title = "Algebraic Program Testing", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1978", - volume = "10", - pages = "53--66", - bibfiles = "sem, sweng", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{hudak-1991-cie, - author = "P. Hudak and J. Young", - title = "Collecting Interpretations of Expressions", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1991", - volume = "13", - number = "2", - pages = "269--290", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{hudak-1996-gih, - author = "P. Hudak and J. Fasel and J. Peterson", - title = "A Gentle Introduction to {H}askell", - institution = "Yale University, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1996", - number = "YALEU/DCS/RR-901", - month = may, - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Manual{ieee-1991-isspl, - title = "{IEEE} Standard for the {S}cheme Programming Language, " # "{IEEE} Standard 1178-1990", - key = "IEEE", - organization = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers", - address = NYC, - year = "1991", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{ierusalimschy-1993-datcoopl, - author = "R. Ierusalimschy", - title = "A Denotational Approach for Type-Checking in " # - "Object-Orientated Programming Languages", - journal = "Computer Languages", - year = "1993", - volume = "19", - number = "1", - pages = "19--40", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@Article{igarashi-1975-apvlbi, - author = "S. Igarashi and R. L. London and D. C. Luckham", - title = "Automatic Program Verification {I}: A Logical Basis " - # "and its Implementation", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1975", - volume = "4", - pages = "145--182", - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{jackson-1994-dupdl, - author = "W. K. Jackson and F. W. Burton", - title = "A Definite and Unfoldable, Partially " # - "Deterministic Language", - journal = CJ, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "8", - pages = "711--714", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{jacob-1985-stdlvp, - author = "R. J. K. Jacob", - title = "A State Transition Diagram Language for Visual Programming", - journal = IEEECOMP, - year = "1985", - volume = "18", - number = "8", - pages = "51--59", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{jacob-1986-sldmui, - author = "R. J. K. Jacob", - title = "A Specification Language for Direct-Manipulation User " # "Interfaces", - journal = TOG, - year = "1986", - volume = "5", - number = "4", - pages = "283--317", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "gui", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@InProceedings{jahnichen-1986-pdudc, - author = "S. J{\"a}hnichen and F. A. Hussain and M. Webber", - title = "Program Development Using a Design Calculus", - editor = "Directorate General {XIII}", - pages = "645--658", - booktitle = "{ESPRIT}'86: Results and Achievements", - year = "1986", - address = "Brussels, Belgium", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "sweng, trans", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@Article{jennings-1995-abmsdi, - author = "N. R. Jennings and A. J. Jackson", - title = "Agent-Based Meeting Scheduling: A Design and " # - "Implementation", - journal = "Electronics Letters", - year = "1995", - volume = "31", - number = "5", - pages = "350--352", - month = "2 " # mar, - abstract = "The Letter describes the design and implementation of a distributed meeting scheduling system in which each user has an intelligent agent in their computer desktop which is responsible for arranging meetings. Knowing the preferences and commitments of their user, the agents negotiate with one another to find the most acceptable meeting times.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@TechReport{johnson-1973-plb, - author = "S. C. Johnson and B. W. Kernighan", - title = "The Programming Language {B}", - institution = "{AT\&T} Bell Laboratories", - year = "1973", - number = "8", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Article{johnson-1987-gdtcpcfco, - author = "G. F. Johnson", - title = "{GL}: A Denotational Testbed with Continuations " # - "and Partial Continuations as First-Class " # - "Objects", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1987", - volume = "22", - number = "7", - pages = "165--176", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{johnson-1988-spcfcole, - author = "G. F. Johnson and D. Duggan", - title = "Stores and Partial Continuations as First-Class " # - "Objects in a Language and its Environment", - publisher = ACMP, - address = NYC, - booktitle = "Fifteenth {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Programming " # "Languages", - pages = "158--168", - year = "1988", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{johnson-1992-dfup, - author = "R. E. Johnson", - title = "Documenting Frameworks Using Patterns", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1992", - volume = "27", - number = "10", - pages = "63--76", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@Article{jones-1977-spha, - author = "N. D. Jones and S. S. Muchnick", - title = "Even Simple Programs Are Hard to Analyze", - journal = JACM, - year = "1977", - volume = "24", - number = "2", - pages = "338--350", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InCollection{jones-1978-dsgefrc, - author = "C. B. Jones", - title = "Denotational Semantics of Goto: An Exit Formulation " - # "and its Relation to Continuations", - booktitle = "The {V}ienna {D}evelopment {M}ethod: The Metalanguage", - publisher = SV, - year = "1978", - editor = "D. Bj{\o}rner and C. B. Jones", - series = LNCS, - volume = "61", - pages = "278--304", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InCollection{jones-1980-cgds, - author = "N. D. Jones and D. A. Schmidt", - title = "Compiler Generation from Denotational Semantics", - booktitle = "Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation", - editor = "N. D. Jones", - series = LNCS, - volume = "94", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - year = "1980", - pages = "71--93", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InCollection{jones-1985-epegcg, - author = "N. D. Jones and P. Sestoft and H. S{\o}ndergaard", - title = "An Experiment in Partial Evaluation: The Generation of " # "a Compiler Generator", - booktitle = "Rewriting Techniques and Applications", - address = "Dijon, France", - series = LNCS, - volume = "202", - editor = "S. N. Maheshwari", - publisher = SV, - year = "1985", - pages = "124--140", - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@InProceedings{jones-1992-tqt, - author = "M. P. Jones", - title = "A Theory of Qualified Types", - editor = "B. Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner", - pages = "287--306", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on " # - "Programming (ESOP '92)", - year = "1992", - month = feb, - series = LNCS, - volume = "582", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@TechReport{jones-1993-cm, - author = "M. P. Jones", - title = "Composing Monads", - institution = "Yale University, Functional Programming Research Group", - year = "1993", - type = "Research report", - number = "YALEU/DCS/RR-1004", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@TechReport{jones-1993-cqt, - author = "M. P. Jones", - title = "Coherence for Qualified Types", - institution = "Yale University, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1993", - type = "Research Report", - number = "YALEU/DCS/RR-989", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@TechReport{jones-1994-igfps, - author = "M. P. Jones", - title = "The Implementation of the {G}ofer Functional Programming " # "System", - institution = "Yale University, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1994", - type = "Research Report", - number = "YALEU/DCS/RR-1030", - month = may, - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Misc{jones-199x-tqt, - author = "M. P. Jones", - title = "A Theory of Qualified Types", - year = "199x", - note = "An earlier version of this paper was presented in ESOP " # "1992, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.~582, " # "Springer-Verlag, 1992", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@TechReport{jung-1996-ddshaop, - author = "M. P. Fiore and A. Jung and E. Moggi and P. O'Hearn and " # "J. Riecke and G. Rosolini and I. Stark", - title = "Domains and Denotational Semantics: History, " # - "Accomplishments and Open Problems", - institution = "University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science", - year = "1996", - number = "CSR-96-2", - month = jan, - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.cs.bham.ac.uk/pub/tech-reports/1996/" # - "CSR-96-02.ps.gz", - abstract = "In this collection we try to give an overview of some selected topics in Domain Theory and Denotational Semantics. In doing so, we first survey the mathematical universes which have been used as semantic domains. The emphasis is on those ordered structures which have been introduced by Dana Scott in 1969 and which figure under the name (Scott-) domains. After surveying developments in the concrete theory of domains we describe two newer developments, the axiomatic and the synthetic approach. In the second part we look at three computational phenomena in detail, namely, sequential computation, polymorphism, and mutable state, and at the challenges that these pose for a mathematical model.", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{justice-1994-macc, - author = "T. P. Justice and R. K. Pandey and T. A. Budd", - title = "A Multiparadigm Approach to Compiler Construction", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1994", - volume = "29", - number = "9", - pages = "29--37", - month = sep, - abstract = "Compiler implementation is a difficult and intricate programming problem due to the diversity of subproblems that must be solved. The compiler writer is faced with the challenge of expressing solutions to these subproblems in some implementation language. With the advent of multiparadigm programming languages, diverse problem solving strategies and approaches can coexist within a single linguistic framework. The multiparadigm language Leda allows access to the imperative, logic, functional, and object-oriented paradigms within one programming language. Here we describe the experience of implementing a compiler for a subset of the language C using Leda, and examine how access to several paradigms affected our design and implementation.", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@TechReport{kahr-1993-madsm, - author = "S. Kahr", - title = "Mistakes and Ambiguities in the Definition of " # - "{S}tandard {ML}", - institution = "University of Edinburgh, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1993", - number = "ECS-LFCS-93-257", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{kasyanov-1991-tapc, - author = "V. Kasyanov", - title = "Transformational Approach to Program Concretization", - journal = TCS, - year = "1991", - volume = "90", - pages = "37--46", - bibfiles = "trans, pe", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@InProceedings{katz-1990-cfiffcc, - author = "M. Katz and D. Weise", - title = "Continuing into the Future: On the Interaction of Futures " # "and First-Class Continuations", - booktitle = LFP, - publisher = ACMP, - year = "1990", - editor = "M. Wand", - pages = "176--184", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{katz-1992-tnppe, - author = "M. Katz and D. Weise", - title = "Towards a New Perspective on Partial Evaluation", - year = "1992", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Workshop on Partial " # "Evaluation and Semantics-Directed Program Manipulation", - address = "San Francisco, CA", - documenturl = "ftp://quilty.stanford.edu/pub/fuse-papers/" # - "FUSE-MEMO-92-12.ps", - month = jun, - publisher = ACMP, - bibfiles = "pe, sem", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@Article{kautz-1994-budsa, - author = "H. A. Kautz and B. Selman and M. Coen", - title = "Bottom-up Design of Software Agents", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "143--146", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{kearney-1995-iape, - author = "P. Kearney", - title = "Intelligent Agents and Personal Electronics", - pages = "1--8", - booktitle = "{IEE} Colloquium on Developments in Personal Systems", - year = "1995", - address = "London, UK", - month = "23 " # jun, - abstract = "Conveys a broad view of the role of agents in the personal electronics of the future, and of some of the technical ideas which make this role possible. I start out by sketching out a view of the future based on current trends, principally the convergence of technologies known as multimedia. I then explain why the concept of agents is so important in enabling this view of the future to come about, before describing the main characteristics of the agent model we have adopted in our research at Sharp Laboratories of Europe. To conclude, I comment on the appearance of agent-based products.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{kelsey-1989-rcpt, - author = "R. Kelsey and P. Hudak", - title = "Realistic Compilation by Program Transformation", - pages = "281--292", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1989", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Book{kernighan-1978-cpl, - author = "B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie", - title = "The {C} Programming Language", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1978", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Book{kernighan-1988-cpl, - author = "B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie", - title = "The {C} Programming Language", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1988", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - edition = "2nd", - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@InProceedings{kim-1990-fcefpl, - author = "M. J. Kim and C. S. Jhon", - title = "Functional {C}: An Extended Functional Programming Language", - pages = "298--302", - booktitle = "Next Decade in Information Technology, Proceedings of " # "the 5th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology " # "({JCIT})", - year = "1990", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{king-1976-sept, - author = "J. C. King", - title = "Symbolic Execution and Program Testing", - journal = CACM, - year = "1976", - volume = "19", - number = "7", - pages = "385--394", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@InProceedings{king-1992-cm, - author = "D. King and P. Wadler", - title = "Combining Monads", - series = "Workshops in Computing", - booktitle = "Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming", - year = "1992", - publisher = SV, - month = jul, - abstract = "Monads provide a way of structuring functional programs. Most real applications require a combination of primitive monads. Here we describe how some monads may be combined with others to yield a combined monad.", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@TechReport{kini-1983-ttdspl, - author = "V. Kini and D. F. Martin and A. Stoughton", - title = "Tools for Testing the Denotational Semantics of a " # - "Programming Language", - institution = "University of Southern California, {USC}-{ISI} Project", - year = "1983", - month = may, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{kinloch-1993-crmcp, - author = "D. Kinloch and M. Munro", - title = "A Combined Representation for the Maintenance " # "of {C} Programs", - pages = "119--127", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in " # - "Program Comprehension", - year = "1993", - address = CAPRI, - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@InProceedings{kishon-1991-msffsirem, - author = "A. Kishon and P. Hudak and C. Consel", - title = "Monitoring Semantics: A Formal Framework for " # - "Specifying, Implementing and Reasoning about " # - "Execution Monitors", - pages = "338--352", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN}'91 Conference on " - # "Programming Language Design and Implementation", - year = "1991", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@MastersThesis{klagges-1993-fliicls, - author = "H. Klagges", - title = "A Functional Language Interpreter Integrated " # "into the {C++} Language System", - school = "Balliol College, University of Oxford, " # "Oxford University Computing Laboratory", - year = "1993", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InCollection{kock-1977-dcl, - author = "A. Kock and G. E. Reyes", - title = "Doctrines in Categorical Logic", - booktitle = "Handbook of Mathematical Logic", - publisher = NH, - year = "1977", - editor = "J. Barwise", - volume = "90", - series = "Studies in Logic", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{kowaltowski-1977-aasegj, - author = "T. Kowaltowski", - title = "Axiomatic Approach to Side Effects and General Jumps", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1977", - volume = "7", - pages = "357--360", - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@InProceedings{kozierok-1993-liasm, - author = "R. Kozierok and P. Maes", - title = "A Learning Interface Agent for Scheduling Meetings", - pages = "81--88", - booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACM} {SIGCHI} International " # - "Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces", - year = "1993", - publisher = ACMP, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@InProceedings{krieg-bruckner-1986-pdst, - author = "B. Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and others", - title = "Program Development by Specification and Transformation", - editor = "Directorate General {XIII}", - pages = "301--311", - booktitle = "{ESPRIT}'86: Results and Achievements", - year = "1986", - address = "Brussels, Belgium", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "trans", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@Article{kuehne-1994-hoopool, - author = "T. K{\"u}hne", - title = "High Order Objects in Pure Object-Oriented Languages", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1994", - volume = "29", - number = "7", - pages = "15--20", - month = jul, - abstract = "We present a method of directly translating higher order functions from functional programs into object-oriented programs. We show how to pass methods to generalized algorithms in pure object-oriented languages without extending the language. The translation allows partial parameterization, including currying, and conforms to strong typing. Finally we compare our method with conventional object-oriented approaches in terms of locality and reusability.", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@InProceedings{kuehne-1995-pvi, - author = "T. K{\"u}hne", - title = "Parameterization Versus Inheritance", - editor = "C. Mingins and B. Meyer", - pages = "235--245", - booktitle = "Proceedings of Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems ({TOOLS} Pacific'94)", - year = "1995", - publisher = PRHALL, - address = "London", - note = "For correct version ask author; proceedings contain " - # "corrupted version", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@TechReport{kutter-1997-dsopl, - author = "P. W. Kutter", - title = "Dynamic Semantics of the {O}beron Programming Language", - institution = "ETH Z{\"u}rich", - year = "1997", - type = "{TIK}-Report", - number = "25", - month = feb, - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{kutter-1997-fso, - author = "P. W. Kutter and A. Pierantonio", - title = "The Formal Specification of {O}beron", - journal = "Journal of Universal Computer Science", - year = "1997", - volume = "3", - number = "5", - pages = "443--503", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{laeufer-1995-fhofc, - author = "K. L{\"a}ufer", - title = "A Framework for Higher-Order Functions in {C++}", - pages = "103--116", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {USENIX} Conference on Object-Oriented " # "Technologies ({COOTS})", - year = "1995", - address = "Monterey, CA", - month = "26--29 " # jun, - abstract = "C and C++ allow passing functions as arguments to other functions in the form of function pointers. However, since function pointers can refer only to existing functions declared at global or file scope, these function arguments cannot capture local environments. This leads to the common misconception that C and C++ do not support function closures. In fact, function closures can be modeled directly in C++ by enclosing a function inside an object such that the local environment is captured by data members of the object. This idiom is described in advanced C++ texts and is used, for example, to implement callbacks. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we demonstrate how this idiom can be generalized to a type-safe framework of C++ class templates for higher-order functions that support composition and partial application. Second, we explore the expressiveness of the framework and compare it with that of existing functional programming languages. We illustrate by means of various examples that object-oriented and functional idioms can coexist productively and can be used to enhance the functionality of common classes, for example, of nonlinear collections such as trees. A C++ implementation of the framework is available on request.", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@Misc{laeufer-1995-tcet, - author = "K. L{\"a}ufer", - title = "Type Classes with Existential Types", - year = "1995", - month = oct, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{landin-1965-cacln, - author = "P. J. Landin", - title = "A Correspondence Between {A}lgol 60 and {C}hurch's " # - "Lambda-Notation", - journal = CACM, - year = "1965", - volume = "8", - number = "2--3", - pages = "89--101, 158--165", - month = feb # "--" # mar, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@TechReport{landin-1965-gjl, - author = "P. J. Landin", - title = "A Generalization of Jumps and Labels", - institution = "{UNI}-{VAC} Systems Programming Research", - year = "1965", - type = "Report", - month = "29 " # aug, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{landin-1966-npl, - author = "P. J. Landin", - title = "The Next 700 Programming Languages", - journal = CACM, - volume = "9", - number = "3", - month = mar, - year = "1966", - pages = "157--166", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{lano-1991-asslz, - author = "K. Lano and H. Haughton", - title = "An Algebraic Semantics for the Specification " # - "Language {Z++}", - booktitle = AMAST91, - pages = "478--493", - month = may, - year = "1991", - address = "University of Iowa, IA", - publisher = SV, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{larsen-1995-fsiv, - author = "P. G. Larsen and W. Pawlowski", - title = "The Formal Semantics of {ISO} {VDM-SL}", - journal = CSI, - year = "1995", - volume = "17", - number = "5--6", - pages = "585--601", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Book{lashkari-1994-cia, - author = "Y. Lashkari and M. Metral and P. Maes", - title = "Collaborative Interface Agents", - publisher = MITP, - year = "1994", - address = CAMBMA, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@TechReport{leavens-1994-ils, - author = "G. T. Leavens", - title = "Introduction to the Literature on Semantics", - institution = "Iowa State University, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1994", - number = "TR-94-15", - address = "Ames, IA", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{ledgard-1972-mtcaa, - author = "H. Ledgard", - title = "A Model for Type Checking with an Application to " # - "{A}lgol 60", - journal = CACM, - year = "1972", - volume = "15", - number = "11", - pages = "956--966", - month = nov, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{lee-1987-rcgbhls, - author = "P. Lee and U. Pleban", - title = "A Realistic Compiler Generator Based on High-Level " # - "Semantics", - pages = "284--295", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1987", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{lee-1993-fcca, - author = "K. C. Lee and W. H. {Mansfield, Jr.} and A. P. Sheth", - title = "A Framework for Controlling Cooperative Agents", - journal = COMPUTER, - year = "1993", - pages = "8--16", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{lee-1994-osasri, - author = "J. Lee and M. Siegel", - title = "An Ontological and Semantical Approach to " # - "Source-Receiver Interoperability", - pages = "272--281", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Workshop on " # - "Information Technologies and Systems, WITS '94", - year = "1994", - address = "Vancouver, BC, Canada", - month = "17--18 " # dec, - abstract = "We propose an approach to address the issue of semantic interoperability between a data source and a data receiver in the framework of the context interchange architecture. A key component in this architecture is the context mediator, an intelligent agent which performs data conversions between the source and the receiver. We are concerned with what a context mediator 'knows' and how it 'behaves' from an external perspective. We introduce the notion of a conversion axiom, which is a formal and declarative means of specifying knowledge required by the mediator to perform desired conversions. We also state, in formal terms, the behavior of the mediator which uses conversion knowledge to translate data from the source context to the receiver context. Formal characterizations of what a context mediator should know and its external behavior provide a specification for the subsequent design of the knowledge representation and reasoning processes internal to the mediator. This approach draws upon ideas and concepts discussed in Mario Bunge's Ontology and Semantics (1974; 1977).", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{li-1994-pcsp, - author = "B. Li", - title = "A Pi-Calculus Specification of {P}rolog", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th European Symposium on " # - "Programming ({ESOP}'94)", - documenturl = "file://www.cis.upenn.edu/pub/papers/li/esop94.dvi.Z", - year = "1994", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{li-1995-cbasi, - author = "X. Li", - title = "A Comparison-Based Approach for Software Inspection", - editor = "K. Bennet and D. Bockus and M. Gentleman and H. Johnson " # "and E. Kidd and J. Slonim and A. Stilman", - pages = "170--178", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Centre for Advanced " - # "Studies Conference ({CASCON}'95)", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "7--9 " # nov, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@TechReport{liang-1995-mscg, - author = "S. Liang", - title = "A Modular Semantics for Compiler Generation", - institution = "Yale University, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1995", - number = "YALEU/DCS/TR-1067", - month = feb, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@InProceedings{liang-1995-mtmi, - author = "S. Liang and P. Hudak and M. Jones", - title = "Monad Transformers and Modular Interpreters", - booktitle = "Conference Record of the 22nd {ACM} {SIGPLAN}-{SIGACT} " # "Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages " - # "({POPL}'95)", - year = "1995", - address = "San Francisco, CA", - month = jan, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@InProceedings{liang-1996-mdscc, - author = "S. Liang and P. Hudak", - title = "Modular Denotational Semantics for Compiler Construction", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the European Symposium on Programming", - year = "1996", - month = apr, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Article{liskov-1974-padt, - author = "B. Liskov and S. Zilles", - title = "Programming with Abstract Data Types", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1974", - volume = "9", - number = "4", - pages = "50--59", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{livadas-1991-cgt, - author = "P. E. Livadas", - title = "The {C}-{Ghinsu} Tool", - institution = "Software Engineering Research Center", - year = "1991", - number = "SERC-TR-49-F", - month = mar, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth, sweng", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@TechReport{livadas-1991-sps, - author = "P. E. Livadas and S. Croll", - title = "Static Program Slicing", - institution = "Software Engineering Research Center", - year = "1991", - number = "SERC-TR-55-F", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@TechReport{livadas-1992-ps, - author = "P. E. Livadas and S. Croll", - title = "Program Slicing", - institution = "Software Engineering Research Center", - year = "1992", - number = "SERC-TR-61-F", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@TechReport{livadas-1993-nafop, - author = "P. E. Livadas and T. Johnson", - title = "A New Approach to Finding Objects in Programs", - institution = "Software Engineering Research Center", - year = "1993", - number = "SERC-TR-63-F", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth, sweng", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Article{livadas-1994-nactd, - author = "P. E. Livadas and S. Croll", - title = "A New Algorithm for the Calculation of " # "Transitive Dependencies", - journal = "Journal of Information Sciences", - year = "1994", - volume = "76", - number = "3, 4", - month = feb, - pages = "197--232", - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth, sweng", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Article{livadas-1995-nactd, - author = "P. E. Livadas and S. Croll", - title = "A New Algorithm for the Calculation of " # "Transitive Dependencies", - journal = "Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice", - year = "1995", - volume = "7", - number = "3", - month = may # "--" # jun, - pages = "151--176", - abstract = "Program slicing can be used to aid in a variety of software maintenance activities including code understanding, code testing, debugging, and program re-engineering. Program slicing (as well as other program analysis functions including ripple analysis) can be efficiently performed on an internal program representation called a system dependence graph (SDG). This paper will describe a new method for calculating transitive dependencies in the presence of recursion. This method requires neither the (explicit) calculation of the GMOD and GREF sets nor the construction of a linkage grammar and the corresponding subordinate characteristic graphs of the linkage grammar's non-terminals. Additionally, a beneficial side effect of this method is that it provides us with a new method for performing interprocedural, flow-sensitive data flow analysis. Finally, this paper will illustrate the versatility of the SDG as an internal program representation by briefly describing a tool that we have developed that permits slicing, dicing, ripple analysis, and other static analysis functions to be performed on programs written in a subset of ANSI C (e.g., C without gotos and pointers).", - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Misc{livadas-19xx-sdg, - author = "P. E. Livadas and S. Croll", - title = "System Dependence Graphs Based on Parse Trees " # "and their Use in Software Maintenance", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Misc{livadas-19xx-sppv, - author = "P. E. Livadas and A. Rosenstein", - title = "Slicing in the Presence of Pointer Variables", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Misc{livadas-19xx-tpu, - author = "P. E. Livadas and S. D. Alden", - title = "A Toolset for Program Understanding", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth, sweng", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Misc{livadas-19xx-uccpc, - author = "P. E. Livadas and D. T. Small", - title = "Understanding Code Containing Preprocessor Constructs", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Article{london-1978-prple, - author = "R. L. London and J. V. Guttag and J. J. Horning " # - "and B. W. Lampson and J. G. Mitchell and G. J. Popek", - title = "Proof Rules for the Programming Language {E}uclid", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1978", - volume = "10", - pages = "1--26", - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{luckham-1977-ptwlp, - author = "D. C. Luckham and N. Suzuki", - title = "Proof of Termination within a Weak Logic of Programs", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1977", - volume = "8", - pages = "21--36", - bibfiles = "var", - bibwhere = "var", -} - -@InProceedings{luk-1995-mdgpa, - author = "C. K. Luk", - title = "Memory Disambiguation for General-Purpose Applications", - editor = "K. Bennet and D. Bockus and M. Gentleman and H. Johnson " # "and E. Kidd and J. Slonim and A. Stilman", - pages = "204--217", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Centre for Advanced " - # "Studies Conference ({CASCON}'95)", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "7--9 " # nov, - bibfiles = "plth, sweng", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@Article{macdonald-1991-is, - author = "B. A. MacDonald", - title = "Instructable Systems", - journal = "Knowledge Acquisition", - year = "1991", - volume = "3", - number = "4", - pages = "381--420", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{machias-1988-edmsmtss, - author = "A. V. Machias", - title = "An Extension of Delta Method to Synchronous " # - "Machine Transient Stability Study", - journal = "Archiv f{\"u}r Elektrotechnik", - year = "1988", - volume = "71", - pages = "125--130", - bibfiles = "var", - bibwhere = "var", -} - -@Article{maes-1994-arwio, - author = "P. Maes", - title = "Agents that Reduce Work and Information Overload", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "31--40, 146", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{malec-1994-uaia, - author = "J. Malec", - title = "A Unified Approach to Intelligent Agency", - crossref = "ecai94", - pages = "233--244", - abstract = "The paper presents a unified approach to intelligent agency that has been developed by the members of the Laboratory for Knowledge Representation in Logic at the Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Linkoping since 1986. The approach is based on the theory of inhabited dynamical systems proposed and developed by Sandewall (1994), on the integrated layered software architecture concept developed at our lab and on the research on specification of reactive system behaviour pursued since 1990.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Misc{malmkjaer-1991-ppsp, - author = "K. Malmkj{\ae}r", - title = "Predicting Properties of Specialized Programs", - howpublished = "Ph.D.\ Proposal", - year = "1991", - month = "20 " # nov, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{malmkjaer-91-spsp, - author = "K. Malmkj{\ae}r", - title = "On Static Properties of Specialized Programs", - booktitle = "Analyse Statique En Programmation {\'E}quationnelle, " - # "Fonctionnelle, Et Logique", - address = "Bordeaux, France", - year = "1991", - month = oct, - editor = "M. Billaud and others", - pages = "234--241", - publisher = "Rennes, {IRISA}", - note = "{B}igre, vol. 74", - bibfiles = "pe, sem", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@Article{manwu-1994-alnrimbh, - author = "X. Manwu and L. Jianfeng and Z. Fancong and D. Jinswen", - title = "Agent Language {NUML} and its Reduction Implementation " # "Model Based on {HO}$\pi$", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1994", - volume = "29", - number = "5", - pages = "41--48", - month = may, - bibfiles = "iag, sem", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@TechReport{mason-1989-scaoepm, - author = "I. Mason and C. Talcott", - title = "A Sound and Complete Axiomatization of " # - "Operational Equivalence Between Programs with " # - "Memory", - institution = "Stanford University, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1989", - number = "STAN-CS-89-1250", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Misc{mason-1990-ptcc, - author = "I. Mason and C. Talcott", - title = "Program Transformation for Configuring Components", - year = "1990", - note = "Short version appears in {ACM} Symposium on " # - "Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program " # - "Manipulation ({PEPM}'91), pp. 297--308, 1991", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{mason-1990-rpe, - author = "I. Mason and C. Talcott", - title = "Reasoning about Programs with Effects", - booktitle = "Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming " # "(PLILP'90)", - year = "1990", - series = LNCS, - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - volume = "456", - pages = "189--203", - bibfiles = "plth, sem", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@Article{mason-1991-efle, - author = "I. Mason and C. Talcott", - title = "Equivalence in Functional Languages with Effects", - journal = JFP, - year = "1991", - volume = "1", - number = "3", - pages = "297--327", - documenturl = "ftp://sail.stanford.edu/pub/MT/91fp.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Misc{mason-1991-ptcp, - author = "I. Mason and C. Talcott", - title = "Program Transformation via Constraint Propagation", - year = "1991", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "trans, sem", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@InProceedings{mason-1992-rlvor, - author = "I. Mason and C. Talcott", - title = "References, Local Variables and Operational Reasoning", - booktitle = "7th Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science", - year = "1992", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{mason-1993-iefpmd, - author = "I. Mason and C. Talcott", - title = "Inferring the Equivalence of Functional Programs " # - "that Mutate Data", - journal = TCS, - year = "1993", - volume = "105", - number = "2", - pages = "167--215", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Misc{mason-1994-osdt, - author = "I. Mason and S. Smith and C. Talcott", - title = "From Operational Semantics to Domain Theory", - year = "1994", - documenturl = "ftp://sail.stanford.edu/pub/MT/94opdom.ps.Z", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{mason-1994-ptca, - author = "I. A. Mason and C. L. Talcott", - title = "Program Transformation via Contextual Assertions", - booktitle = "Logic, Language, and Computation: Festschrift in " # - "Honor of Satoru Takasu", - editor = "N. D. Jones and M. Hagiya and M. Sato", - year = "1994", - series = LNCS, - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - volume = "792", - pages = "225--254", - documenturl = "ftp://sail.stanford.edu/pub/MT/94takasu-vtloe.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "trans", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@InProceedings{mccabe-1994-aapil, - author = "F. G. McCabe and K. L. Clark", - title = "{A}pril: Agent Process Interaction Language", - crossref = "ecai94", - pages = "324--340", - abstract = "We introduce key features of a programming language for building DAI and other types of distributed applications requiring the transmission and manipulation of complex symbolic data. April is oriented to the implementation of multi-agent systems. However, April is not a 'multi-agent applications language'. It does not directly offer high level features such as: planners, problem solvers and knowledge representation systems that a multi-agent applications language might be expected to include. April is more an object based concurrent language with objects as processes. As argued in (Gasser and Briot, 1992), this is a highly suitable base for extension to DAI and multi-agent application platforms.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{mcdonald-1989-dsciism, - author = "C. McDonald and L. Allison", - title = "Denotational Semantics of a Command Interpreter and " - # "their Implementation in {S}tandard {ML}", - journal = CJ, - year = "1989", - volume = "32", - number = "5", - pages = "422--431", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{mehandjiev-1994-uefrcon, - author = "N. Mehandjiev and L. Bottaci and R. Phillips", - title = "User Enhanceability for Fast Response to " # "Changing Office Needs", - pages = "673--682", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Hawaii " # - "International Conference on System " # "Sciences, Vol. {IV}: Information Systems, " # "Collaboration Technology Organizational Systems " # "and Technology", - year = "1994", - bibfiles = "edd", - bibwhere = "edd", -} - -@InProceedings{meldal-1989-aapt, - author = "S. Meldal", - title = "An Abstract Axiomatization of Pointer Types", - editor = "B. D. Shriver", - volume = "2", - pages = "252--259", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Hawaii " # - "International Conference on System Sciences", - year = "1989", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{merlo-1993-psbpsrre, - author = "E. Merlo and R. De Mori and K. Kontogiannis", - title = "A Process Algebra Based Program and System " # - "Representation for Reverse Engineering", - pages = "17--25", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in " # - "Program Comprehension", - year = "1993", - address = CAPRI, - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@Article{meyer-1982-adplta, - author = "A. R. Meyer and J. Y. Halpern", - title = "Axiomatic Definitions of Programming Languages: A Theoretical Assessment", - journal = JACM, - year = "1982", - volume = "29", - number = "2", - pages = "555--576", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{meyer-1988-tfaslvpr, - author = "A. R. Meyer and K. Sieber", - title = "Towards Fully Abstract Semantics for Local Variables: " # "Preliminary Report", - publisher = ACMP, - address = NYC, - booktitle = POPL, - pages = "191--203", - year = "1988", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{meyer-1992-pdpsvlvg, - author = "B. Meyer", - title = "Pictures Depicting Pictures: On the Specification of " - # "Visual Languages by Visual Grammars", - pages = "41--47", - booktitle = IEEEWVL92, - year = "1992", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = SEATTLE, - month = sep, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Book{milne-1976-tpls, - author = "R. E. Milne and C. Stachey", - title = "A Theory of Programming Language Semantics", - publisher = CHAPMAN, - year = "1976", - address = "London, UK", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{milner-1978-ttpp, - author = "R. Milner", - title = "A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming", - journal = JCSS, - year = "1978", - volume = "17", - pages = "348--375", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{milner-1984-psm, - author = "R. Milner", - title = "A Proposal for {S}tandard {ML}", - publisher = ACMP, - address = NYC, - booktitle = LFP, - pages = "184--197", - month = aug, - year = "1984", - note = "Also as Technical Report CSR-157-83, University of " # - "Edinburgh", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Book{milner-1990-dsm, - author = "R. Milner and M. Tofte and R. Harper", - title = "The Definition of {S}tandard {ML}", - publisher = MITP, - address = CAMBMA, - year = "1990", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Book{milner-1991-csm, - author = "R. Milner and M. Tofte", - title = "Commentary on {S}tandard {ML}", - publisher = MITP, - address = CAMBMA, - year = "1991", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{minsky-1994-cwmmaa, - author = "M. Minsky and D. Riecken", - title = "A Conversation with {M}arvin {M}insky about Agents", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "23--29", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{mitchell-1984-cti, - author = "J. C. Mitchell", - title = "Coercion and Type Inference", - pages = "175--185", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1984", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{mitchell-1988-em, - author = "J. C. Mitchell and R. Harper", - title = "The Essence of {ML}", - booktitle = POPL, - pages = "28--46", - year = "1988", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{papaspyrou-1997-aftsc, - author = "N. S. Papaspyrou", - title = "An Attempt to Formalize the Type System of {C}", - institution = "National Technical University of Athens, " # "Software Engineering Laboratory", - year = "1997", - number = "CSD-SW-TR-3-97", - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.softlab.ntua.gr/pub/techrep/1997/" # - "CSD-SW-TR-3-97.ps", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "personal", -} - -@PhdThesis{papaspyrou-1998-fscpl, - author = "N. S. Papaspyrou", - title = "A Formal Semantics for the {C} Programming Language", - school = "National Technical University of Athens, " # "Software Engineering Laboratory", - year = "1998", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "personal", -} - -@InCollection{mitchell-1990-tspl, - author = "J. C. Mitchell", - title = "Type Systems for Programming Languages", - booktitle = "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science", - volume = "B", - publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.", - year = "1990", - editor = "J. van Leeuwen", - chapter = "8", - pages = "365--458", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{mitchell-1994-elpa, - author = "T. Mitchell and R. Caruana and D. Freitag and J. McDermott and D. Zabowski", - title = "Experience with a Learning Personal Assistant", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "81--91", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Book{mitchell-1996-fpl, - author = "J. C. Mitchell", - title = "Foundations for Programming Languages", - publisher = MITP, - year = "1996", - address = CAMBMA, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{moffat-1994-wtwta, - author = "D. Moffat and N. H. Fridja", - title = "Where there's a {W}ill there's an Agent", - crossref = "ecai94", - pages = "245--260", - abstract = "The theoretical paper introduces a formal architecture that supports the integration of various AI technologies, including planning, to make an autonomous agent. The design decisions made are self-consciously minimal, resulting in a simple but general architecture. Its functionality appears comparable to other agent architectures in the literature, including the incorporation of a reactive element. Novelties in the architecture include ``cognitive reactivity'', a formal notion of relevance, and attention, and a control regime based on these. An initial implementation is briefly described.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{moggi-1986-cpmplc, - author = "E. Moggi", - title = "Categories of Partial Morphisms and the Partial Lambda " # "Calculus", - volume = "240", - series = LNCS, - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Category Theory and " # - "Computer Programming", - pages = "242--251", - year = "1986", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@TechReport{moggi-1988-clcm, - author = "E. Moggi", - title = "Computational Lambda Calculus and Monads", - institution = "University of Edinburgh, Laboratory for Foundations of " # "Computer Science", - year = "1988", - month = oct, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@InProceedings{moggi-1989-clcm, - author = "E. Moggi", - title = "Computational Lambda Calculus and Monads", - booktitle = IEEESLICS, - year = "1989", - pages = "14--23", - documenturl = "http: //theory.doc.ic.ac.uk/papers/Moggi/lics89.dvi.gz", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@InProceedings{moggi-1989-ctapm, - author = "E. Moggi", - title = "A Category-Theoretic Account of Program Modules", - volume = "389", - series = LNCS, - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Category Theory and " - # "Computer Science", - year = "1989", - pages = "101--117", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@TechReport{moggi-1990-avpl, - author = "E. Moggi", - title = "An Abstract View of Programming Languages", - institution = "University of Edinburgh, Laboratory for Foundations of " # "Computer Science", - year = "1990", - number = "ECS-LFCS-90-113", - documenturl = "http: //theory.doc.ic.ac.uk/papers/MoggiE/abs-view.dvi.gz", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@Article{moggi-1991-ncm, - author = "E. Moggi", - title = "Notions of Computation and Monads", - journal = IC, - year = "1991", - volume = "93", - number = "1", - documenturl = "http: //theory.doc.ic.ac.uk:80/tfm/papers/MoggiE/ic91.ps.gz", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@InProceedings{montenyohl-1988-cfacs, - author = "M. Montenyohl and M. Wand", - title = "Correct Flow Analysis in Continuation Semantics", - publisher = ACMP, - address = NYC, - booktitle = "Fifteenth {ACM} Symposium on Principles of Programming " # "Languages", - pages = "204--218", - year = "1988", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{montenyohl-1991-csfacs, - author = "M. Montenyohl and M. Wand", - title = "Correctness of Static Flow Analysis in " # - "Continuation Semantics", - journal = SCP, - year = "1991", - volume = "16", - pages = "1--18", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@PhdThesis{montenyol-1986-sabdt, - author = "M. Montenyohl", - title = "Static Analysis Based on Denotational Transformations", - school = "Indiana University", - year = "1986", - address = "Bloomington, IN", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{morgan-1990-drc, - author = "C. Morgan and P. H. B. Gardiner", - title = "Data Refinement by Calculation", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1990", - volume = "27", - pages = "481--503", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@PhdThesis{morris-1988-aosm, - author = "J. Morris", - title = "Algebraic Operational Semantics for {M}odula-2", - school = "University of Michigan", - year = "1988", - address = "Ann Arbor, MI", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@TechReport{morris-1990-aas, - author = "J. Morris and G. Pottinger", - title = "{A}da-{A}riel Semantics", - institution = "Odyssey Research Associates", - year = "1990", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{morris-1993-nfld, - author = "L. Morris", - title = "The Next 700 Formal Language Descriptions", - journal = LSC, - year = "1993", - volume = "6", - number = "3--4", - pages = "249--257", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{mosses-1976-cguds, - author = "P. D. Mosses", - title = "Compiler Generation Using Denotational Semantics", - booktitle = "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - year = "1976", - volume = "45", - series = LNCS, - pages = "436--441", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{mosses-1980-cacc, - author = "P. Mosses", - title = "A Constructive Approach to Compiler Correctness", - booktitle = "Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation", - editor = "N. D. Jones", - series = LNCS, - volume = "94", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - year = "1980", - pages = "189--210", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{mosses-1987-uas, - author = "P. D. Mosses and D. A. Watt", - title = "The Use of Action Semantics", - pages = "135--166", - booktitle = "Formal Description of Programming Concepts " # "{III}: Proceedings of the {IFIP TC 2/WG 2.2} " # "Working Conference on Formal Description of " # "Programming Concepts", - year = "1987", - address = "Ebberup, Denmark", - month = "25--28 " # aug, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{mosses-1989-uaas, - author = "P. D. Mosses", - title = "Unified Algebras and Action Semantics", - volume = "349", - series = LNCS, - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of " # "Computer Science ({STACS'89})", - year = "1989", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InCollection{mosses-1990-ds, - author = "P. D. Mosses", - title = "Denotational Semantics", - booktitle = "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science", - volume = "B", - publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.", - year = "1990", - editor = "J. van Leeuwen", - chapter = "11", - pages = "577--631", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InCollection{mosses-1991-pids, - author = "P. D. Mosses", - title = "A Practical Introduction to Denotational Semantics", - booktitle = "Formal Description of Programming Concepts", - series = "State-of-the-art Reports", - publisher = "{IFIP}", - year = "1991", - pages = "1--49", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Book{mosses-1992-as, - author = "P. D. Mosses", - title = "Action Semantics", - publisher = CAMP, - year = "1992", - volume = "26", - series = "Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InCollection{mosses-1993-ascpl, - author = "P. D. Mosses", - title = "On the Action Semantics of Concurrent Programming " # - "Languages", - booktitle = "Semantics: Foundations and Applications", - publisher = SV, - year = "1993", - volume = "666", - series = LNCS, - pages = "398--424", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Misc{mosses-1993-pas, - author = "P. D. Mosses and D. A. Watt", - title = "{P}ascal Action Semantics", - year = "1993", - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.daimi.aau.dk/pub/action/pascal", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Misc{mosses-1994-tas, - author = "P. D. Mosses", - title = "A Tutorial on Action Semantics", - howpublished = "Notes given at Formal Methods Europe " # "({FME}'94), 24--28 " # oct # " 1994, Barcelona, " # "Spain", - year = "1994", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{moura-1994-atacg, - author = "H. Moura and D. A. Watt", - title = "Action Transformations in the {ACTRESS} Compiler Generator", - volume = "786", - series = LNCS, - pages = "16--30", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on " # - "Compiler Construction", - year = "1994", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{muchnick-19xx-dscpl, - author = "S. S. Muchnick and U. F. Pleban", - title = "The Denotational Semantic Comparison of Programming " - # "Languages", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{muck-1994-tcfllcs, - author = "A. M{\"u}ck and T. Streicher and H. C. R. Lock", - title = "A Tiny Constraint Functional Logic Language and " # - "its Continuation Semantics", - pages = "439--453", - booktitle = "Programming Languages and Systems, Proceedings " # "of the 5th European Symposium on Programming ({ESOP}'94)", - year = "1994", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{mulry-1990-cfps, - author = "P. S. Mulry", - title = "Categorical Fixed Point Semantics", - journal = TCS, - year = "1990", - volume = "70", - number = "1", - month = jan, - pages = "85--97", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{myers-1986-vppepvt, - author = "B. A. Myers", - title = "Visual Programming, Programming by Example and Program " # "Visualization: A Taxonomy", - pages = "59--66", - booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACM} {CHI}'86 Conference", - year = "1986", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{myers-1987-citd, - author = "B. A. Myers", - title = "Creating Interaction Techniques by Demonstration", - journal = IEEECGA, - year = "1987", - volume = "7", - number = "9", - pages = "51--60", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{myers-1990-cuiupevpc, - author = "B. A. Myers", - title = "Creating User Interfaces Using Programming by " # - "Example, Visual Programming, and Constraints", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1990", - volume = "12", - number = "2", - pages = "143--177", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "vis, gui", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@InProceedings{najork-1993-svlcsrs, - author = "M. A. Najork and S. M. Kaplan", - title = "Specifying Visual Languages with Conditional Set " # - "Rewrite Systems", - pages = "12--18", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{nakajima-1980-hpsvmsla, - author = "R. Nakajima and M. Honda and H. Nakahara", - title = "Hierarchical Program Specification and " # - "Verification: A Many-Sorted Logical Approach", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1980", - volume = "14", - pages = "135--155", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{newell-1993-icess, - author = "A. Newell and D. Steier", - title = "Intelligent Control of External Software Systems", - journal = "Artificial Intelligence in Engineering", - year = "1993", - volume = "8", - number = "1", - pages = "3--21", - abstract = "The paper focuses on the relatively unexplored set of issues that arises when an intelligent agent attempts to use external software systems (ESSs). The issues are illustrated initially in the context of the complex agent-ESS interactions in an engineering design example. Approaching the area from the perspective of artificial intelligence (AI) research, the authors find that in general, agent-ESS interactions vary widely. They characterize the possible variations in terms of performance capabilities required, skill levels at which performance is exhibited, and knowledge sources from which capabilities can be acquired. They are exploring these variations using Soar as the candidate AI agent; the document briefly describes seven Soar-based projects in early stages of development, in which agent-ESS issues are addressed. They conclude by placing agent-ESS research in the context of other work on software technology, and discuss the research agenda in this area.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{nielson-1982-dfdfa, - author = "F. Nielson", - title = "A Denotational Framework for Data Flow Analysis", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1982", - volume = "18", - pages = "265--287", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{nielson-1985-ptds, - author = "F. Nielson", - title = "Program Transformations in a Denotational Setting", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1985", - volume = "7", - number = "3", - pages = "359--379", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "trans, sem", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@Article{nielson-1988-tlscg, - author = "F. Nielson and H. R. Nielson", - title = "Two-Level Semantics and Code Generation", - journal = TCS, - year = "1988", - volume = "56", - pages = "59--133", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{nielson-1989-tlsai, - author = "F. Nielson", - title = "Two-Level Semantics and Abstract Interpretation", - journal = TCS, - year = "1989", - volume = "69", - pages = "117--242", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Book{nielson-1992-safi, - author = "F. Nielson and H. R. Nielson", - title = "Semantics with Applications: A Formal Introduction", - publisher = WILEY, - year = "1992", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{nirkhe-1992-pehliplahrts, - author = "V. Nirkhe and W. Pugh", - title = "Partial Evaluation of High-Level Imperative Programming " # "Languages with Applications in Hard Real-Time Systems", - pages = "269--280", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1992", - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@Article{norman-1994-hmpia, - author = "D. A. Norman", - title = "How Might People Interact with Agents", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "68--71", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{norrie-1995-lwaonskacs, - author = "D. H. Norrie and B. R. Gaines", - title = "The {L}earning {W}eb: An Agent-Oriented Network " # - "Supporting Knowledge Access, Collaboration and " # - "Simulation", - crossref = "edmedia95", - pages = "500--505", - abstract = "The concept of a learning society has often been promoted as the next stage of evolution of the educational system. The change in emphasis would be from just acquiring selected skills and knowledge to the development of capacities which enable people to learn continuously for the rest of their lives. This evolutionary step is vital to the continued health of human societies in a post-modern age of rapid change where the certainties of the past are being replaced by the uncertainties of a future that requires continuous learning. The move to a learning society requires changes in both personal attitudes and the educational infrastructure. It also requires major technological support to provide open access to a learning environment for all people, in all places at all times. The paper describes the development of the Learning Web, an agent-oriented network supporting knowledge access, collaboration and simulation, in order to provide a widely accessible learning environment. The essence of the Learning Web is an open architecture supporting integration of heterogeneous subsystems in which there is a natural symbiosis between human and computer agents.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Misc{norrish-1996-ctv, - author = "M. Norrish", - title = "A {C} Tool: {V}accine", - year = "1995", - month = aug, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{norrish-1996-dvrcod, - author = "M. Norrish", - title = "Derivation of Verification Rules for {C} from " # - "Operational Definitions", - editor = "J. von Wright and J. Grundy and J. Harrison", - number = "1", - series = "{TUCS} General Publications", - pages = "69--75", - booktitle = "Supplementary Proceedings of {TPHOL}s '96", - year = "1996", - organization = "Turku Center for Computer Science", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Misc{norrish-1996-fypr, - author = "M. Norrish", - title = "First Year Progress Report", - year = "1996", - month = mar, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@TechReport{norrish-1997-adsc, - author = "M. Norrish", - title = "An Abstract Dynamic Semantics for {C}", - institution = "University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory", - month = may, - year = "1997", - number = "TR-421", - documenturl = "http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/ftp/papers/reports/" # - "TR421-mn200-c-semantics.ps.gz", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Article{nourani-1995-imaolcpo, - author = "C. F. Nourani", - title = "Intelligent and Multi Agent Object Level Computing: " - # "The Preliminary Overview", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1995", - volume = "30", - number = "2", - pages = "59--64", - month = feb, - abstract = "We present new OOP techniques called Multi Agent Object Level Programming, and new paradigms for OOP defining intelligent objects. New linguistics constructs are defined for object level programming with String and Splurge functions treating object visibility and messages. Treating objects as abstract data types and a two level programming approach to OOP allows us to define Pullup abstractions to treat incompatible objects. The techniques open new areas of research on object level programming to pursue, and put us at MJOOP, the Multiagent Junction For OOP.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@TechReport{ohearn-1992-slv, - author = "P. W. O'Hearn and R. D. Tennent", - title = "Semantics of Local Variables", - institution = "University of Edinburgh, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1992", - number = "ECS-LFCS-92-192, revised", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{ohearn-1993-sasl, - author = "P. W. O'Hearn and R. D. Tennent", - title = "Semantical Analysis of Specification Logic, 2", - journal = IC, - year = "1993", - volume = "107", - number = "1", - pages = "25--57", - month = nov, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@Misc{ohearn-1996-apllc, - author = "P. W. O'Hearn and J. C. Reynolds", - title = "From {A}lgol to Polymorphic Linear Lambda-Calculus", - year = "1996", - month = jul, - note = "Working draft version", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{oles-1987-scwp, - author = "F. J. Oles", - title = "Semantics for Concurrency without Powerdomains", - pages = "211--222", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1987", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{opdahl-1993-sasdvp, - author = "A. L. Opdahl", - title = "Structured Analysis, Structured Design, Visual Programming", - pages = "292--297", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis, sweng", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@InProceedings{orbaek-1994-ooabcg, - author = "P. {\O}rb{\ae}k", - title = "{OASIS}: An Optimizing Action-Based Compiler Generator", - volume = "786", - series = LNCS, - pages = "1--15", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on " # - "Compiler Construction", - year = "1994", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{ottenstein-1984-pdgsde, - author = "K. J. Ottenstein and L. M. Ottenstein", - title = "The Program Dependence Graph in a Software " # - "Development Environment", - journal = SIGPLAN, - volume = "19", - number = "5", - pages = "177--184", - year = "1984", - month = may, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth, sweng", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Article{pagan-1976-iodpl, - author = "F. G. Pagan", - title = "On Interpreter-Oriented Definitions of " # - "Programming Languages", - journal = CJ, - year = "1976", - volume = "19", - number = "2", - pages = "151--155", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{pagan-1979-amds, - author = "F. G. Pagan", - title = "{A}lgol 68 as a Metalaguage for Denotational Semantics", - journal = CJ, - year = "1979", - volume = "22", - number = "1", - pages = "63--66", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{palsberg-1992-pccg, - author = "J. Palsberg", - title = "A Provably Correct Compiler Generator", - editor = "B. Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner", - volume = "582", - series = LNCS, - pages = "418--434", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on " # - "Programming ({ESOP}'92)", - year = "1992", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{palsberg-1995-eiot, - author = "J. Palsberg", - title = "Efficient Inference of Object Types", - journal = IC, - year = "1995", - volume = "123", - number = "2", - pages = "198--209", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{palsberg-1995-tsefa, - author = "J. Palsberg and P. O'Keefe", - title = "A Type System Equivalent to Flow Analysis", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1995", - volume = "17", - number = "4", - pages = "576--599", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{papaspyrou-1996-fpdsc, - author = "N. S. Papaspyrou", - title = "A Framework for Programming Denotational Semantics in {C++}", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1996", - volume = "31", - number = "8", - pages = "16--25", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "personal", -} - -@TechReport{papaspyrou-1996-fpdsc-tr, - author = "N. S. Papaspyrou", - title = "A Framework for Programming Denotational Semantics in {C++}", - institution = "National Technical University of Athens, " # "Software Engineering Laboratory", - year = "1996", - number = "CSD-SW-TR-5-96", - month = jun, - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.softlab.ntua.gr/pub/techrep/1996/" # - "CSD-SW-TR-5-96.ps", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "personal", -} - -@Article{partsch-1983-pts, - author = "H. Partsch and R. Steinbr{\"u}ggen", - title = "Program Transformation Systems", - journal = ACMCS, - year = "1983", - volume = "15", - number = "3", - pages = "200--236", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "trans", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@PhdThesis{paulson-1981-cgsg, - author = "L. Paulson", - title = "A Compiler Generator for Semantic Grammars", - school = "Stanford University", - year = "1981", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{paulson-1982-sdcg, - author = "L. Paulson", - title = "A Semantics-Directed Compiler Generator", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1982", - pages = "224--233", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InCollection{pedersen-1980-fsdsa, - author = "J. S. Pedersen", - title = "A Formal Semantics Definition of Sequential {A}da", - booktitle = "Towards a Formal Description of {A}da", - publisher = SV, - year = "1980", - editor = "D. Bj{\o}rner and O. N. Oest", - volume = "98", - series = LNCS, - pages = "213--308", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Manual{peterson-1997-rplh, - title = "Report on the Programming Language {H}askell", - author = "J. Peterson and K. Hammond (editors)", - edition = "Version 1.4", - year = "1997", - month = mar, - note = "Available from \texttt{http://haskell.org/}", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@InProceedings{pettersson-1990-geccs, - author = "M. Pettersson", - title = "Generating Efficient Code from Continuation Semantics", - volume = "477", - series = LNCS, - pages = "165--178", - booktitle = "Compiler Compilers Workshop", - year = "1990", - address = "Schwerin, Germany", - month = "22--24 " # oct, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{pettersson-1992-dmlsgpecds, - author = "M. Pettersson and P. Fritzson", - title = "{DML}: A Meta-Language and System for the Generation " - # "of Practical and Efficient Compilers from Denotational " # "Specifications", - pages = "127--136", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on " - # "Computer Languages", - year = "1992", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{pfleeger-1994-eses, - author = "S. L. Pfleeger and N. Fenton and S. Page", - title = "Evaluating Software Engineering Standards", - journal = COMPUTER, - year = "1994", - pages = "71--79", - month = sep, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@TechReport{pierce-1990-tctcs, - author = "B. C. Pierce", - title = "A Taste of Category Theory for Computer Scientists", - institution = "Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science", - year = "1990", - number = "CMU-CS-90-113R", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Book{pierce-1991-bctcs, - author = "B. Pierce", - title = "Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists", - publisher = MITP, - year = "1991", - series = "Foundations of Computing Series", - address = CAMBMA, - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Misc{pitoura-199x-ipemd, - author = "L. Karambelas T. Pitoura", - title = "Improving the Process of Educational Multimedia Development", - year = "199x", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "educ", - bibwhere = "educ", -} - -@Misc{pitts-1995-cl, - author = "A. M. Pitts", - title = "Categorical Logic", - howpublished = "To appear as a chapter in S.~Abramsky, D.~M.~Gabbay and T.~S.~E.~Maibaum, editors, ``Handbook of Computer Science'', vol.~{VI}, Oxford University Press", - year = "1995", - month = may, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@PhdThesis{pleban-1981-pabds, - author = "U. F. Pleban", - title = "Preexecution Analysis Based on Denotational Semantics", - school = "University of Kansas", - year = "1981", - address = "Larence, KS", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{pleban-1984-cpufs, - author = "U. F. Pleban", - title = "Compiler Prototyping Using Formal Semantics", - pages = "94--105", - booktitle = SIGPLAN84CC, - year = "1984", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{pleban-1987-hlsiaplssi, - author = "U. F. Pleban and P. Lee", - title = "High-Level Semantics: An Integrated Approach to " # - "Programming Language Semantics and the " # - "Specification of Implementations", - volume = "298", - series = LNCS, - pages = "550--571", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on the " # - "Mathematical Foundations of Programming " # "Language Semantics", - year = "1987", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{pleban-1988-agrcipl, - author = "U. F. Pleban and P. Lee", - title = "An Automatically Generated, Realistic Compiler " # - "for an Imperative Programming Language", - pages = "222--227", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGPLAN}'88 Conference on " - # "Programming Language Design and Implementation", - year = "1988", - address = "Atlanta, GA", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{plotkin-1975-cncvlc, - author = "G. D. Plotkin", - title = "Call-by-Name, Call-by-Value and the Lambda Calculus", - journal = TCS, - year = "1975", - volume = "1", - pages = "125--159", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{plotkin-1976-pc, - author = "G. D. Plotkin", - title = "A Powerdomain Construction", - journal = SIAM, - year = "1976", - volume = "5", - pages = "452--487", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{plotkin-1977-lcpl, - author = "G. D. Plotkin", - title = "{LCF} Considered as a Programming Language", - journal = TCS, - year = "1977", - volume = "5", - pages = "233--255", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{plotkin-1982-pcnd, - author = "G. D. Plotkin", - title = "A Powerdomain for Countable Non-Determinism", - volume = "140", - series = LNCS, - pages = "418--428", - booktitle = "International Colloquium on Automata, Languages " # - "and Programs", - year = "1982", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - note = "Extended Abstract", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{plotkin-1991-stc, - author = "G. Plotkin", - title = "A Semantics for Type Checking", - volume = "526", - series = LNCS, - pages = "3--17", - booktitle = "Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, " # - "International Symposium {TACS}'91 Proceedings", - year = "1991", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{pons-1995-fsoos, - author = "C. Pons", - title = "Formal Semantics of Object Oriented Systems", - pages = "87--94", - booktitle = SEKE95, - year = "1995", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{poswig-1992-vvcpthivl, - author = "J. Poswig and K. Teves and G. Vrankar and C. Moraga", - title = "{VisaVis}: Contributions to Practice and Theory of " # - "Highly Interactive Visual Languages", - pages = "155--161", - booktitle = IEEEWVL92, - year = "1992", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = SEATTLE, - month = sep, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@InProceedings{poswig-1993-iavpe, - author = "J. Poswig and G. Vrankar and C. Moraga", - title = "Interactive Animation of Visual Program Execution", - pages = "180--187", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@PhdThesis{power-1994-iapls, - author = "J. Power", - title = "Institutional Approaches to Programming Language " # - "Specification", - school = "Dublic City University, School of Computer Applications", - year = "1994", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{queinnec-1991-decopc, - author = "C. Queinnec and B. Serpette", - title = "A Dynamic Extent Control Operator for Partial Continuations", - pages = "174--184", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1991", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{ramsdell-1995-ccst, - author = "J. D. Ramsdell", - title = "{CST}: {C} State Transformers", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1995", - volume = "30", - number = "12", - pages = "32--36", - month = dec, - abstract = "C State Transformers (CST) is an expression-oriented dialect of C, designed to smoothly integrate functional programming into C-based software. CST is an attempt to do for functional programming what C++ did for object-oriented programming. It provides support for functional programming with a C-like syntax. In many ways, CST programs are similar to C programs. Data definitions and function declarations have the same syntax and semantics. CST uses C`s type system. CST programs require the same run-time system as C programs. A CST compiler can be implemented by the composition of a preprocessor and a C compiler. In contrast with C, the body of a CST function definition is an expression. CST has no statements and its iteration construct produces a value upon termination. CST allows purely functional computations to be specified in a natural, expression-oriented manner. CST`s support for functional programming is limited, due to the requirement that there be a simple translation of the language into C. As a result, CST programs must explicitly manage heap storage, and a function cannot be the result of another function if its body references a local variable in the producing function. The limitations on functional programming allow the seamless integration of CST modules into C programs. As an added bonus, the language is simpler than C.", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@InCollection{raskovsky-1980-sids, - author = "M. Raskovski and P. Collier", - title = "From Standard to Implementation Denotational Semantics", - booktitle = "Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation", - editor = "N. D. Jones", - series = LNCS, - volume = "94", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - year = "1980", - pages = "94--139", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{raskovsky-1982-dsscg, - author = "M. R. Raskovsky", - title = "Denotational Semantics as a Specification of Code " # - "Generators", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1982", - volume = "17", - number = "6", - pages = "230--244", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{reddy-1988-ocasool, - author = "U. S. Reddy", - title = "Objects as Closures: Abstract Semantics of Object " # - "Oriented Languages", - pages = "289--297", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1988", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{reddy-1990-fmtdp, - author = "U. S. Reddy", - title = "Formal Methods in Transformational Derivation " # "of Programs", - pages = "104--114", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGSOFT} International Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Development", - year = "1990", - address = "Napa, CA", - month = may, - bibfiles = "trans", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@Article{reinhardt-1994-mnd, - author = "A. Reinhardt", - title = "Managing the New Document", - journal = BYTE, - year = "1994", - pages = "91--104", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@TechReport{reps-1988-sps, - author = "T. Reps and W. Yang", - title = "The Semantics of Program Slicing", - institution = "University of Wisconsin-Madison", - year = "1988", - number = "CSTR-777", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth, sem", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@Misc{reps-1996-psps, - author = "T. Reps and T. Turnidge", - title = "Program Specialization via Program Slicing", - year = "1996", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{reynolds-1972-dihopl, - author = "J. C. Reynolds", - title = "Definitional Interpreters for Higher-Order Programming " # "Languages", - pages = "717--740", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 25th {ACM} National Conference", - year = "1972", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{reynolds-1974-rdcs, - author = "J. C. Reynolds", - title = "On the Relation Between Direct and Continuation Semantics", - pages = "141--156", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on " # - "Automata, Languages and Programming", - year = "1974", - series = LNCS, - volume = "14", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{reynolds-1978-sci, - author = "J. C. Reynolds", - title = "Syntactic Control of Interference", - pages = "39--46", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1978", - address = "Tucson, AZ", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{reynolds-1981-ea, - author = "J. C. Reynolds", - title = "The Essence of {A}lgol", - editor = "J. W. de Bakker and J. C. van Vliet", - pages = "345--372", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Symposium on " # - "Algorithmic Languages", - year = "1981", - publisher = NH, - address = AMSTERDAM, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@TechReport{reynolds-1989-sci-2, - author = "J. C. Reynolds", - title = "Syntactic Control of Interference, Part 2", - institution = "Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science", - year = "1989", - number = "CMU-CS-89-130", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{reynolds-1993-dc, - author = "J. C. Reynolds", - title = "The Discoveries of Continuations", - journal = LSC, - year = "1993", - volume = "6", - number = "3--4", - pages = "233--247", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{reynolds-1993-feptlc, - author = "J. C. Reynolds and G. D. Plotkin", - title = "On Functors Expressible in the Polymorphic Typed Lambda " # "Calculus", - journal = IC, - year = "1993", - volume = "105", - pages = "1--29", - note = "Reprinted in G. Huet, editor, ``Logical Foundations of " # "Functional Programming'', pp.~ 127--152, " # - "Addison-Wesley, 1990", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InCollection{reynolds-1996-p, - author = "J. C. Reynolds", - title = "Polymorphism", - year = "1996", - chapter = "16", - pages = "333--343", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Book{richards-1979-blc, - author = "M. Richards and C. Whitbey-Stevens", - title = "{BCPL}: The Language and its Compiler", - publisher = CAMP, - year = "1979", - address = "Cambridge, UK", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Article{riecken-1994-ia, - author = "D. Riecken", - title = "Intelligent Agents", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "18--21", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{riecken-1994-maia, - author = "D. Riecken", - title = "{M}: An Architecture of Integrated Agents", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "107--116, 146", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{rinard-1992-sfj, - author = "M. C. Rinard and M. S. Lam", - title = "Semantic Foundations of {J}ade", - pages = "105--118", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1992", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{ringstrom-1994-gecdplds, - author = "J. Ringstr{\"o}m and P. Fritzson and M. Pettersson", - title = "Generating an Efficient Compiler for a Data Parallel Language from a Denotational Specification", - volume = "786", - series = LNCS, - pages = "248--262", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on " # - "Compiler Construction", - year = "1994", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{ritchie-1978-cpl, - author = "D. M. Ritchie and S. C. Johnson and M. E. Lesk and " # - "B. W. Kernighan", - title = "The {C} Programming Language", - journal = "BSTJ", - year = "1978", - volume = "57", - number = "6 part 2", - month = jul # "--" # aug, - pages = "1991--2020", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Article{ritchie-1993-dcl, - author = "D. M. Ritchie", - title = "The Development of the {C} Language", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1993", - volume = "28", - number = "3", - pages = "201--208", - month = mar, - note = "Preprints of the Second {ACM} {SIGPLAN} History of " # - "Programming Language ({HOPL} {II})", - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@Article{robinson-1977-pthsp, - author = "L. Robinson and K. N. Levitt", - title = "Proof Techniques for Hierarchically Structured Programs", - journal = CACM, - year = "1977", - volume = "20", - number = "4", - pages = "271--283", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{roesler-1994-sseiwm, - author = "M. Roesler and D. T. Hawkins", - title = "Software Servants for an Electronic Information World " # "(and More)", - journal = "Online", - year = "1994", - volume = "18", - number = "4", - pages = "18--32", - month = jul, - abstract = "In the software area, smart agents or intelligent agents have the potential to be extremely useful to their users, especially as the technology becomes further developed. The authors introduce the concept, discuss some of the properties of agents, the need for agent technology in a number of areas, and then focus on information retrieval, discussing several interesting software systems that exhibit agent functionality.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{rose-1987-cecldpp-1, - author = "J. R. Rose and G. L. {Steele, Jr.}", - title = "{C*}: An Extended {C} Language for Data Parallel " # - "Programming", - volume = "2", - pages = "2--16", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on " # "Supercomputing ({ICS}'87)", - year = "1987", - month = may, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@InProceedings{rose-1987-cecldpp-2, - author = "J. R. Rose and G. L. {Steele, Jr.}", - title = "{C*}: An Extended {C} Language for Data Parallel " # - "Programming", - pages = "361--397", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {USENIX} Association {C++} Workshop", - year = "1987", - month = nov, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@InProceedings{rose-1992-iscl, - author = "J. R. Rose and H. Muller", - title = "Integrating the {S}cheme and {C} Languages", - pages = "247--259", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1992", - address = "San Francisco, CA", - abstract = "This paper describes the problems found bridging the gap between the languages, and how we addressed them. The esh Scheme data formats, run-time system, and packaging were designed to be highly compatible with C and Unix. Scheme supports all C functions and data structures as first-class objects. Based on information obtained from the dynamic linker and from applying an interface compiler to C header files, esh Scheme creates tagged references to arbitrary C values as needed. System interfaces are transliterated from ANSI C into Scheme by a set of rules and conventions designed to express typical ANSI C interfaces concisely and naturally in Scheme's function-oriented style. The conventions also make it easy for a C programmer to understand esh Scheme programs. The main work in designing the interface between any two languages is reconciling their data models. This is done by putting data and function values into three categories: peculiar to one language, and not legal at cross-language interfaces; peculiar to one language, but representable in the other; and treated as common to both languages.", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Article{royer-1986-tdssdcg, - author = "V. Royer", - title = "Transformations of Denotational Semantics in " # - "Semantics Directed Compiler Generation", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1986", - volume = "21", - number = "7", - pages = "68--73", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{rozas-1992-tyo, - author = "G. J. Rozas", - title = "Taming the {Y} Operator", - pages = "226--234", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1992", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{russell-1977-ebcss, - author = "B. Russell", - title = "On an Equivalence Between Continuation and " # "Stack Semantics", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1977", - volume = "8", - pages = "113--123", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{sabry-1992-rapcps, - author = "A. Sabry and M. Felleisen", - title = "Reasoning about Programs in Continuation-Passing Style", - pages = "288--298", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1992", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{sabry-1994-cpudfa, - author = "A. Sabry and M. Felleisen", - title = "Is Continuation-Passing Useful for Data Flow Analysis?", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1994", - volume = "29", - number = "6", - pages = "1--12", - month = jun, - note = "{ACM} {SIGPLAN}'94 Conference on Programming Language " # "Design and Implementation", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{saiedian-1995-scmmic, - author = "H. Saiedian and R. Kuzara", - title = "{SEI} Capability Maturity Model's Impact on Contractors", - journal = COMPUTER, - year = "1995", - pages = "16--26", - month = jan, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@InProceedings{salter-1993-ffdsvl, - author = "I. Salter", - title = "A Framework for Formally Defining the Syntax of Visual " # "Languages", - pages = "244--248", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@TechReport{sannella-1988-sfsdm, - author = "D. Sannella", - title = "A Survey of Formal Software Development Methods", - institution = "University of Edinburgh, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1988", - number = "ECS-LFCS-88-56", - month = jul, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{santas-1995-tsca, - author = "P. S. Santas", - title = "A Type System for Computer Algebra", - journal = JSC, - year = "1995", - volume = "19", - number = "1--3", - pages = "79--109", - month = mar, - abstract = "This paper presents a type system for support of subtypes, parameterized types with sharing and categories in a computer algebra environment. By modeling representation of instances in terms of existential types, we obtain a simplified model, and build a basis for defining subtyping among algebraic domains. The inheritance at category level has been formalized; this allows the automatic inference of type classes. By means of type classes and existential types we construct subtype relations without involving coercions. A type sharing mechanism works in parallel and allows the consistent extension and combination of domains. The expressiveness of the system is further increased by viewing domain types as special case of package types, forming weak and strong sums respectively. The introduced system, although awkward at first sight, is simpler than other proposed systems for computer algebra without including some of their problems. The system can be further extended in order to support more constructs and increase its flexibility.", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Misc{santas-19xx-cm, - author = "P. S. Santas", - title = "Classes and Metaclasses", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Misc{santas-19xx-crapcim, - author = "P. S. Santas", - title = "A Comparative Review of Abstract and Parameterized " # - "Classes: Introduction to Metaclasses", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref, cont", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Misc{santas-19xx-tsca, - author = "P. S. Santas", - title = "A Type System for Computer Algebra", - year = "19xx", - bibcheck = "ref, cont", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@TechReport{sargeant-1993-ufoo, - author = "J. Sargeant", - title = "United Functions and Objects: An Overview", - institution = "University of Manchester, Department of Computer Science", - year = "1993", - number = "UMCS-93-1-4", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{schmidt-1985-dgvds, - author = "D. A. Schmidt", - title = "Detecting Global Variables in Denotational Specifications", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1985", - volume = "7", - number = "2", - pages = "299--310", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Book{schmidt-1986-dsmld, - author = "D. A. Schmidt", - title = "Denotational Semantics: A Methodology for Language " # - "Development", - publisher = "Allyn and Bacon", - year = "1986", - address = "Newton, MA", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{schmidt-1996-pls, - author = "D. A. Schmidt", - title = "Programming Language Semantics", - journal = ACMCS, - year = "1996", - volume = "28", - number = "1", - pages = "265--267", - month = mar, - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Article{schoett-1990-bcdr, - author = "O. Schoett", - title = "Behavioural Correctness of Data Representations", - journal = SCP, - year = "1990", - volume = "14", - pages = "43--57", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{scott-1971-tmscl, - author = "D. Scott and C. Strachey", - title = "Towards a Mathematical Semantics for Computer Languages", - pages = "19--46", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Symposium on Computers and Automata", - year = "1971", - publisher = "Polytechnic Press", - address = "Brooklyn, NY", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@Article{scott-1976-dtl, - author = "D. S. Scott", - title = "Data Types as Lattices", - journal = SIAM, - year = "1976", - volume = "5", - pages = "522--587", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{scott-1982-dds, - author = "D. S. Scott", - title = "Domains for Denotational Semantics", - volume = "140", - series = LNCS, - pages = "577--613", - booktitle = "International Colloquium on Automata, Languages " # - "and Programs", - year = "1982", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{seel-1991-ahci, - author = "N. R. Seel", - title = "Agents in the Human-Computer Interface", - pages = "1--5", - booktitle = "{IEE} Colloquium on Intelligent Agents", - year = "1991", - address = "London, UK", - month = "25 " # feb, - abstract = "In surveying literature on software agents, two notions seem to emerge: agents as language-processors, and agents as computer-based assistants. The author first presents these two positions, and then briefly assesses whether there is a deeper, more unifying content to the concept of agent.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{selker-1994-ctal, - author = "T. Selker", - title = "{C}oach: A Teaching Agent that Learns", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "92--99", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{sethi-1980-ccvcs, - author = "R. Sethi and A. Tang", - title = "Constructing Call-by-Value Continuation Semantics", - journal = JACM, - volume = "27", - number = "3", - pages = "580--597", - month = jul, - year = "1980", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{sethi-1980-cssspl, - author = "R. Sethi", - title = "A Case Study in Specifying the Semantics of a " # - "Programming Language", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Symposium on " # - "Principles of Programming Languages", - year = "1980", - pages = "117--130", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@Article{sethi-1983-cfasdc, - author = "R. Sethi", - title = "Control Flow Aspects of Semantics-Directed Compiling", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1983", - volume = "5", - number = "4", - pages = "554--595", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{shamir-1977-dto, - author = "A. Shamir and W. W. Wadge", - title = "Data Types as Objects", - volume = "52", - series = LNCS, - pages = "465--479", - booktitle = "4th Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming", - year = "1977", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{shaw-1986-iomis, - author = "M. Shaw", - title = "An Input-Output Model for Interactive Systems", - pages = "261--273", - booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACM} {CHI}'86 Conference", - year = "1986", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "gui", - bibwhere = "gui", -} - -@InProceedings{shcherbina-1995-voode, - author = "V. Shcherbina and P. Vortman and G. Zodik", - title = "A Visual Object-Oriented Development Environment ({VOODE})", - editor = "K. Bennet and D. Bockus and M. Gentleman and H. Johnson " # "and E. Kidd and J. Slonim and A. Stilman", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Centre for Advanced " - # "Studies Conference ({CASCON}'95)", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "7--9 " # nov, - note = "In CDROM", - bibfiles = "vis, sweng", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@Article{shepard-1992-vspl, - author = "T. Shepard and S. Sibbald and C. Wortley", - title = "A Visual Software Process Language", - journal = CACM, - year = "1992", - volume = "35", - number = "4", - pages = "37--44", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@InProceedings{sheth-1993-eapif, - author = "B. Sheth and P. Maes", - title = "Evolving Agents for Personalized Information Filtering", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on " # "Artificial Intelligence for Applications", - year = "1993", - pages = "345--352", - publisher = IEEECSP, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{shneiderman-1983-dmsbpl, - author = "B. Shneiderman", - title = "Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond Programming Languages", - journal = IEEECOMP, - year = "1983", - volume = "16", - number = "8", - pages = "57--69", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@Article{shoham-1993-aop, - author = "Y. Shoham", - title = "Agent-Oriented Programming", - journal = AI, - year = "1993", - volume = "60", - number = "1", - pages = "51--92", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{sitaram-1990-cdh, - author = "D. Sitaram and M. Felleisen", - title = "Control Delimiters and their Hierarchies", - journal = LSC, - year = "1990", - volume = "3", - number = "1", - pages = "67--99", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@InProceedings{sitaram-1990-rcfamc, - author = "D. Sitaram and M. Felleisen", - title = "Reasoning with Continuations {II}: Full Abstraction " - # "for Models of Control", - booktitle = LFP, - publisher = ACMP, - year = "1990", - editor = "M. Wand", - pages = "161--175", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{sitaram-1991-mcwc, - author = "D. Sitaram and M. Felleisen", - title = "Modeling Continuations without Continuations", - pages = "185--196", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1991", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{skillicorn-1995-tcsuh, - author = "D. B. Skillicorn", - title = "Teaching Computer Science Using Hypermedia", - institution = "Queen's University, Department of Computing and " # - "Information Science", - year = "1995", - number = "ISSN-0836-0227-95-386", - month = may, - bibfiles = "educ", - bibwhere = "educ", -} - -@Article{slonneger-1993-ecsc, - author = "K. Slonneger", - title = "Executing Continuation Semantics: A Comparison", - journal = SPE, - year = "1993", - volume = "23", - number = "12", - pages = "1379--1397", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{smith-1992-ods, - author = "S. F. Smith", - title = "From Operational to Denotational Semantics", - volume = "598", - series = LNCS, - pages = "54--76", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference " # - "on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming " # - "Language Semantics", - year = "1992", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{smith-1994-kpawpl, - author = "D. C. Smith and A. Cypher and J. Spohrer", - title = "{KIDSIM}: Programming Agents without a " # - "Programming Language", - journal = CACM, - year = "1994", - volume = "37", - number = "7", - pages = "55--67", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{sokolowski-1987-shlapul, - author = "S. Sokolowski", - title = "Soundness of {H}oare's Logic: An Automated " # "Proof Using {LCF}", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1987", - volume = "9", - number = "1", - pages = "100--120", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "hl, ds", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -@Article{sondergaard-1992-ndfl, - author = "H. S{\o}ndergaard and P. Sestoft", - title = "Non-Determinism in Functional Languages", - journal = CJ, - year = "1992", - volume = "35", - number = "5", - pages = "514--523", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{stark-1996-cmln, - author = "I. Stark", - title = "Categorical Models for Local Names", - journal = LSC, - year = "1996", - volume = "9", - number = "1", - pages = "77--107", - month = feb, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@InProceedings{stasko-1992-ucsvs, - author = "J. T. Stasko and C. Patterson", - title = "Understanding and Characterizing Software " # - "Visualization Systems", - pages = "3--10", - booktitle = IEEEWVL92, - year = "1992", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = SEATTLE, - month = sep, - bibfiles = "vis", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@InProceedings{steele-1994-bicm, - author = "G. L. {Steele, Jr.}", - title = "Building Interpreters by Composing Monads", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1994", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@Book{stoy-1977-dsssaplt, - author = "J. E. Stoy", - title = "Denotational Semantics: The {S}cott-{S}trachey " # - "Approach to Programming Language Theory", - publisher = MITP, - year = "1977", - address = CAMBMA, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@TechReport{strachey-1974-cmshfj, - author = "C. Strachey and C. P. Wadsworth", - title = "Continuations: A Mathematical Semantics for " # - "Handling Full Jumps", - institution = "Oxford University, Programming Research Group", - year = "1974", - type = "Technical Monograph", - number = "PRG-11", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Book{stroustrup-1991-cpl, - author = "B. Stroustrup", - title = "The {C++} Programming Language", - publisher = "Addison-Wesley", - year = "1991", - address = "Reading, MA", - edition = "2nd", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Article{stroustrup-1993-hc, - author = "B. Stroustrup", - title = "A History of {C++}: 1979--1991", - journal = SIGPLAN, - year = "1993", - volume = "28", - number = "3", - pages = "271--297", - month = mar, - bibfiles = "cpp", - bibwhere = "cpp", -} - -@InProceedings{subramanian-1996-mvcp, - author = "S. Subramanian and J. V. Cook", - title = "Mechanical Verification of {C} Programs", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGSOFT} Workshop on Formal " # "Methods in Software Practice", - year = "1996", - month = jan, - note = "Extended abstract", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{szyperski-1994-epltcss, - author = "C. Szyperski and S. Omohundro and S. Murer", - title = "Engineering a Programming Language: The Type and Class " # "System of Sather", - editor = "J. Gutknecht", - year = "1994", - pages = "208--227", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on " # - "Programming Languages and System Architectures", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Misc{talcott-1993-lsv, - author = "C. Talcott", - title = "Localized Semantics for {VTLoE}", - year = "1993", - month = oct, - note = "Working notes", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{talcott-1993-tpdts, - author = "C. Talcott", - title = "A Theory for Program and Data Type Specification", - journal = TCS, - year = "1993", - volume = "104", - number = "1", - pages = "129--159", - documenturl = "ftp://sail.stanford.edu/pub/MT/90disco-93tcs.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{temperini-1989-fsciddt, - author = "M. Temperini", - title = "Formal Specification and Correct Implementation of " # - "Dynamic Data Types", - pages = "797--808", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the {A.I.C.A.} Annual Conference", - year = "1989", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{tennent-1976-dspl, - author = "R. D. Tennent", - title = "The Denotational Semantics of Programming Languages", - journal = CACM, - year = "1976", - volume = "19", - number = "8", - pages = "437--453", - month = aug, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{tennent-1977-ldmbsp, - author = "R. D. Tennent", - title = "Language Design Methods Based on Semantic Principles", - journal = ACTA, - year = "1977", - volume = "8", - pages = "97--112", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@TechReport{tennent-1978-ddplp, - author = "R. D. Tennent", - title = "A Denotational Definition of the Programming " # - "Language {P}ascal", - institution = "Oxford University, Programming Research Group", - year = "1978", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{tennent-1986-fcspll, - author = "R. D Tennent", - title = "Functor-Category Semantics of Programming " # - "Languages and Logics", - volume = "240", - series = LNCS, - pages = "206--224", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Category Theory and " # - "Computer Programming", - year = "1986", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "stanford", -} - -@Book{tennent-1991-spl, - author = "R. D. Tennent", - title = "Semantics of Programming Languages", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1991", - address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{thimm-1994-mectwacamd, - author = "H. Thimm", - title = "A Multimedia Enhanced {CSCW} Teleservice for Wide Area " # "Cooperative Authoring of Multimedia Documents", - journal = SIGOIS, - year = "1994", - volume = "15", - number = "2", - pages = "49--57", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "edd", - bibwhere = "edd", -} - -@InProceedings{thomas-1994-papl, - author = "S. R. Thomas", - title = "The {PLACA} Agent Programming Language", - crossref = "ecai94", - pages = "355--370", - abstract = "The fundamental idea underlying agent-oriented programming (AOP) (Shoham, 1993) is that agents are modeled in terms of their ``mental states'' (consisting in this work of beliefs, plans, capabilities, and intentions), both by other agents and by their designers and programmers. An agent program gives the agent's initial mental state and rules describing a transition function: given an agent's current state and input, the rules specify its new state and output. An agent's communicative acts, then, are actions that affect the mental states of the agents involved, just as physical actions affect the agent's physical environment. We present and discuss a new agent-oriented programming language, PLACA, a descendant of AGENT0. Unlike AGENT0, PLACA capitalizes on agents' planning abilities. Assuming that all agents have at least elementary planning abilities, PLACA agents can make high-level requests of each other without worrying about how these requests will be carried out. We describe PLACA, show a short example program, briefly describe a PLACA interpreter, and discuss the mental states of agents.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{thomas-1995-bfiawww, - author = "C. G. Thomas", - title = "{BASAR}: A Framework for Integrating Agents in the {W}orld {W}ide {W}eb.", - journal = COMPUTER, - year = "1995", - volume = "28", - number = "5", - pages = "84--86", - month = may, - abstract = "At GMD's Human Computer Interaction Research Division, we are working on a system called BASAR (Building Agents Supporting Adaptive Retrieval). BASAR, a Smalltalk-based program that runs on Unix platforms, involves intelligent agents that actively support construction and management of a user's personal information space. Possible agent tasks include supporting navigation and browsing; simplifying information retrieval; sorting, organizing, and indexing user-jobs; and filtering information from large databases. BASAR's interface is based on the concept of indirect management. That is, computer agents support human users in a cooperative process where both agents and users can initiate communication, monitor events, and perform tasks.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{thornley-1994-ifippcssp, - author = "J. Thornley", - title = "Integrating Functional and Imperative Parallel " # - "Programming: {CC++} Solutions to the Salishan Problems", - editor = "H. J. Siegal", - pages = "61--67", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth International Parallel " # - "Processing Symposium", - year = "1994", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Misc{tiuryn-1996-scspt, - author = "J. Tiuryn", - title = "A Sequent Calculus for Subtyping Polymorphic Types", - year = "1996", - month = apr, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "dust", - bibwhere = "dust", -} - -@InProceedings{tjandra-1995-frrsm, - author = "L. A. Tjandra and G. Butler", - title = "Formal Representation of Reusable Software Models", - editor = "L. WIlls and P. Newcomb and E. Chikofski", - pages = "198--205", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Reverse " # "Engineering", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "14--16 " # jul, - bibfiles = "sem, sweng", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{tuck-1992-ddhsn, - author = "W. R. Tuck", - title = "Document Delivery and High-Speed Networks", - pages = "7--14", - booktitle = "Online Information~'92", - year = "1992", - address = "London, England", - month = dec, - bibcheck = "ref", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@InCollection{turchin-1980-sdrapc, - author = "V. F. Turchin", - title = "Semantic Definitions in {R}efal and Automatic " # - "Production of Compilers", - booktitle = "Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation", - editor = "N. D. Jones", - series = LNCS, - volume = "94", - publisher = SV, - address = BERLIN, - year = "1980", - pages = "441--474", - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Article{turchin-1986-cs, - author = "V. F. Turchin", - title = "The Concept of a Supercompiler", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1986", - volume = "8", - number = "3", - pages = "292--325", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "pe, sem", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@InProceedings{turner-1985-mnsflpt, - author = "D. A. Turner", - title = "Miranda: A Non-Strict Functional Language with " # - "Polymorphic Types", - editor = "J. P. Jouannaud", - volume = "201", - series = LNCS, - pages = "1--16", - booktitle = "Proceedings of {IFIP}, Functional Programming Languages " # "and Computer Architecture", - year = "1985", - publisher = SV, - address = "Nancy, France", - month = "16--19 " # sep, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Misc{urzyczyn-1996-itlc, - author = "P. Urzyczyn", - title = "Inhabitation in Typed Lambda-Calculi", - howpublished = "Lecture notes for the {ACM} State of the Art " # - "Summer School on Functional and Object-Oriented " # - "Programming, Sob{\'o}tka, Poland", - year = "1996", - month = "8--14 " # sep, - bibfiles = "sobotka", - bibwhere = "sobotka", -} - -@Misc{urzyczyn-1996-ptcrp, - author = "P. Urzyczyn", - title = "Polymorphic Type Checking and Related Problems", - howpublished = "Lecture notes for the {ACM} State of the Art " # - "Summer School on Functional and Object-Oriented " # - "Programming, Sob{\'o}tka, Poland", - year = "1996", - month = "8--14 " # sep, - bibfiles = "sobotka", - bibwhere = "sobotka", -} - -@TechReport{vale-1993-eascppc, - author = "M. Vale", - title = "The Evolving Algebra Semantics of {COBOL}, Part 1: " # - "Programs and Control", - institution = "University of Michigan, EECS Department", - year = "1993", - number = "CSE-TR-162-93", - address = "Ann Arbor, MI", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{van-emden-1976-splpl, - author = "M. H. van Emden and R. A. Kowalski", - title = "The Semantics of Predicate Logic as a Programming " # - "Language", - journal = JACM, - year = "1976", - volume = "23", - number = "4", - pages = "733--742", - month = oct, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InProceedings{van-hoe-1995-ameal, - author = "R. van Hoe and E. Appelo and H. Harkema and J. " # - "Masthoff and J. R. de Pijper and J. Rous", - title = "{APPEAL}: A Multimedia Environment for Adaptive " # - "Learning", - crossref = "edmedia95", - pages = "660--665", - abstract = "In the A-Pleasant-Personal-Environment-for-Adaptive (APPEAL) project, an architecture, methods and tools are being developed for the design of highly interactive and adaptive computer-based training systems. The first results of this research have been implemented in the APPEAL prototype system for learning Dutch as a second language. One of the innovative features of the prototype is that an agent-based architecture is used for the domain-independent teaching module. The system is also used as a research platform for running user-experiments in which the usability of multimedia in interactive learning systems is evaluated.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{vander-zanden-1989-cgnmsga, - author = "B. T. Vander Zanden", - title = "Constraint Grammars: A New Model for Specifying " # - "Graphical Applications", - pages = "325--330", - booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACM} {CHI}'89 Conference", - year = "1989", - month = may, - bibfiles = "sweng", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@InProceedings{venkatesh-1991-saps, - author = "G. A. Venkatesh", - title = "The Semantic Approach to Program Slicing", - pages = "107--119", - booktitle = SIGPLAN91PLDI, - year = "1991", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "ds, plth", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@Article{venkatesh-1992-sdepaa, - author = "G. A. Venkatesh and C. N. Fischer", - title = "{SPARE}: A Development Environment for Program " # - "Analysis Algorithms", - journal = IEEESE, - year = "1992", - volume = "18", - number = "4", - pages = "304--318", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{vittore-1994-iajsp, - author = "V. Vittore", - title = "Intelligent Agents May Jump Start {PDAs}", - journal = "America's Network", - year = "1994", - volume = "98", - number = "24", - pages = "28--29", - month = "15 " # dec, - abstract = "Commercial deployment of intelligent agent technology could bring personal digital assistants (PDAs) back to life sooner than expected. Sony's Magic Link communicator is the first PDA to offer an intelligent agent. The unit, aimed at the mobile professional with a need for e-mail access anywhere, incorporates General Magic's Magic Cap platform and Telescript software. The unit also uses AT&T's PersonaLink service, one of the first commercial services to use intelligent agent technology embedded into the network. And while e-mail is an easy and obvious first application for intelligent agents, network operators clearly are not ready to stop there. The really interesting stuff happens when other service providers start hooking up to the network.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{wadler-1992-cm, - author = "P. Wadler", - title = "Comprehending Monads", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1992", - abstract = "Category theorists invented monads in the 1960's to concisely express certain aspects of universal algebra. Functional programmers invented list comprehensions in the 1970's to concisely express certain programs involving lists. This paper shows how list comprehensions may be generalised to an arbitrary monad, and how the resulting programming feature can concisely express in a pure functional language some programs that manipulate state, handle exceptions, parse text, or invoke continuations. A new solution to the old problem of destructive array update is also presented. No knowledge of category theory is assumed.", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@InProceedings{wadler-1992-efp, - author = "P. Wadler", - title = "The Essence of Functional Programming", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 19th Annual Symposium on Principles of " # "Programming Languages ({POPL}'92)", - year = "1992", - month = jan, - abstract = "This paper explores the use monads to structure functional programs. No prior knowledge of monads or category theory is required. Monads increase the ease with which programs may be modified. They can mimic the effect of impure features such as exceptions, state, and continuations; and also provide effects not easily achieved with such features. The types of a program reflect which effects occur. The first section is an extended example of the use of monads. A simple interpreter is modified to support various extra features: error messages, state, output, and non-deterministic choice. The second section describes the relation between monads and continuation-passing style. The third section sketches how monads are used in a compiler for Haskell that is written in Haskell.", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@Article{wadler-1994-mcc, - author = "P. Wadler", - title = "Monads and Composable Continuations", - journal = LSC, - year = "1994", - volume = "7", - number = "1", - pages = "39--56", - month = jan, - documenturl = "ftp://ftp.dcs.gla.ac.uk/pub/glasgow-fp/authors/" # - "Philip_Wadler/monads-and-composable-continuations. dvi", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@InProceedings{wadler-1995-hdi, - author = "P. Wadler", - title = "How to Declare an Imperative", - editor = "J. Lloyd", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Logic Programming " # - "Symposium ({ILPS}'95)", - year = "1995", - publisher = MITP, - month = dec, - abstract = "This tutorial describes the use of a monad to integrate interaction into a purely declarative language. This technique has been implemented in the higher-order functional language Haskell. A sketch is given of how it might be added to a first-order language for logic programming.", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@InCollection{wadler-1995-mfp, - author = "P. Wadler", - title = "Monads for Functional Programming", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the B{\aa}stad Spring School on " # - "Advanced Functional Programming", - editor = "J. Jeuring and E. Meijer", - year = "1995", - month = may, - series = LNCS, - volume = "925", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - abstract = "The use of monads to structure functional programs is described. Monads provide a convenient framework for simulating effects found in other languages, such as global state, exception handling, output, or non-determinism. Three case studies are looked at in detail: how monads ease the modification of a simple evaluator; how monads act as the basis of a datatype of arrays subject to in-place update; and how monads can be used to build parsers.", - bibfiles = "mon", - bibwhere = "mon", -} - -@TechReport{wallace-1993-scpl, - author = "C. Wallace", - title = "The Semantics of the {C++} Programming Language", - institution = "University of Michigan, Department of Electrical " # - "Engineering and Computer Science", - year = "1993", - number = "CSE-TR-190-93", - month = dec, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@InCollection{wallace-1995-scpl, - author = "C. Wallace", - title = "The Semantics of the {C++} Programming Language", - booktitle = "Specification and Validation Methods", - publisher = OXFP, - year = "1995", - editor = "E. B{\"o}rger", - pages = "131--164", - bibfiles = "thesis", - bibwhere = "thesis", -} - -@Article{wand-1980-cbpts, - author = "M. Wand", - title = "Continuation-Based Program Transformation Strategies", - journal = JACM, - year = "1980", - volume = "27", - number = "1", - pages = "164--180", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{wand-1982-dtcrcs, - author = "M. Wand", - title = "Deriving Target Code as a Representation of " # - "Continuation Semantics", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1982", - volume = "4", - number = "3", - pages = "496--517", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{wand-1982-sdma, - author = "M. Wand", - title = "Semantics-Directed Machine Architecture", - pages = "234--241", - booktitle = POPL, - year = "1982", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{wand-1992-pcsr, - author = "M. Wand and D. P. Oliva", - title = "Proving the Correctness of Storage Representations", - pages = "151--160", - booktitle = LFP, - year = "1992", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{wandryk-1995-bueds, - author = "K. L. Wandryk", - title = "The Benefits of Using Electronic Document Software", - journal = "Computer Communications", - year = "1995", - volume = "18", - number = "6", - pages = "435--446", - month = jun, - bibfiles = "edd", - bibwhere = "edd", -} - -@InProceedings{wang-1993-aslhe, - author = "C. L. Wang and G. F. Chiou", - title = "Agent-Supported Learning in Hypermedia Environment", - editor = "T. W. Chan", - pages = "399--401", - booktitle = "{ICCE} '93, Proceedings of the 1993 International " # - "Conference on Computers in Education (Applications of " # "Intelligent Computer Technologies)", - year = "1993", - address = "Taipei, Taiwan", - month = "15--17 " # dec, - abstract = "A hypermedia learning environment with many nodes and links would make users get lost and have users carry extra cognitive overhead. For solving these problems, many techniques (such as browser, guide, landmark, scene, flying) were implemented. We propose that agents could be integrated in a hypermedia learning environment to support student learning, and agent-supported learning might be more appropriate for Chinese students in the present educational system. We developed a preliminary prototype to investigate the characteristics of agent-supported learning. Further studies are needed to inquire about the roles and functions of agents, to examine the effects of domain specific factors on agent selection, and to design more adaptive agents.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{watt-1986-esd, - author = "D. A. Watt", - title = "Executable Semantic Descriptions", - journal = SPE, - year = "1986", - volume = "16", - number = "1", - pages = "13--43", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "ds", -} - -@InProceedings{watt-1987-assm, - author = "D. A. Watt", - title = "An Action Semantics of {S}tandard {ML}", - volume = "298", - series = LNCS, - pages = "572--598", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on the " # - "Mathematical Foundations of Programming " # "Language Semantics", - year = "1987", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Book{watt-1991-plss, - author = "D. A. Watt", - title = "Programming Language Syntax and Semantics", - publisher = PRHALL, - year = "1991", - series = "Prentice-Hall International Series in Computer Science", - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "ds", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{watt-1994-frac, - author = "S. M. Watt and P. A. Broadbery and S. S. Dooley " # - "and P. Iglio and S. C. Morrison and " # "J. M. Steinbach and R. S. Sutor", - title = "A First Report on the {A\#} Compiler", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Symposium on " # - "Symbolic and Algebraic Computation", - year = "1994", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@InProceedings{weerasooriya-1994-dcaol, - author = "D. Weerasooriya and A. Rao and K. Ramamohanarao", - title = "Design of a Concurrent Agent-Oriented Language", - crossref = "ecai94", - pages = "386--401", - abstract = "The paper describes the concurrent agent-oriented language AgentSpeak. AgentSpeak can model distributed autonomous agents, situated in dynamic environments, that are reactive as well as proactive towards the environment. Agents are organized into agent families offering certain services to other agents. Services are realized through the execution of an associated plan. Each agent will also be associated with a database. Some of the services, and a portion of the database could be public; i.e. available outside the agent. Therefore it follows that the remainder of the database, the remaining services and all of the plans will be private to the agent family. The language supports and extends concurrent object-oriented language features such as synchronous and asynchronous messages and has well developed group communication primitives.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{wegman-1991-cpcb, - author = "M. N. Wegman and F. K. Zadeck", - title = "Constant Propagation with Conditional Branches", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1991", - volume = "13", - number = "2", - pages = "181--210", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "plth", - bibwhere = "plth", -} - -@Article{weiser-1984-ps, - author = "M. Weiser", - title = "Program Slicing", - journal = IEEESE, - year = "1984", - volume = "10", - number = "4", - pages = "352--357", - month = jul, - bibfiles = "ghinsu, plth", - bibwhere = "ghinsu", -} - -@InProceedings{weitzman-1993-rgid, - author = "L. Weitzman and K. Wittenburg", - title = "Relational Grammars for Interactive Design", - pages = "4--11", - booktitle = IEEEWVL93, - year = "1993", - publisher = IEEECSP, - address = BERGEN, - month = aug, - bibfiles = "vis, gui", - bibwhere = "vis", -} - -@InProceedings{welinder-1994-hwpgg, - author = "N. Welinder and L. Birkedal", - title = "Hand-Writing Program Generator Generators", - year = "1994", - booktitle = PLILP, - address = "Madrid, Spain", - documenturl = "file://ftp.diku.dk/diku/semantics/papers/D-199.dvi.Z", - month = sep, - bibfiles = "pe", - bibwhere = "pe", -} - -@InCollection{weyhrauch-1994-lfsfst, - author = "R. W. Weyhrauch and C. Talcott", - title = "The Logic of {FOL} Systems: Formulated in Set Theory", - booktitle = "Logic, Language and Computation: Festschrift in Honor " # "of Satoru Takasu", - publisher = SV, - year = "1994", - editor = "N. D. Jones and M. Hagiya and M. Sato", - volume = "792", - series = LNCS, - pages = "119--132", - address = NYC, - documenturl = "ftp://sail.stanford.edu/pub/MT/94takasu-fol.ps.Z", - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@Article{whitebread-1995-idhvfcd, - author = "K. R. Whitebread and S. Jameson", - title = "Information Discovery in High-Volume, Frequently " # - "Changing Data", - journal = EXPERT, - year = "1995", - volume = "10", - number = "5", - pages = "51--53", - month = oct, - abstract = "Although the use of intelligent agents for information discovery in networks and distributed systems is becoming more prevalent, one class of information discovery problems still poses difficulties not easily overcome by conventional methods. This class is characterized by high volumes of rapidly changing data and low communication band-width among network nodes. To solve such problems, we have developed an intelligent agent that travels to network nodes in search of data and carries instructions to task agents on local nodes that are experts on the data stored at their node.", - bibfiles = "iag, edd", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@InProceedings{whitney-1995-uitpu, - author = "M. Whitney and others", - title = "Using an Integrated Toolset for Program Understanding", - editor = "K. Bennet and D. Bockus and M. Gentleman and H. Johnson " # "and E. Kidd and J. Slonim and A. Stilman", - pages = "262--274", - booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Centre for Advanced " - # "Studies Conference ({CASCON}'95)", - year = "1995", - address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", - month = "7--9 " # nov, - bibfiles = "sweng, plth", - bibwhere = "sweng", -} - -@Article{wing-1987-wlils, - author = "J. M. Wing", - title = "Writing {L}arch Interface Language Specifications", - journal = TOPLAS, - year = "1987", - volume = "9", - number = "1", - pages = "1--24", - month = jan, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "sem", -} - -@Book{winskel-1993-fspl, - author = "G. Winskel", - title = "The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages", - publisher = MITP, - year = "1993", - series = "Foundations of Computing Series", - address = CAMBMA, - bibfiles = "sem", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@InCollection{wirsing-1991-as, - author = "M. Wirsing", - title = "Algebraic Specification", - booktitle = "Formal Description of Programming Concepts", - series = "State-of-the-art Reports", - publisher = "{IFIP}", - year = "1991", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "find", -} - -@Article{wirth-1971-pdsr, - author = "N. Wirth", - title = "Program Development by Stepwise Refinement", - journal = CACM, - year = "1971", - volume = "14", - number = "4", - pages = "221--227", - month = apr, - bibfiles = "trans", - bibwhere = "trans", -} - -@InProceedings{wolczko-1987-ss, - author = "M. Wolczko", - title = "Semantics of {S}malltalk-80", - volume = "276", - series = LNCS, - pages = "108--120", - booktitle = "European Conference on Object-Oriented " # - "Programming ({ECOOP}'87)", - year = "1987", - publisher = SV, - address = NYC, - bibfiles = "new", - bibwhere = "new", -} - -@InProceedings{wooldridge-1994-atals, - author = "M. Wooldridge and N. R. Jennings", - title = "Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: A Survey", - crossref = "ecai94", - pages = "1--39", - abstract = "The concept of an agent has become important in both artificial intelligence (AI) and mainstream computer science. We present a survey of what we perceive to be the most important theoretical and practical issues associated with the design and construction of intelligent agents. The article also includes a short review of current and potential applications of agent technology, and closes with a glossary of key terms, an annotated list of systems, and a detailed bibliography. Pointers to further reading are provided throughout.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "iag", -} - -@Article{wooldridge-1995-iatp, - author = "M. Wooldridge and N. R. Jennings", - title = "Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice", - journal = "Knowledge Engineering Review", - year = "1995", - volume = "10", - number = "2", - pages = "115--152", - month = jun, - abstract = "The concept of an agent has become important in both artificial intelligence (AI) and mainstream computer science. Our aim in this paper is to point the reader at what we perceive to be the most important theoretical and practical issues associated with the design and construction of intelligent agents. For convenience, we divide these issues into three areas (though as the reader will see, the divisions are at times somewhat arbitrary). Agent theory is concerned with the question of what an agent is, and the use of mathematical formalisms for representing and reasoning about the properties of agents. Agent architectures can be thought of as software engineering models of agents; researchers in this area are primarily concerned with the problem of designing software or hardware systems that will satisfy the properties specified by agent theorists. Finally, agent languages are software systems for programming and experimenting with agents; these languages may embody principles proposed by theorists. The paper is not intended to serve as a tutorial introduction to all the issues mentioned; we hope instead simply to identify the most important issues, and point to work that elaborates on them. The article includes a short review of current and potential applications of agent technology.", - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "latest", -} - -@Article{wright-1994-sats, - author = "A. K. Wright and M. Felleisen", - title = "A Syntactic Approach to Type Soundness", - volume = "115", - number = "1", - pages = "38--94", - journal = IC, - year = "1994", - bibfiles = "latest", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@InProceedings{zhang-1991-uasfha, - author = "H. Zhang and A. Guha and X. Hua", - title = "Using Algebraic Specification in {F}loyd-{H}oare " # - "Assertions", - booktitle = AMAST91, - pages = "350--362", - month = may, - year = "1991", - address = "University of Iowa, IA", - publisher = SV, - bibfiles = "hl", - bibwhere = "hl", -} - -%%% -%%% Proceedings entries should be last -%%% - -@Proceedings{edmedia95, - title = "Proceedings of {ED-MEDIA} 95: World Conference on " # - "Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia", - year = "1995", - editor = "H. Maurer", - address = "Graz, Austria", - month = "11--17 " # jun, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "none", -} - -@Proceedings{ecai94, - title = "Intelligent Agents, {ECAI-94} Workshop on Agent " # - "Theories, Architectures, and Languages Proceedings", - year = "1994", - address = "Amsterdam, Netherlands", - editor = "M. J. Wooldridge and N. R. Jennings", - month = "8--9 " # aug, - bibfiles = "iag", - bibwhere = "none", +@article{church-1932-spfl, + author="A. Church", + title="A Set of Postulates for the Foundations of Logic", + journal="Annals of Mathematics", + volume=33, + pages="346--366", + number=1, + year=1932 +} + +@article{church-1933-spfl, + author="A. Church", + title="A Set of Postulates for the Foundations of Logic", + journal="Annals of Mathematics", + volume=34, + pages="839--864", + number=2, + year=1933 +} + +@phdthesis{girard-1972-ifecaos, + author="J.-Y. Girard", + title="Interpr{\'e}tation Fonctionelle et {\'E}limination des " + # "Coupures Dans l'Arithm{\'e}tique d'Ordre Sup{\'e}rieur", + school="Universit{\'e} Paris 7", + year=1972 +} + +@article{girard-1989-pt, + author="J.-Y. Girard and Y. Lafont and P. Taylor", + title="Proofs and Types", + journal="Tracks in Theoretical Computer Science", + year=1989 +} + +@inproceedings{reynolds-1974-ttts, + author="John. C. Reynolds", + title="Towards a Theory of Type Systems", + booktitle="Lecture Notes in Computer Science", + year=1974, + editor="Ehring et al.", + volume=19, + pages="408--425", + publisher="Springer-Verlag" +} + +@article{boehm-1985-astlpta, + author="C. B{\"o}hm and A. Bernarducci", + title="Automatic Synthesis of Typed $\lambda$-Programs on Term " + # "Algebras", + journal="Theoretical Computer Science", + volume=39, + number="2--3", + pages="135--154", + month=aug, + year=1985 +} + +@phdthesis{paulin-1989-epscc, + author="C. Paulin-Mohring", + title="Extraction de Programmes Dans le Calcul des Constructions", + month=jan, + school="Universit{\'e} Paris 7", + year=1989, + url="http://www.lri.fr/~paulin/these.ps.gz" +} + +@inproceedings{pfenning-1990-pmfps, + author="F. Pfenning and C. Paulin-Mohring", + booktitle="Proceedings of Mathematical Foundations of " + # "Programming Semantics", + note="technical report CMU-CS-89-209", + publisher="Springer-Verlag", + address = "Berlin", + series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science", + volume=442, + title="Inductively defined types in the Calculus of Constructions", + year=1990 +} + +@incollection{paulin-1993-iddcrp, + author= "Christine Paulin-Mohring", + title = "Inductive Definitions in the System {Coq}: Rules and Properties", + booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1st Int.\ Conf.\ on Typed Lambda Calculi " + # "and Applications, {TLCA}'93, Utrecht, The Netherlands, " + # "16--18 March 1993", + volume = 664, + publisher = "Springer-Verlag", + address = "Berlin", + editor = "M. Bezem and J. F. Groote", + pages = "328--345", + year = 1993, + url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/paulin-mohring92inductive.html" +} + +@InProceedings{shao-2002-tscb, + author = "Z. Shao and B. Saha and V. Trifonov and N. Papaspyrou", + title = "A Type System for Certified Binaries", + booktitle = "Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on Principles of " + # "Programming Languages (POPL 2002)", + year = 2002, + pages = "217--232", + address = "Portland, OR, USA", + month = jan +} + +@InProceedings{sellink-1994-vpaptt, + author = "M. P. A. Sellink", + title = "Verifying process algebra proofs in type theory", + booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantics " + # " of Specipication Languages (SOSL 1993)", + year = 1994, + editor = "D. J. Andrews and J. F. Groote and C. A. Middelburg", + publisher = "Springer" +} + +@inproceedings{necula-1997-pcc, + author="G. Necula", + title="Proof-Carrying Code", + booktitle="Proceedings of the 24th Annual Symposium on Principles of " + # "Programming Languages (POPL 1997)", + pages="106--119", + publisher="ACM Press", + address="New York", + year=1997, + month=jan +} + +@inproceedings{necula-1996-skertc, + author="G. Necula and P. Lee", + title="Safe Kernel Extensions without Run-Time Checking", + booktitle="Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Symposium on Operating " + # "System Design and Implementation", + year="1996", + publisher="USENIX Association", + pages="229--243" +} + +@phdthesis{necula-1998-cp, + title = "Compiling with Proofs", + author = "G. Necula", + school = "Carnegie Mellon University", + year = 1998, + month=sep, + number = "CMU-CS-98-154" +} + +@inproceedings{appel-2000-smtmipcc, + author="Andrew W. Appel and Amy P. Felty", + title="A Semantic Model of Types and Machine Instructions for " + # "Proof-Carrying Code", + booktitle="Proceedings of the 27th Annual Symposium on Principles of " + # "Programming Languages (POPL 2000)", + year=2000, + publisher = "ACM Press", + pages="243--253" +} + +@InProceedings{appel-2001-fpcc, + author = "A. W. Appel", + title = "Foundational Proof-Carrying Code", + booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th Annual IEEE Symposium on " + # "Logic in Computer Science", + pages = "247--258", + year = 2001, + month = jun +} + +@inproceedings{harper-1995-cpita, + author="Robert Harper and Greg Morrisett", + title="Compiling Polymorphism Using Intensional Type Analysis", + booktitle="Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Symposium on Principles of " + # "Programming Languages (POPL 1995)", + publisher="ACM Press", + year="1995", + pages="130--141" +} + +@inproceedings{morrisett-1998-sftal, + author="Greg Morrisett and David Walker and Karl Crary and Neal Glew", + title="From {S}ystem {F} to Typed Assembly Language", + booktitle="Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on Principles of " + # "Programming Languages (POPL 1998)", + pages="85--97", + publisher="ACM Press", + year=1998, + month=jan } diff --git a/test.tex b/test.tex index cf1ccd8e70b027abd5d5527b510b7bbb12fec227..4ab992780838f504c8f8747a11b3b1b057474f3d 100644 --- a/test.tex +++ b/test.tex @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -\documentclass{softlab-thesis} +\documentclass[diploma]{softlab-thesis} %%% @@ -11,136 +11,128 @@ \frontmatter -\title{% - ÌåôáãëùôôéóôÞò Calvin óå NFlint% -} -\author{% - Âáóßëåéïò Ì.\ ÊïõôáâÜò% -} -\date{% - Ïêôþâñéïò 2002% -} -\supervisor{% - Íéêüëáïò Ðáðáóðýñïõ, ËÝêôïñáò% -} -\committeemembers{% - ÅììáíïõÞë ÓêïñäáëÜêçò, ÊáèçãçôÞò% -\and% - ÅõóôÜèéïò ÆÜ÷ïò, ÊáèçãçôÞò% -} -\url{http://www.softlab.ntua.gr/\textasciitilde vkoutav/} -\TRnumber{CSD-SW-TR-2-02} +\title{ÁíÜðôõîç Ëïãéóìéêïý ãéá ôç ÌÝôñçóç ôïõ + Çëåêôñïìáãíçôéêïý ÖÜóìáôïò} +\author{Ãåþñãéïò É. Ðáðáäüðïõëïò} +\date{ÌÜñôéïò 1999} +\datedefense{31ç Ìáñôßïõ 1999} + +\supervisor{ÉùÜííçò X. ÐáðáäÜêçò} +\supervisorpos{ÊáèçãçôÞò Å.Ì.Ð.} + +\committeeone{ÉùÜííçò X. ÐáðáäÜêçò} +\committeeonepos{ÊáèçãçôÞò Å.Ì.Ð.} +\committeetwo{Íéêüëáïò X. Ðáðáäüðïõëïò} +\committeetwopos{ÊáèçãçôÞò Å.Ì.Ð.} +\committeethree{Ãåþñãéïò X. ÍéêïëÜïõ} +\committeethreepos{ÊáèçãçôÞò Å.Ì.Ð.} + +\department{ÔïìÝáò ÓõóôçìÜôùí ÌåôÜäïóçò Ðëçñïöïñßáò êáé + Ôå÷íïëïãßáò Õëéêþí} \maketitle -%%% Abstract - -\begin{abstract}% -\noindent% -Ç ãëþóóá C êáèþò êáé ïé áðüãïíïß ôçò áðïôåëïýí Ýíá éó÷õñü êáé -áäéáìöéóâÞôçôï êáôåóôçìÝíï óôç óýã÷ñïíç âéïìç÷áíßá ëïãéóìéêïý. -Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ìéá ðïëý äçìïöéëÞ ãëþóóá ðñïãñáììáôéóìïý ãåíéêïý óêïðïý, -ðïõ ÷áñáêôçñßæåôáé áðü ïéêïíïìßá óôçí Ýêöñáóç, Ýíá ìåãÜëï óýíïëï áðü -ôåëåóôÝò êáé ôýðïõò äåäïìÝíùí êáé áðü ôçí õøçëÞ ìåôáöåñóéìüôçôá ôïõ -ðçãáßïõ êþäéêá. Ôï ôñÝ÷ïí åðßóçìï êåßìåíï áíáöïñÜò ãéá ôç ãëþóóá C -åßíáé ôï äéåèíÝò ðñüôõðï ISO/IEC 9899:1990. 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Ç ãåíéêüôçôá ôçò ìåèïäïëïãßáò Ýãêåéôáé óôï ãåãïíüò üôé +Ý÷ïõí êáôáãñáöåß üëá ôá âÞìáôá, áðü ôçí ðñïóôáóßá ôïõ ðñïóùðéêïý +êáé ôïõ åîïðëéóìïý ìÝ÷ñé áíáëõôéêÜ üëá ôá óôÜäéá äéåîáãùãÞò ôùí +ìåôñÞóåùí. +\begin{keywordsgr} +Çëåêôñïìáãíçôéêü öÜóìá, êéíçôÝò åðéêïéíùíßåò, DCS 1800, +åíôïðéóìüò ðáñåìâïëþí. +\end{keywordsgr} +\end{abstractgr} + + +%%% Abstract, in English + +\begin{abstracten}% +The scope of this thesis was the development of a methodology in +order to detect, recognize and record signals in a certain +spectrum. This methodology was applied to the finding of +interferences into the spectrum of the cellular mobile +communications system DCS 1800 in the wider area of the Attika +basin. For that purpose, outdoor measurements were carried out at +selected sites. The processing of the measurements showed the +existence of interferences into the DCS 1800 spectrum. + +Specifically, the DCS 1800 cellular system was studied and the +interference theory was presented. Furthermore, DCS 1800 signals +were generated at the laboratory with the use of a digital +generator and a laboratory test - extraction of the +characteristic curves - of passive (Bandpass Filter, co-axial +cables) and active elements (LNA) was carried out, using a HP +Network Analyzer. Moreover, the interferences were recorded on a +hard disk through a HP Spectrum Analyzer and proper software. + +This methodology can be used as a guide for carrying out both +outdoor and indoor measurements in any spectrum, by making simple +changes at the function keys of the Spectrum Analyzer. The +usefulness of the methodology is the specification of the +procedure of the measurements in steps, from the protection of +the personnel and the equipment up to the analytical stages of +the measurements procedure. +\begin{keywordsen} +Electromagnetic spectrum, cellular mobile communications, DCS +1800, interference detection. +\end{keywordsen} +\end{abstracten} %%% Acknowledgements \begin{acknowledgements} -ÈÝëù êáô'~áñ÷Þí íá åõ÷áñéóôÞóù ôïí åðéâëÝðïíôá êáèçãçôÞ áõôÞò ôçò -äéáôñéâÞò, ê.~Ìáíüëç ÓêïñäáëÜêç, ãéá ôç óõíå÷Þ êáèïäÞãçóç êáé -åìðéóôïóýíç ôïõ. Êáè'~üëç ôç äéÜñêåéá ôùí äÝêá åôþí ôçò óõíåñãáóßáò -ìáò, Þôáí ðÜíôïôå äéáèÝóéìïò üðïôå ôïí ÷ñåéáæüìïõí, åîõðçñåôéêüò êáé -öéëéêüò. 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