if(!!$minimum_user_point_value&&is_numeric($minimum_user_point_value)&&$minimum_user_point_value>0){//if the minimum point value is provided then only set else reset
Version: See define()s at top of qa-include/qa-base.php
Description: US English language phrases for example plugin
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
More about this license: http://www.question2answer.org/license.php
'plugin-enable'=>'Enable this plugin.',
'user-follower-enable'=>'Send email to the User followers ',
'tag-follower-enable'=>'Send email to the Tag following users ',
'cat-follower-enable'=>'Send email to the Category following users ',
'minimum-point-enable'=>'Enable minimum point to receive email (must choose atleast one option from above list and must provide a non-zero positive integer for minimum points value in below text-box )',
'minimum-point-input-lable'=>'Minimum Points for users to receive email',
'debug-mode-enable'=>'Enable debug mode ( requires event logger plugin to be enabled with log file option , to get the search results to the log file . Not recomended if you are not a developer ) . ',
'save-button'=>'Save Changes',
'q_posted_body'=>"A new question has been asked by ^q_handle:\n\nThe Question is : ^open^q_title\n\nDescription : ^open^q_content^close\n\nClick below to see the question:\n\n^url\n\nThank you,\n\n^site_title ^open^site_url",
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
$source.="( SELECT ^users.email , 'U' as favorited , ^userpoints.points from ^users JOIN ^userpoints ON ^users.userid=^userpoints.userid JOIN ^userfavorites ON ^users.userid=^userfavorites.userid WHERE ^userfavorites.entityid=$ AND ^userfavorites.entitytype=$ AND ^users.email !=$ )";
$source.="( SELECT ^users.email , 'T' as favorited , ^userpoints.points from ^users JOIN ^userpoints ON ^users.userid=^userpoints.userid JOIN ^userfavorites ON ^userfavorites.userid=^users.userid WHERE ^userfavorites.entityid IN
( SELECT wordid from ^words where ^words.word IN ($) ) AND ^userfavorites.entitytype=$ AND ^users.email !=$ )";
$source.="( SELECT ^users.email , 'C' as favorited , ^userpoints.points from ^users JOIN ^userpoints ON ^users.userid=^userpoints.userid JOIN ^userfavorites ON ^userfavorites.userid=^users.userid "
."WHERE ^userfavorites.entityid=$ AND ^userfavorites.entitytype=$ AND ^users.email !=$ )";
'source'=>"^users JOIN ^userpoints ON ^users.userid=^userpoints.userid JOIN ^userfavorites ON ^users.userid=^userfavorites.userid WHERE ^userfavorites.entityid=$ AND ^userfavorites.entitytype=$",