-- -- orbit-int hash table (storing vertices on a worker) -- module Table( -- Types Freq , VTable , Vertex -- Functions , new , to_list , is_member , insert , get_freq , sum_freqs , sum_freqs2 , freq_to_slots , freq_to_nonempty_slots , freq_to_vertices , max_freq , avg_freq , avg_nonempty_freq , freq_to_stat , freq_from_stat , fill_deg ) where import Data.Array (Array, elems, listArray, (!), (//)) import Utils (Vertex) type Freq = [Int] type VTable = Array Int [Vertex] type TableStats = [(String, String)] -- Note: Hash tables have a fixed number of slots but each slot can store -- a list of vertices. The functions is_member/3 and insert/3 -- expect its slot argument to be in range. -- new(Size) creates a table with Size slots, each containing an empty list. new :: Int -> VTable new size = listArray (0, size - 1) $ cycle [[]] -- to_list(T) converts a table T into a list of its entries. to_list :: VTable -> [Vertex] to_list = concat . elems -- is_member(X, I, T) is true iff X is stored in table T at slot I. is_member :: Vertex -> Int -> VTable -> Bool is_member x i t = elem x (t ! i) -- insert(X, I, T) inserts X into table T at slot I. insert :: Vertex -> Int -> VTable -> VTable insert x i t = t // [(i, x : t ! i)] -- get_freq computes the fill frequency of table T; -- the output is a list of integers where the number at position I -- indicates how many slots of T are filled with I entries; -- the sum of the output lists equals the number of slots of T. get_freq :: VTable -> Freq get_freq t = elems $ foldl (flip inc) freqArr freqs where freqs = map length $ elems t maxFreq = foldl max (head freqs) (tail freqs) freqArr = listArray (0, maxFreq) $ cycle [0] -- freq_to_slots computes the number of slots from a table fill frequency. freq_to_slots :: Freq -> Int freq_to_slots = sum -- freq_to_nonempty_slots computes the number of non empty slots from a table -- fill frequency. freq_to_nonempty_slots :: Freq -> Int freq_to_nonempty_slots = sum . tail -- freq_to_vertices computes the number of vertices from a table fill frequency. freq_to_vertices :: Freq -> Int freq_to_vertices f = snd $ foldl (\(i, x) n -> (i + 1, (i * n + x))) (0, 0) f -- max_freq returns the maximum fill frequency. max_freq :: Freq -> Int max_freq f = length f - 1 -- avg_freq returns the average fill frequency avg_freq :: Freq -> Float avg_freq f = (fi $ freq_to_vertices f) / (fi $ freq_to_slots f) -- avg_nonempty_freq returns the average fill frequency of non empty slots. avg_nonempty_freq :: Freq -> Float avg_nonempty_freq f = if verts > 0 then (fi verts) / (fi $ freq_to_nonempty_slots f) else 0.0 where verts = freq_to_vertices f -- fill_deg determines the filling degree of the table. fill_deg :: Freq -> Float fill_deg f = (fi $ freq_to_nonempty_slots f) / (fi $ freq_to_slots f) -- sum_freqs/2 sums two fill frequencies. sum_freqs2 :: Freq -> Freq -> Freq sum_freqs2 [] sumF = sumF sum_freqs2 f [] = f sum_freqs2 (n : f) (m : sumF) = n + m : sum_freqs2 f sumF -- sum_freqs/1 sums a list of fill frequencies. sum_freqs :: [Freq] -> Freq sum_freqs fs = foldl (flip sum_freqs2) [] fs -- freq_to_stat produces a readable statistics from a table fill frequency; -- the input frequency F is itself part of the statistics freq_to_stat :: Freq -> TableStats freq_to_stat frequency = [ ("freq", show frequency) , ("size", show $ freq_to_vertices frequency) , ("slots", show $ freq_to_slots frequency) , ("nonempty_slots", show $ freq_to_nonempty_slots frequency) , ("fill_deg", show $ fill_deg frequency) , ("max_freq", show $ max_freq frequency) , ("avg_freq", show $ avg_freq frequency) , ("nonempty_avg_freq", show $ avg_nonempty_freq frequency) ] -- freq_from_stat extracts a table fill frequency from a statistics Stat -- (assuming Stat was produced by freq_to_stat/1, otherwise returns []); freq_from_stat :: TableStats -> Freq freq_from_stat stat = case "freq" `lookup` stat of Just val -> read val :: [Int] Nothing -> [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- auxiliary functions inc :: Int -> Array Int Int -> Array Int Int inc i t = t // [(i, t ! i + 1)] fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b fi = fromIntegral