- Created the session continuation template and modified the...
- Created the session continuation template and modified the display_default_login_page() view to display the former when it is accessed by (logged-in) instances of the application user models (usermerge.{User/Admin}) - Modified the log_in() view to deny access to (logged-in) instances of the application user models (usermerge.{User/Admin}) - Modified the display_default_login_page(), log_in() and log_out() views to deny access to (logged-in) instances of Django's default user model (auth.User) - Defined the has_empty_profile() method for the usermerge.User model and used it in templates and views to enhance functionality and readability - Omitted the redundant user_id parameters/arguments from (i) the application site URLs defined in the URLconf and used in templates/views and (ii) the corresponding view declarations (the current/session user can be specified in any view via the user attribute of the associated request) - Utilized the recov_user_id value of the session data in the _display_user_profile_recovery_success_message() and _display_user_profile_recovery_error_messages() helper functions as well as the search_for_recovery_user_profile() and recover_user_profile() views to enhance functionality and security - Hooked the Django admin site into the /django-admin/ URL (instead of the default one, /admin/) to distinguish its pages from the ones that refer to the usermerge.Admin model and have an /admin/ URL prefix
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