from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from .helpers import get_all_platform_names_from_DB from .models import Platform # Create your validators here. # # The below defined validators are mainly utilized by the application (programmatic) forms (see # The validators of a form field are run in the context of run_validators() method when the clean() method of the field is called. If the field value is empty, i.e. None, '', [], () or {}, run_validators() will NOT run the validators (see Therefore, it can be safely assumed that the single arguments of the following validators are NEVER empty. def platform_is_SLUB_or_exists_in_DB(platform): """ Ensure that the platform (name) is selected among the ones provided in the corresponding form drop-down list (this list includes SLUB as well as the platforms that exist in usermergeDB). If it is not (e.g. it is misedited via JavaScript), raise a ValidationError exception with the appropriate error message and code. """ if platform != 'SLUB' and not platform in get_all_platform_names_from_DB(): raise ValidationError('Το όνομα πλατφόρμας πρέπει να επιλέγεται μεταξύ εκείνων\n' 'που παρέχονται στην αντίστοιχη αναπτυσσόμενη λίστα!', code = 'platform_is_not_SLUB_and_does_not_exist_in_DB') def platform_exists_in_DB(platform): """ Ensure that the platform (name) is selected among the ones provided in the corresponding form drop-down list (this list includes the platforms that exist in usermergeDB). If it is not (e.g. it is misedited via JavaScript), raise a ValidationError exception with the appropriate error message and code. """ if not platform in get_all_platform_names_from_DB(): raise ValidationError('Το όνομα πλατφόρμας πρέπει να επιλέγεται μεταξύ εκείνων\n' 'που παρέχονται στην αντίστοιχη αναπτυσσόμενη λίστα!', code = 'platform_does_not_exist_in_DB') def ece_id_is_not_031YY000(ece_id): """ Ensure that the ece_id (format) is not 031YY000. If it is, raise a ValidationError exception with the appropriate error message and code. """ if ece_id[5:] == '000': raise ValidationError('Ο αριθμός μητρώου απαγορεύεται να είναι της μορφής 031YY000 (YY: έτος)!', code = 'ece_id_is_031YY000') def last_login_is_selected_from_provided_list(last_login): """ Ensure that the last login (search period) is selected among the ones provided in the corresponding form drop-down list. If it is not (e.g. it is misedited via JavaScript), raise a ValidationError exception with the appropriate error message and code. """ if not last_login in ['last_six_months', 'last_year', 'all_time']: raise ValidationError('Η περίοδος αναζήτησης τελευταίας εισόδου πρέπει να επιλέγεται μεταξύ\n' 'εκείνων που παρέχονται στην αντίστοιχη αναπτυσσόμενη λίστα!', code = 'last_login_is_not_selected_from_provided_list')