diff --git a/Bench.hs b/Bench.hs
index 20245eed0ec6410ebda00ee6c54bd6684a5f081d..d188813f9b8b2f2b78aecfd98c965c56b871b0b4 100644
--- a/Bench.hs
+++ b/Bench.hs
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ module Bench( -- sequential benchmarks
 import Control.Concurrent                      (threadDelay)
 import Control.Distributed.Process
 import Control.Distributed.Process.Node
-import Data.List                               (lookup)
-import Data.Maybe                              (fromMaybe)
 import Prelude                          hiding (seq)
 import Network.Transport.TCP
@@ -59,6 +57,7 @@ dist_seq generators n p workers =
   where w = length workers
 sz :: [MasterStats] -> String
+sz [] = "false"
 sz (mainStats : _) =
     case "size" `lookup` mainStats of
         Nothing -> "false"
@@ -71,4 +70,4 @@ seqTest = do
     runProcess node $ do
         res <- par gg13 11 2
         liftIO $ print res
-    threadDelay (2 * 1000000)
+    threadDelay (1 * 1000000)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index dd21e46c94922bffc715289a877ab50e722618e0..055975f66e04cfe6dd83e61d8f04cdb923ac2dd1 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 .PHONY: FORCE clean distclean
 orbit: FORCE
-		ghc --make Bench.hs -o orbit
+		ghc -Wall --make Bench.hs -o orbit
 tests: orbit
 	        ghc -package test-framework -package test-framework-hunit \
diff --git a/MasterWorker.hs b/MasterWorker.hs
index e4db0f86905cdd783ffe2e01de0d61d66a8fc3d0..aaf7d446eb19d0860c15ab6321fdba21c0051ee6 100644
--- a/MasterWorker.hs
+++ b/MasterWorker.hs
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ import           Prelude                             hiding (init)
 import           Credit
 import qualified Sequential                          as Sq  (orbit)
 import           Table
-import           Utils                                      (GenClos (..), Generator,
-                                                             dispatcher, now)
+import           Utils                                      (GenClos (..),
+                                                             Generator,
+                                                             now)
 -- counters/timers record
 data Ct = Ct { verts_recvd :: Int    -- #vertices received by this server so far
@@ -93,11 +94,11 @@ get_spawn_img_comp (_, _, _, _, _, spawmImgComp) = spawmImgComp
 set_idle_timeout :: ParConf -> Int -> ParConf
-set_idle_timeout (gs, mst, wks, gts, timeout, spic) x =
+set_idle_timeout (gs, mst, wks, gts, _, spic) x =
     (gs, mst, wks, gts, x, spic)
 clear_spawn_img_comp :: ParConf -> ParConf
-clear_spawn_img_comp (gs, mst, wks, gts, tmt, spawmImgComp) =
+clear_spawn_img_comp (gs, mst, wks, gts, tmt, _) =
     (gs, mst, wks, gts, tmt, False)
 -- produce readable statistics
@@ -155,11 +156,12 @@ init (localTableSize, idleTimeout, spawnImgComp) =
 -- Table: hash table holding vertices
 -- StatData: various counters and timers for gathering statistics
 vertex_server :: ParConf -> Credit -> VTable -> Ct -> Process ()
-vertex_server staticMachConf credit table statData = do
+vertex_server staticMachConf crdt table statData = do
     let idleTimeout = get_idle_timeout staticMachConf
     r <- receiveTimeout idleTimeout [
         match $ \("vertex", x, slot, k) -> do
-            let creditPlusK = credit_atomic k credit
+            say $ "got a vertex!"
+            let creditPlusK = credit_atomic k crdt
                 nowTime = now
                 vertsRecvd = verts_recvd statData
                 minAtomicCredit = min_atomic_credit statData
@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ vertex_server staticMachConf credit table statData = do
     case r of
         Nothing -> do let creditRetd = credit_retd statData
-                      newCreditRetd <- return_credit staticMachConf credit creditRetd
+                      newCreditRetd <- return_credit staticMachConf crdt creditRetd
                       let newStatData = statData {credit_retd = newCreditRetd}
                       vertex_server staticMachConf zero table newStatData
         Just _  -> return ()
@@ -196,24 +198,24 @@ vertex_server staticMachConf credit table statData = do
 -- Precondition: Credit is non-zero.
 handle_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Int -> Credit -> VTable
                  -> Process (Credit, VTable)
-handle_vertex staticMachConf x slot credit table
-    | is_member x slot table = return (credit, table) -- x already in table;
-                                                      -- do nothing
+handle_vertex staticMachConf x slot crdt table
+    | is_member x slot table = return (crdt, table) -- x already in table;
+                                                    -- do nothing
     | otherwise = do -- x not in table
         let newTable = insert x slot table -- insert x at slot
         -- distribute images of x under generators to their respective workers
-        newCredit <- distribute_images staticMachConf x credit
+        newCredit <- distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt
         -- return remaining credit and updated table
         return (newCredit, newTable)
 -- return_credit sends non-zero Credit back to the master;
 -- returns number of times credit has been returned so far
 return_credit :: ParConf -> Credit -> Int -> Process Int
-return_credit staticMachConf credit creditRetd
-    | is_zero credit = return creditRetd
+return_credit staticMachConf crdt creditRetd
+    | is_zero crdt = return creditRetd
     | otherwise      = do
          let masterPid = get_master staticMachConf
-         send masterPid ("done", credit)
+         send masterPid ("done", crdt)
          return (creditRetd + 1)
 -- dump_table sends a list containing the local partial orbit to the master,
@@ -231,38 +233,40 @@ dump_table staticMachConf table statData = do
 -- computation and sending of vertices is actually done asynchronously.
 -- Precondition: Credit is non-zero.
 distribute_images :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Credit -> Process Credit
-distribute_images staticMachConf x credit =
-    do_distribute_images staticMachConf x credit (get_gens staticMachConf)
+distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt =
+    do_distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt (get_gens staticMachConf)
 do_distribute_images :: ParConf -> Vertex -> Credit -> GenClos
                         -> Process Credit
-do_distribute_images _ _ credit (GenClos (_, _, [])) =
-    return credit
-do_distribute_images staticMachConf x credit (GenClos (_, _, [g])) = do
-    let (k, remainingCredit) = debit_atomic credit
+do_distribute_images _ _ crdt (GenClos (_, _, [])) =
+    return crdt
+do_distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt (GenClos (_, _, [g])) = do
+    let (k, remainingCredit) = debit_atomic crdt
     if get_spawn_img_comp staticMachConf
         then spawnLocal (send_image staticMachConf x g k) >> return ()
         else send_image staticMachConf x g k
     return remainingCredit
-do_distribute_images staticMachConf x credit (GenClos (_, _, g : gs)) = do
-    let (k, nonZeroRemainingCredit) = debit_atomic_nz credit
+do_distribute_images staticMachConf x crdt (GenClos (name, n, g : gs)) = do
+    let (k, nonZeroRemainingCredit) = debit_atomic_nz crdt
     if get_spawn_img_comp staticMachConf
         then spawnLocal (send_image staticMachConf x g k) >> return ()
         else send_image staticMachConf x g k
-    return nonZeroRemainingCredit
+    do_distribute_images staticMachConf x nonZeroRemainingCredit
+      (GenClos (name, n, gs))
 -- distribute_vertices distributes the list of vertices Xs to the workers
 -- determined by the hash; some ore all of of the Credit is used to send
 -- the messages, the remaining credit is returned.
 -- Precondition: If Xs is non-empty then Credit must be non-zero.
 distribute_vertices :: ParConf -> Credit -> Credit -> Process Credit
-distribute_vertices _ credit [] = return credit
-distribute_vertices staticMachConf credit [x] = do
-    let (k, remainingCredit) = debit_atomic credit
+distribute_vertices _ crdt [] = return crdt
+distribute_vertices staticMachConf crdt [x] = do
+    let (k, remainingCredit) = debit_atomic crdt
+    say $ "remaining credit = " ++ show remainingCredit ++ " k = " ++ show k
     send_vertex staticMachConf x k
     return remainingCredit
-distribute_vetices staticMachConf credit (x : xs) = do
-    let (k, nonZeroRemainingCredit) = debit_atomic_nz credit
+distribute_vertices staticMachConf crdt (x : xs) = do
+    let (k, nonZeroRemainingCredit) = debit_atomic_nz crdt
     send_vertex staticMachConf x k
     distribute_vertices staticMachConf nonZeroRemainingCredit xs
@@ -274,7 +278,7 @@ send_image staticMachConf x g k = send_vertex staticMachConf (g x) k
 -- send_vertex hashes vertex X and sends it to the worker determined by
 -- the hash; the message is tagged with atomic credit K.
 send_vertex :: ParConf -> Vertex -> ACredit -> Process ()
-send_vertex staticMachConf x k = send pid ("vertex", x, slot, k)
+send_vertex staticMachConf x k = do {say $ "send to " ++ show (x, slot, k); send pid ("vertex", x, slot, k) }
   where (pid, slot) = hash_vertex staticMachConf x
 -- hash_vertex computes the two-dimensional hash table slot of vertex X where
@@ -422,12 +426,16 @@ par_orbit gs xs hosts = do
     let -- assemble StaticMachConf and distribute to Workers
         staticMachConf = mk_static_mach_conf gs self workers globTabSize
     mapM_ (\(pid, _, _) -> send pid ("init", staticMachConf)) workers
+    say $ "---- after send pid init, xs = " ++ show xs
     let -- start wall clock timer
         startTime = now
     -- distribute initial vertices to workers
-    credit <- distribute_vertices staticMachConf one xs
+    crdt <- distribute_vertices staticMachConf one xs
+    say $ "---- after distribute_vertices, credit = " ++ show crdt
+    -- collect credit handed back by idle workers
+    collect_credit crdt
+    say "---- after collect credit"
     -- collect credit handed back by idle workers
-    collect_credit credit
     let -- measure elapsed time (in milliseconds)
         elapsedTime = now - startTime
     -- tell all workers to dump their tables
@@ -487,8 +495,8 @@ collect_credit crdt
 -- collect_orbit collects partial orbits and stats from N workers.
 collect_orbit :: Int -> Int -> Process ([Vertex], [MasterStats])
 collect_orbit elapsedTime n = do
-    (orbit, stats) <- do_collect_orbit n [] []
-    return (concat orbit, master_stats elapsedTime stats : stats)
+    (orb, stats) <- do_collect_orbit n [] []
+    return (concat orb, master_stats elapsedTime stats : stats)
 do_collect_orbit :: Int -> [[Vertex]] -> [WorkerStats]
                     -> Process ([[Vertex]], [WorkerStats])
diff --git a/Sequential.hs b/Sequential.hs
index 8ae8c4770d138b34c719621b0635a5f5bb5d1cac..672fb3d1055ec051bfdf0681c9deee52c89ef344 100644
--- a/Sequential.hs
+++ b/Sequential.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type SeqStats = [(String, String)]
 -- The function returns a pair consisting of the computed orbit and a singleton
 -- list of statistics (mainly runtime and fill degree of the table).
 orbit :: [Generator] -> [Vertex] -> Int -> ([Vertex],  [SeqStats])
-orbit gs xs tableSize = (orbit, [stat])
+orbit gs xs tableSize = (to_list finalTable, [stat])
   where -- assemble static configuration
         staticMachConf = mk_static_mach_conf gs tableSize
         -- initialise hash table and work queue
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ orbit gs xs tableSize = (orbit, [stat])
         -- measure elapsed time (in milliseconds)
         elapsedTime = now - startTime
         -- return result
-        orbit = to_list finalTable
         stat = seq_stats elapsedTime (get_freq finalTable) vertsRecvd
 -- main loop working off work Queue;
diff --git a/Utils.hs b/Utils.hs
index fe0ae3ef755e3a0acf8115e6487bcc1a27607a53..2a46726c059829ff4b9bf027ddbb6b65daceb699 100644
--- a/Utils.hs
+++ b/Utils.hs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ newtype GenClos = GenClos (String, Int, [Generator])
     deriving (Typeable)
 instance Show GenClos where
-    showsPrec p (GenClos (name, _, _)) = (name ++)
+    showsPrec _ (GenClos (name, _, _)) = (name ++)
 instance Binary GenClos where
     put (GenClos (name, n, _)) = put (name, n)
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ r r0 n = (abs n) `rem` r0
 -- f3 = fib(10..25),
 -- f4 = fib(11,19,27), bias 49- to 11, 49- to 19, 2- to 27
 -- f5 = fib(10,20,30), bias 90- to 10, 9.9- to 20, 0.1- to 30
+f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 :: Int -> Int -> Int
 f1 n x = r n $ (fib (p3 1 0 (r 16 x))) + p3 1 0 x
 f2 n x = r n $ (fib (p3 1 5 (r 16 x))) + p4 2 5 (-1) x
 f3 n x = r n $ (fib (p3 1 10 (r 16 x))) + p5 (-1) 0 8 0 x
@@ -75,9 +76,13 @@ f4 n x = r n $ (fib (p3 8 3 (s5 0 49 98 100 (r 100 x)))) + p2 (-1) x
 f5 n x = r n $ (fib (p3 10 0 (s5 0 900 999 1000 (r 1000 x)))) + p2 1 x
 -- sets (= lists) of generators
+g :: Vertex -> [Generator]
 g _ = []
+gg :: Vertex -> GenClos
 gg n = GenClos ("g", n, (g n))
+g1, g2, g3, g4, g5 :: Vertex -> [Generator]
 g1 n = [f1 n]
 g2 n = [f2 n]
 g3 n = [f3 n]
@@ -91,6 +96,7 @@ gg3 n = GenClos ("g3", n, (g3 n))
 gg4 n = GenClos ("g4", n, (g4 n))
 gg5 n = GenClos ("g5", n, (g5 n))
+g12, g13, g14, g15, g23, g24, g25, g34, g35, g45 :: Vertex -> [Generator]
 g12 n = g1 n ++ g2 n
 g13 n = g1 n ++ g3 n
 g14 n = g1 n ++ g4 n
@@ -102,7 +108,7 @@ g34 n = g3 n ++ g4 n
 g35 n = g3 n ++ g5 n
 g45 n = g4 n ++ g5 n
-gg12, gg13, gg14, gg15, gg23, gg24, gg25 :: Vertex -> GenClos
+gg12, gg13, gg14, gg15, gg23, gg24, gg25, gg34, gg35, gg45 :: Vertex -> GenClos
 gg12 n = GenClos ("g12", n, (g12 n))
 gg13 n = GenClos ("g13", n, (g13 n))
 gg14 n = GenClos ("g14", n, (g14 n))
@@ -110,7 +116,12 @@ gg15 n = GenClos ("g15", n, (g15 n))
 gg23 n = GenClos ("g23", n, (g23 n))
 gg24 n = GenClos ("g24", n, (g24 n))
 gg25 n = GenClos ("g25", n, (g25 n))
+gg34 n = GenClos ("g34", n, (g34 n))
+gg35 n = GenClos ("g35", n, (g35 n))
+gg45 n = GenClos ("g45", n, (g45 n))
+g123, g124, g125, g134, g135, g145, g234, g235, g245, g345
+  :: Vertex -> [Generator]
 g123 n = g12 n ++ g3 n
 g124 n = g12 n ++ g4 n
 g125 n = g12 n ++ g5 n
@@ -135,6 +146,7 @@ gg235 n = GenClos ("g235", n, (g235 n))
 gg245 n = GenClos ("g245", n, (g245 n))
 gg345 n = GenClos ("g345", n, (g345 n))
+g1234, g1235, g1245, g1345, g2345 :: Vertex -> [Generator]
 g1234 n = g123 n ++ g4 n
 g1235 n = g123 n ++ g5 n
 g1245 n = g124 n ++ g5 n
@@ -148,6 +160,7 @@ gg1245 n = GenClos ("g1245", n, (g1245 n))
 gg1345 n = GenClos ("g1345", n, (g1345 n))
 gg2345 n = GenClos ("g2345", n, (g2345 n))
+g12345 :: Vertex -> [Generator]
 g12345 n = g1234 n ++ g5 n
 gg12345 :: Vertex -> GenClos