module Main where import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, putMVar, newEmptyMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Distributed.Process import Control.Distributed.Process.Node import qualified Network.Transport as NT (Transport) import Network.Transport.TCP import Prelude hiding (seq) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup, defaultMain) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit (Assertion) import Test.HUnit.Base (assertBool) import Bench (seq, par, dist, getAnswer) import MasterWorker (__remoteTable) import Utils -- Sequential Tests testSeqShort :: TestResult String -> Process () testSeqShort result = do x <- seq gg13 11 stash result (getAnswer x) testSeqIntermediate :: TestResult String -> Process () testSeqIntermediate result = do x <- seq gg124 157 stash result (getAnswer x) testSeqLong :: TestResult String -> Process () testSeqLong result = do x <- seq gg1245 157 stash result (getAnswer x) -- Parallel Tests testParShort :: TestResult String -> Process () testParShort result = do x <- par True gg13 11 2 stash result (getAnswer x) testParIntermediate :: TestResult String -> Process () testParIntermediate result = do x <- par True gg124 157 2 stash result (getAnswer x) testParLong :: TestResult String -> Process () testParLong result = do x <- par True gg1245 157 2 stash result (getAnswer x) testParSeqShort :: TestResult String -> Process () testParSeqShort result = do x <- par False gg13 11 2 stash result (getAnswer x) testParSeqIntermediate :: TestResult String -> Process () testParSeqIntermediate result = do x <- par False gg124 157 2 stash result (getAnswer x) testParSeqLong :: TestResult String -> Process () testParSeqLong result = do x <- par False gg1245 157 2 stash result (getAnswer x) -- Distributed Tests testDistShort :: [NodeId] -> TestResult String -> Process () testDistShort nodes result = do x <- dist True gg13 11 2 nodes stash result (getAnswer x) testDistIntermediate :: [NodeId] -> TestResult String -> Process () testDistIntermediate nodes result = do x <- dist True gg124 157 2 nodes stash result (getAnswer x) testDistLong :: [NodeId] -> TestResult String -> Process () testDistLong nodes result = do x <- dist True gg1245 157 2 nodes stash result (getAnswer x) testDistSeqShort :: [NodeId] -> TestResult String -> Process () testDistSeqShort nodes result = do x <- dist False gg13 11 2 nodes stash result (getAnswer x) testDistSeqIntermediate :: [NodeId] -> TestResult String -> Process () testDistSeqIntermediate nodes result = do x <- dist False gg124 157 2 nodes stash result (getAnswer x) testDistSeqLong :: [NodeId] -> TestResult String -> Process () testDistSeqLong nodes result = do x <- dist False gg1245 157 2 nodes stash result (getAnswer x) -- Batch the tests tests :: [LocalNode] -> [Test] tests [] = [] tests (localNode : localNodes) = [ testGroup "Sequential Tests" [ testCase "testSeqShort" (delayedAssertion "short" localNode "{size,10}" testSeqShort) , testCase "testSeqIntermediate" (delayedAssertion "intermediate" localNode "{size,133}" testSeqIntermediate) , testCase "testSeqLong" (delayedAssertion "long" localNode "{size,134}" testSeqLong) ] , testGroup "Parallel Tests" [ testCase "testParSeqShort" (delayedAssertion "short" localNode "{size,10}" testParSeqShort) , testCase "testParSeqIntermediate" (delayedAssertion "intermediate" localNode "{size,133}" testParSeqIntermediate) , testCase "testParSeqLong" (delayedAssertion "long" localNode "{size,134}" testParSeqLong) , testCase "testParShort" (delayedAssertion "short" localNode "{size,10}" testParShort) , testCase "testParIntermediate" (delayedAssertion "intermediate" localNode "{size,133}" testParIntermediate) , testCase "testParLong" (delayedAssertion "long" localNode "{size,134}" testParLong) ] , testGroup "Distributed Tests" [ testCase "testDistSeqShort" (delayedAssertion "short" localNode "{size,10}" $ testDistSeqShort (map localNodeId localNodes)) , testCase "testDistSeqIntermediate" (delayedAssertion "intermediate" localNode "{size,133}" $ testDistSeqIntermediate (map localNodeId localNodes)) , testCase "testDistSeqLong" (delayedAssertion "long" localNode "{size,134}" $ testDistSeqLong (map localNodeId localNodes)) , testCase "testDistShort" (delayedAssertion "short" localNode "{size,10}" $ testDistShort (map localNodeId localNodes)) , testCase "testDistIntermediate" (delayedAssertion "intermediate" localNode "{size,133}" $ testDistIntermediate (map localNodeId localNodes)) , testCase "testDistLong" (delayedAssertion "long" localNode "{size,134}" $ testDistLong (map localNodeId localNodes)) ] ] -- Run the tests orbitTests :: NT.Transport -> IO [Test] orbitTests transport = do localNode <- newLocalNode transport rtable localNode2 <- newLocalNode transport rtable localNode3 <- newLocalNode transport rtable let testData = tests [localNode, localNode2, localNode3] return testData where rtable :: RemoteTable rtable = MasterWorker.__remoteTable initRemoteTable main :: IO () main = testMain $ orbitTests -- Auxiliary functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A mutable cell containing a test result. type TestResult a = MVar a -- | Stashes a value in our 'TestResult' using @putMVar@ stash :: TestResult a -> a -> Process () stash mvar x = liftIO $ putMVar mvar x -- | Run the supplied @testProc@ using an @MVar@ to collect and assert -- against its result. Uses the supplied @note@ if the assertion fails. delayedAssertion :: (Eq a) => String -> LocalNode -> a -> (TestResult a -> Process ()) -> Assertion delayedAssertion note localNode expected testProc = do result <- newEmptyMVar _ <- forkProcess localNode $ testProc result assertComplete note result expected -- | Takes the value of @mv@ (using @takeMVar@) and asserts that it matches @a@ assertComplete :: (Eq a) => String -> MVar a -> a -> IO () assertComplete msg mv a = do b <- takeMVar mv assertBool msg (a == b) -- | Given a @builder@ function, make and run a test suite on a single transport testMain :: (NT.Transport -> IO [Test]) -> IO () testMain builder = do Right (transport, _) <- createTransportExposeInternals "" "10501" defaultTCPParameters testData <- builder transport defaultMain testData