Giorgos Kazelidis authored
- Updated the values of SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER, SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF and X_FRAME_OPTIONS settings according to the Django deployment checklist - Moved the production_logs directory directly from the Django application directory (userbase/slub/usermerge) to the Git repository (userbase) to facilitate bulk modifications to the Django project (userbase/slub/slub) or application files, e.g. via update/replacement of the Django root directory (userbase/slub) itself, in production without affecting any already existing, independent production log files - Ensured that the production_logs directory always exists in production to avoid raising FileNotFoundError exceptions when concurrent-log-handler attempts to output messages to the production log files - Installed the mod_wsgi module in virtual environment context to enable project deployment with the Apache web server and included the relevant instructions in README.md - Omitted the "UPDATING THE PROJECT" section and updated the "LIST OF SUGGESTED TO-DO ACTIONS" one in README.md - Added the "INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING THE APACHE WEB SERVER TO DEPLOY THE PROJECT", "ACCESSING THE DJANGO ADMIN SITE OR RUNNING THE PROJECT APPLICATION (AFTER STARTING THE APACHE WEB SERVER)" and "CHECKLIST AND TIPS FOR PROJECT DEPLOYMENT" sections to README.md - Made many project-deployment-specific (e.g. replaced "pip3 install virtualenv", "~/Desktop" and "pip install" with "sudo apt install virtualenv", "LOCAL_REPO_CONTAINER_DIR" and "$(which pip) install" respectively) as well as general corrections/enhancements (e.g. replaced "apt-get" and "/usr/bin/python3" with "apt" and "$(which python3)" respectively) to the instructions of README.md - Made favicon.ico, apple_touch_icon.png, tick.png and user_report_creation.html non-executable (changed their permissions from 755 to 644) for enhanced security